蓮華山古道 - Hsinchu County

4.3/5 基於 8 評論

Contact 蓮華山古道

地址 :

305, Taiwan, Hsinchu County, Xinpu Township, 蓮華山古道

城市 : Xinpu Township

305, Taiwan, Hsinchu County, Xinpu Township, 蓮華山古道
Gming Ou on Google

Gudaoqiangong Temple-Sansheng Palace has a quiet and peaceful environment. Looking down from the square in front of the temple, the golden yellow rice ears are full. This place is suitable for the whole family to go together, with parking lot, convenient parking.
Chun-Yu Chen (Davis) on Google

只評三分是因為古道標示極差,只有向三聖宮方向是對的,岔路不是沒標示,不然就是錯的。 這次由崇聖亭右側階梯上行,到龍尾運動公園的路況很好,且都為石階上坡。第一個選擇題就在這,選到關西營區的土路,一路平坦泥土路到軍營門口,左側有一大路,大路和門口中間有小路,取小路行,出小路取右側,走一小段後,會貼著軍營牆邊走,再走一段後會碰到岔路,右邊是向龍首,左邊是到停車場入口,取右行到龍首休息站,休息站椅子邊有向下的鵝卵石路是到飛龍池步道入口,下行到飛龍池再回走到採茶古道岔路下行到巨楓神木,再由進香古道上行,到停車場入口,總花費約二小時。 鵝卵石鋪路很難走,標示不清只好用google map和open street map對圖,中間碰到不少第一次來的山友也覺得標示不清。 更新: 第二次走就簡單多了,由停車場入口上行,一行到龍首休息站,走中間那條可以回到軍營廢棄建物旁出來,再走到龍尾運動公園,再走涼亭旁階梯下行。 龍尾運動公園旁標的[龍道休息站]or[關西營區],其實在軍營門口左邊會交會,選那一條都可以,交會處是T字路口。
Only three points are scored because the ancient roads are extremely poorly marked. Only the direction to the Sansheng Palace is correct. The fork road is not marked, or it is wrong. This time, I went up the stairs from the right side of Chongsheng Pavilion, and the road conditions to Longwei Sports Park were very good, and all of them were stone stairs uphill. The first multiple-choice question is here. Choose the dirt road in the Kanxi camp, all the way to the gate of the military camp. There is a big road on the left, and there is a small road between the main road and the gate. Take the small road and go out of the small road to the right. After walking a short distance, you will Walk next to the barracks wall, and after a while, you will encounter a fork in the road. On the right is Xianglongshou, on the left is to the entrance of the parking lot. Take the right to the Longshou rest station. There is a downward cobblestone road beside the rest station chair to Feilong At the entrance of the pool trail, go down to Feilongchi and then back to the ancient tea-picking turnout road, down to the giant maple sacred tree, and then up the ancient road into Xiangxiang to the entrance of the parking lot. It takes about two hours. The cobblestone paving is difficult to walk, and the markings are not clear, so I have to use the google map and open street map to compare the pictures. Many friends who came to the mountain for the first time also felt that the markings were unclear. Update: The second walk is much simpler. Go up from the entrance of the parking lot and go up to the Dragon Head Rest Station. Walk the middle one to return to the abandoned building in the barracks. Then walk to the Longwei Sports Park and go down the stairs next to the pavilion. . The [Longdao Rest Station] or [Kanxi Camp Area] marked next to the Longwei Sports Park actually meets on the left side of the barracks entrance. You can choose either one. The intersection is a T-junction.
Bing Ju on Google

步道景觀豐富有趣 沿途可見陸軍營地標示 山腳下有個阿伯蜜地瓜 爬完山可買來補充能量
The trail landscape is rich and interesting. You can see the army camp sign along the way. There is a sweet potato at the foot of the mountain. You can buy it to replenish energy after climbing the mountain.
FUCHU CHIU on Google

Very good. Probably Bacheng is a dirt road. The trails are left in the army’s old camp with some 500 obstacles equipped with single-plank bridges and horizontal bars, etc. I miss the previous military life!
Sundra Wei on Google

From the ancient road next to the Sansheng Palace, you will see facilities for training balance in the past for the army along the way, and there are many remaining pieces of abandoned training grounds. The trails are friendly to the people, but many routes need to be planned by themselves. Friends of the mountain are enthusiastic and can ask regular customers. Only other routes can control the time, and the beauty of the trail can only be experienced when you are in it.
chromeos hank on Google

It takes about an hour or more to see the broad-leaved forest with a wide field of vision. In principle, it will be connected to other suitable locations. The road condition indicators will be updated in real time, so as to provide real-time local signal lines! It is simple, convenient and fast, and there are layers of surprises on both sides of the road.
Life. The experiment. on Google

Climbing rope all broken. Trees that can't be jumped over across the path. This is a poor man's trail. Big waste of time.
Yikuang Chen on Google

Casual and quiet hill track with limited view. A few sidewalk awaits hikers to explore

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