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Contact 舊關西分駐所

地址 :

306, Taiwan, Hsinchu County, Guanxi Township, Zhongzheng Rd, 92號舊關西分駐所

城市 : Zhongzheng Rd

306, Taiwan, Hsinchu County, Guanxi Township, Zhongzheng Rd, 92號舊關西分駐所
Joy Chen on Google

There is not much to go shopping in Kansai Old Street during holidays, but you can still come to see the old Kansai branch office and take pictures.
Jared Cheng on Google

A check-in attraction in the old street.
Ray on Google

The old Guanxi branch office is a historic site located in Guanxi Town, Hsinchu County, Taiwan. Before March 23, 2017, it used to be the office land of the Kansai branch of the Xinpu branch of the Hsinchu County Police Department. The building was built on the site of the temple in the 1920s after it was burned down at the Taihe Palace in Kansai. The building is full of strong Japanese flavor, and the color is matched with the police station, mainly white and dark blue. In the rear, there is a dormitory for the director of the West Branch, and there is a garden next to the dormitory. The surrounding area is currently planned as a historic site art park.
姚坤武 on Google

The peeling of the exterior wall is a bit serious, and currently only the front can be photographed, and the interior is not open to visit.
許琛 on Google

建築物非常具有歷史顏色. 只是 {簽到簿} 是用 {黨} 徽而非 {國} 徽. 此財產是國民黨所有嗎 ?! 若不是. 應該要將其卸下才是.
The building is very historical. It's just that the {sign-in book} uses the {party} emblem instead of the {national} emblem. Is this property owned by the Kuomintang?! If not, it should be removed.
王妃 on Google

When walking around Guanxi Old Street, I saw this century-old white building and the big tree in front of it. You can see that they have a long history.
Li-Hsun Chang on Google

Passing by, take a photo~ The appearance is complete, but it's a pity that the interior has not yet been organized and opened for viewing. If it is properly organized, it can form a park together with the police chief’s dormitory and Dieshe Coffee, which will attract more tourists to visit.
Shih-Hung Chiang on Google

台三線進入新竹的門戶,提出「關西大客廳」概念,以縣定古蹟分駐所作為歷史街區活化的核心,分期分區推動修復。一期所長宿舍與二期員警單身宿舍已修復完工,並由公所試營運,舉辦藝文展演和提供輕食、咖啡、茶席等服務,頗受地方好評。鄉親殷切期盼,三期工程啟動能完成古蹟園區最後一塊拼圖。但因近期營建成本節節升高,導致工程預算經費高漲,日久將更不利於文資修復,故積極主動來爭取中央支持。 縣定古蹟關西分駐所三期工程範圍包括原辦公廳舍、員警眷屬宿舍及戶外景觀。廳舍和木造眷屬宿舍都有漏水、屋面損壞和白蟻侵蝕危害,在中央補助修復前先由縣府出資1百萬元進行緊急防護工程,包括屋頂排水、防護鋼棚、外牆防護與木構件白蟻防治等,111年5月18日舉辦施工說明會,預計於6月初開工,工期2個月。希望能暫時減緩分駐所的損壞,同步積極與客委會確認現勘日期,期待能儘速爭取補助後辦理修復。 關西分駐所二期員警宿舍修復工程日前文化局辦理竣工驗收,點交由關西鎮公所營運管理,四連棟的日式木造宿舍未來將當作藝文展演交流空間,還可以接待背包客,作為體驗舊日警察生活與內山小鎮風情的新景點。關西是台三線進入新竹縣的門戶,小鎮風情吸引眾多遊客來此賞美景、嘗美食,但鎮上一直缺乏可以接待的公共空間。「關西大客廳計畫」以位於街區的縣定古蹟關西分駐所為核心,連接周邊中正老街、石店子步道,以及太和宮、台灣紅茶公司、錦泰茶廠、羅屋書院、樹德醫院、鄭氏祠堂等遊客必訪景點,帶動關西整體的旅遊觀光產業,串起台三線上一顆顆閃亮明珠。 關西分駐所為新竹縣內唯一警察衙署的縣定古蹟,造型典雅,其後方的所長宿舍具有濃厚的日式風情。為讓民眾一睹關西大客廳的風采,自111年3月17日起,每周六周日上午9時至12時及下午1時30分至5時開放參觀,平日接受團體預約開放,預約電話為03-6682248。開館首周搭配「緩緩生活節」系列活動,3月17日、18日下午2時至4時,在關西分駐所所長宿舍辦理珍藏老照片展覽及在地茶人奉茶系列活動,邀請大家來趣關西。

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