小蚊子灶咖(馬來西亞肉骨茶咖哩叻沙美食料理) - Section 3

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Contact 小蚊子灶咖(馬來西亞肉骨茶咖哩叻沙美食料理)

地址 :

307001, Taiwan, Hsinchu County, Qionglin, Section 3, Fulin Rd, 227-1號小蚊子灶咖(馬來西亞肉骨茶咖哩叻沙美食料理)

電話 : 📞 +88977
網站 : https://m.facebook.com/pages/category/Diner/%25E8%259A%258A%25E5%25AD%2590%25E3%2584%259F%25E7%2581%25B6%25E5%2592%2596%25E5%2589%25B5%25E6%2584%258F%25E7%25BE%258E%25E9%25A3%259F%25E6%2596%2599%25E7%2590%2586-714761568887767/
城市 : Fulin Rd

307001, Taiwan, Hsinchu County, Qionglin, Section 3, Fulin Rd, 227-1號小蚊子灶咖(馬來西亞肉骨茶咖哩叻沙美食料理)
Aaron on Google

起初以為老闆或老闆娘是馬來西亞人所以開馬國料理店.聊天得知是因為愛吃馬來西亞料理的緣故 學了馬來西亞料理 為了呈現原味 所以除了像馬國朋友學菜 還使用當地食材 挺用心的 叻沙湯頭濃郁 咖啡葉咖哩蝦球也不錯吃(但這炸的粉衣不是很愛)店家還熱情的招待我一份馬國的水果(抱歉名字沒記起來)飯後吃還蠻刷嘴的 非常感謝!!! ((下次光顧 目標是咖哩飯+肉骨茶湯=.=+
At first I thought that the owner or the proprietress was a Malaysian, so I opened a Malaysian cuisine restaurant. I learned that I learned Malaysian cuisine because I love Malaysian cuisine, so I used local ingredients in addition to learning dishes like Malaysian friends. The laksa soup with strong coffee leaf curry shrimp balls is also good (but I don’t like the fried powder coat very much). The store also warmly entertained me with a piece of Malaysian fruit (sorry for not remembering the name) after a meal. Thank you so much! ! ! ((Next time I visit the target is curry rice + Bak Kut Teh soup =. = +
Jun leter on Google

馬來西亞風味的餐廳 酥脆又香的咖哩葉燕麥片魚肉 喜歡吃辣的可以來這裡吃,咖哩有一定的辣度 老闆娘熱情、愛開玩笑,小妹的工作認真。
Malaysian restaurant Crispy and flavorful curry leaf oatmeal fish If you like spicy food, you can come here to eat, the curry has a certain degree of spiciness The proprietress is enthusiastic and joking, and the little sister is serious about her work.
Kristy Jan on Google

很有特色的美食,咖哩和叻沙都是辣的,但咖哩辣度比較高,叻沙的辣小孩也可以接受 飯很多,且有附沙拉。 也有台式的餐點,蛋花蒜味碎肉羹的肉真的是碎肉,比肉燥大一點而已,但味道不錯,叻沙魚塊是炸魚塊加醬,不錯吃。 餐點要等,所以要外帶的話,可以先打電話去預訂
Very distinctive food, curry and laksa are both spicy, but curry is relatively spicy, and spicy children of laksa can also accept There is a lot of rice, and it comes with salad. There are also Taiwanese dishes. The meat in the egg drop and garlic minced meat soup is really minced meat, which is a little bigger than the meat, but it tastes good. The fish laksa is fried fish with sauce, which is delicious. There is a wait for the meal, so if you want to take out, you can call first to make a reservation
Berrydog (Joe) on Google

There are many items on the menu, the shop is small but clean, the bak kut teh ingredients are mostly light and refillable, the lo mein feels like an improved version of Taiwanese, the food portion and taste are okay, and the free national treasure tea is delicious
chritina wu on Google

已經有不少朋友提及店家的服務態度,就不再贅述。 地理位置比較偏僻,優點就是停車方便。汽車可停路邊,機車可停店家門口。記得沒有扛棒招牌,店門口有貼店名,若是依導航提示前來的朋友,請相信導航。(我就是過頭又折返的那個人⋯⋯?) 用餐空間不大,但勝在乾淨。 餐具自取,亦設有免費的開水丶雙寶茶(好喝)丶咖啡茶包供客人使用。 肉骨茶好吃,屬於清淡型的,有淡淡藥饍香,不會吃完後嘴裏仍殘留著厚重的肉骨茶味道,配合重口味的咖哩魚蛋,很搭。 下次再訪要試試叻沙口味以及咖哩葉麥片。 整體而言CP值很優。推。 —— 二訪分隔線 —— 二訪,點了叻沙雞肉陽春麵丶咖哩葉麥片魚塊。很推咖哩葉麥片系列,我點了魚塊,覺得雞塊的口感可能更搭。至於叻沙⋯⋯湯頭還行,但搭配口感偏軟的陽春麵,完全不符個人口感。 用餐兩次,首推咖哩葉麥片系列(重點是咖哩葉跟麥片),次為肉骨茶。
Many friends have mentioned the store’s service attitude, so I won’t repeat it here. The geographical location is relatively remote, the advantage is that it is convenient to park. Cars can be parked on the side of the road, and locomotives can be parked in front of the store. Remember that there is no signboard with a stick, and there is a shop name posted at the entrance of the store. If you are a friend who comes by the navigation prompt, please trust the navigation. (I'm the one who overstepped and turned back...?) The dining space is not large, but it is clean. The tableware is self-collected, and there are also free boiling water, Shuangbao tea (good drink), coffee and tea bags for guests to use. Bak Kut Teh is delicious. It is a light type and has a slight medicinal fragrance. After eating it, the thick Bak Kut Teh flavor will not remain in the mouth. It goes well with the heavy-flavored curry fish egg. Next time I visit, I will try the laksa flavor and curry leaf oatmeal. Overall, the CP value is very good. push. ——Second Interview Separation Line —— On the second visit, I ordered Laksa Chicken Yang Chun Noodles, Curry Leaf Cereal Fish Noodles. I really recommend the curry leaf oatmeal series. I ordered fish nuggets and thought that the texture of the chicken nuggets might be better. As for the laksa...the soup is okay, but it doesn't match the personal taste when paired with the soft Yangchun noodles. Dine twice, the first is the curry leaf oatmeal series (focus on curry leaf and oatmeal), and the second is Bak Kut Teh.
劉慧敏 on Google

店家態度很好、很客氣,餐點的味道也很不錯,咖喱雞肉飯本來有沙拉青菜,不過有跟店家說因為不喜歡沙拉所以可以不用給,不過店家非常好的將沙拉換成燙青菜,真的很貼心? 咖喱魚蛋一份差不多12顆,很不錯,咖喱醬很多!雲吞撈麵的味道也很好,份量很夠,吃完有飽足感,整體而言是一間很不錯的店,雖然店家在非鬧區,不過附近停車方便,之後會想常造訪!下次想試試看肉骨茶系列的餐點。
The store's attitude is very good, very polite, and the taste of the meal is also very good. The curry chicken rice originally had salad greens, but I told the store that because I didn't like salads, I didn't need to give them, but the store was very good to replace the salads with hot greens. Really kind ? A portion of curry fish eggs is about 12 pieces, which is very good, with a lot of curry sauce! The taste of wonton lo mein is also very good, the portion is sufficient, and you feel full after eating. Overall, it is a very good restaurant. Although the store is located in a non-busy area, it is convenient to park nearby. I want to try the Bak Kut Teh series next time.
Jeffery Lee on Google

The proprietress is very kind and friendly, and she is full of love for children. The food tastes a little spicy from Southeast Asia. She pushes the curry leaf oatmeal fish nuggets, as well as small snacks and double treasure tea to enjoy.
Yuan lung Chou on Google

If not the Malaysia trad food Don’t tile the name with it Very disappoint with the flavor of the food

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