原鄉人甘草芭樂竹東店 - Zhudong Township

4.5/5 基於 8 評論

Contact 原鄉人甘草芭樂竹東店

地址 :

310, Taiwan, Hsinchu County, Zhudong Township, Donglin Rd, 與號仁愛路路口原鄉人甘草芭樂竹東店

電話 : 📞 +8897877
網站 : https://www.facebook.com/237530909935702/posts/1001479940207458/%3Fd%3Dn
Opening hours :
Wednesday 3:30–10:30PM
Thursday 3:30–10:30PM
Friday 3:30–10:30PM
Saturday 3:30–10:30PM
Sunday 3:30–10:30PM
Monday 3:30–10:30PM
Tuesday 3:30–10:30PM
城市 : Donglin Rd

310, Taiwan, Hsinchu County, Zhudong Township, Donglin Rd, 與號仁愛路路口原鄉人甘草芭樂竹東店
Rojay Lin on Google

The best guava ever
B&W鴻韻音響台灣B&W授權經銷商 on Google

The fruit is very delicious
蕭芊蕙 on Google

Very tasty and hygienic
傑Jam on Google

The pear is great and healthy.
Shang Yang Tasi on Google

好吃 會在光顧
Delicious, will patronize
陳先生 on Google

Tasty and crispy texture is great.
吱吱 on Google

芭樂本來就分季節,老闆品質都拿中上了,如果他的很澀,我相信,當時的季節不管去哪都澀啦!芭樂還有分南部跟中部,吃起來光口感就不一樣了,這些都是老闆細心介紹給我聽的,是說可以直接跟老闆反應 老闆一定都會改善。
Bale has been in the season, and the quality of the boss has been taken up. If he is very embarrassed, I believe that the season is nowhere to go! The guava also has a southern and central part. It tastes different when it is eaten. These are the bosses who introduced me carefully, saying that they can directly respond to the boss. The boss will definitely improve.
摩斯葛 on Google

The price of each kind is 50 yuan, there are many items, and the boss is kind

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