員崠甘屋渤海堂 - Lane 586

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Contact 員崠甘屋渤海堂

地址 :

310, Taiwan, Hsinchu County, Zhudong Township, Lane 586, Dongfeng Rd, 10號員崠甘屋渤海堂

電話 : 📞 +88
網站 : http://emmm.tw/L3_content.php%3FL3_id%3D2046
城市 : Dongfeng Rd

310, Taiwan, Hsinchu County, Zhudong Township, Lane 586, Dongfeng Rd, 10號員崠甘屋渤海堂
陳欽鎮 on Google

This member of the Church Building Ganjiahu Bohai Sea, is an old building, but also the local Gan's family heir Church, Temple, well, that was considered quite complete protection from the exterior looks, then they still scare famous family Yo,
Shih-Hung Chiang on Google

新竹縣竹東鎮甘屋渤海堂這棟兩層樓的洋樓式古厝,已有百年歷史,橫屋擁有洋式拱廊,彩繪更是名匠邱鎮邦的作品,極具藝術價值,CE 2017年9月獲指定為縣定古蹟,近期將擇定公告。 甘屋渤海堂建造於CE 1916年,為當時員崠地區的首富甘照錦所建,現仍由甘家後代居住。特別的是,內外檐裝修彩繪都是名匠邱鎮邦的作品,形式特殊且極具藝術價值。 甘家渤海堂在新竹縣是罕見的客式洋房,正身為二層樓傳統客家式建築,有精緻繁複的雕窗、斗拱、瓜筒等木作藝術,迴廊設有洋式瓶形欄杆,女兒牆施以草葉泥塑,被列為竹東四大民宅之一,曾於CE 2001年獲得新竹縣歷史建築十景之一。 甘氏「渤海堂」與彭氏「信好第」、「隴西堂」、蘇氏「武功堂」並稱新竹縣竹東四大民宅。 甘家是上員崠地區的大地主,當時不少田、地、埤塘都是甘家所有,生活開銷以田地的租稅為主,後來政府的三七五減租強制徵收,甘家目前只留下少數的幾塊地。甘氏家族在地方上名望頗高,後代中,甘承宗是首任新竹縣橫山鄉長,叔父甘惠南則為清光緒年間監生、日據時期為保正,是竹東地區仕紳之一。
This two-story western-style ancient house in Ganwu Bohai Hall, Zhudong Town, Hsinchu County has a century-old history. The horizontal house has an western-style arcade, and the painting is the work of the famous master Qiu Zhenbang. It has great artistic value. CE 2017 It was designated as a county historic site in September, and will be announced in the near future. Ganwu Bohai Hall was built in CE in 1916. It was built by Gan Zhaojin, the richest man in the Yuanwei area at that time, and is still inhabited by the descendants of the Gan family. In particular, the interior and exterior eaves decoration paintings are the works of the famous master Qiu Zhenbang, with a special form and great artistic value. Ganjia Bohai Hall is a rare guest-style bungalow in Hsinchu County. It is a traditional two-storey Hakka-style house with exquisite and complicated carved windows, bucket arches, melon tubes and other wooden art. The cloister has a western-style bottle-shaped railing and parapet wall. It was applied to the grass-blade clay sculpture, and was listed as one of the four major residential houses in Zhudong. It was once one of the ten scenic spots in Hsinchu County in CE in 2001. Gan's "Bohai Hall", Peng's "Xinhaodi", "Longxitang", and Su's "Wugongtang" are also known as the four major residential houses in Zhudong, Hsinchu County. Ganjia was a big landowner in Shangyuanwei area. At that time, many fields, fields, and ponds were owned by Ganjia. The living expenses were mainly based on the taxation of the land. Later, the government imposed a mandatory rent reduction on 37.5 Only a few plots are left. The Gan family has a high reputation in the local area. Among the descendants, Gan Chengzong was the first head of Hengshan Township in Hsinchu County, and his uncle Gan Huinan was a superintendent during the Qing Guangxu period and Baozheng during the Japanese occupation. He was one of the gentry in the Zhudong area.
張琨甫 on Google

新竹縣縣定古蹟 位於竹東鎮西南的丘陵地,因地形有二個圓形突起而稱為員崠,上員崠在員東國中附近。又稱為「渤海堂」,在日據時期大正五年(西元1916年)左右建造,為甘承宗的住宅,現今則為其後代所居住。 於日治時期大正五年(西元1916年)建造,現仍由甘家後代居住。後代中,為首任新竹縣橫山鄉長甘承宗住宅,其女甘玉燕為知名才女,叔父甘惠南則為清光緒年間監生。 甘屋為兩層樓傳統建築,正身部份為二層樓、橫屋為一層樓。受大正時期流行的洋式建築風格影響,橫屋擁有洋式拱廊,女兒牆施以草葉泥塑。木作極有特色,樓板以木桁承重,上鋪設紅磚,十分講究。彩繪更是名匠邱鎮邦的作品,因形式特殊且極具藝術價值,被列為竹東四大民宅之一。
Hsinchu County Historic Site The hilly land located in the southwest of Zhudong Township is called Yuankung because of its two circular protrusions. Shangyuankun is near Yuandong Junior High School. Also known as "Bohaitang", it was built around the fifth year of the Taisho era (1916) during the Japanese occupation. It is the residence of Gan Chengzong, and it is now inhabited by his descendants. It was built in the fifth year of the Taisho era (1916) during the Japanese occupation, and it is still inhabited by the descendants of the Gan family. Among the descendants, it was the first residence of Gan Chengzong, the head of Hengshan Township, Hsinchu County. His daughter Gan Yuyan was a well-known talented woman, and his uncle Gan Huinan was a supervising student during the Guangxu period of the Qing Dynasty. Ganwu is a two-story traditional building, the main body is a two-story building, and the horizontal house is a one-story building. Affected by the popular Western architectural style in the Taisho period, the horizontal house has a Western-style arcade, and the parapet is made of clay sculptures of grass and leaves. The wooden work is very distinctive. The floor is loaded with wooden trusses and red bricks are laid on the floor, which is very particular. The colored painting is even the work of the famous craftsman Qiu Zhenbang. Because of its special form and great artistic value, it is listed as one of the four largest private residences in Zhudong.
妙音(Toyota) on Google

竹東甘屋渤海堂落成於大正12年(1923年),位於竹東鎮內舊稱「員崠子」的位置。 員崠子處於新竹一帶水圳與運輸系統中相當重要的地理位置。於咸豐年間,甘氏宗族主導重修竹東員崠子陂,更完整了員崠一代的水利灌溉系統。 清代時員崠除農業生產之外,製腦與製茶也相當興盛。於1860年以後,臺灣開港,對茶、糖、樟腦的需求量大增,竹東成為樟腦重要集散地之一,設置「腦市」。於光緒年間金惠成彭家捐出土地,由甘氏宗族的甘惠南主導,興建員崠子三元宮,除了作為在地信仰中心,也作為製腦料墾民樟腦的集會場所。於日治時期員崠子因石油天然氣的開採,相關辦公處所與職工宿舍也隨之興建,即俗稱的資源莊,是一個非常完善的獨立住宅社區。此外,一方面為「喚起職員敬神觀念、涵養國民精神」,另一方面為祈求油田開採順利,昭和10年(1935)於現員崠國小內,由甘氏宗族提供土地,與在地仕紳共同創建員崠山神社。 員崠的發展可說是歷經了從農林業生產轉型到工業生產的歷程,其中甘氏家族更是扮演著推動地方發展的重要角色。
The Zhudong Ganwu Bohaitang was completed in the 12th year of Taisho (1923), and it was located in the former location of Zhudong Town in the town of Zhudong. Yuan Xunzi is located in a very important location in the water and transportation system of Hsinchu. During the Xianfeng years, the clan of the Gan family led the restoration of the Zhudong Yuanzhangzi, and completed the water irrigation system of the Yuanzhang generation. In addition to agricultural production during the Qing Dynasty, the production of brains and tea also flourished. After the opening of Taiwan in 1860, the demand for tea, sugar, and camphor increased greatly. Zhudong became one of the important distribution centers of camphor, setting up a "brain market." During the Guangxu reign, the Jin Huicheng Peng family donated land. It was led by Gan Huinan of the Gan clan and built the Sanyuan Palace of the Xunzi. In addition to serving as the local faith center, it also served as a meeting place for brain campers and camphors. Due to the exploitation of oil and gas during the Japanese rule, Yuan Xunzi also constructed related offices and staff quarters, which is commonly known as the resource village, and is a very complete independent residential community. In addition, on the one hand, "to arouse the staff's concept of respect for the gods and to foster the national spirit"; on the other hand, to pray for the smooth development of oil fields, in the Showa 10 (1935), the current clan provided the land of the Gan clan and the local gentry Co-founder Minshan Shrine. The development of staff members can be said to have undergone the transition from agricultural and forestry production to industrial production. The Gan family has played an important role in promoting local development.
Hsin昕 on Google

It is still inhabited and it is not open to visitors. Perhaps you can only get a glimpse of it when there are activities; but it is quite fascinating just by the appearance!
張家豪Reven on Google

It will be a beautiful building if it is repaired properly
Ray on Google

員崠甘屋渤海堂是縣內少有兩層的傳統民居,興建於1916年而於1923年(大正12年落成),是當時望族甘承宗的... 住宅,父親甘惠南是保正,在光復後,甘承宗為橫山鄉第一任鄉長。 甘屋是一棟二層樓的傳統建築物,正身部份為二層樓,橫屋為一層樓,
Yuanying Ganwu Bohaitang is a two-story traditional residence in the county. It was built in 1916 and in 1923 (completed in the 12th year of Taisho). It was the residence of the distinguished family of Gan Chengzong. His father Gan Huinan was Baozheng, after the restoration of the country. , Gan Chengzong was the first mayor of Hengshan Township. The Ganwu is a two-story traditional building. The main body is a two-story building, and the horizontal house is a one-story building.
范小波 on Google

At present, the entire monument is protected by iron sheets and steel frames. It should be in the process of restoration work, so don't come to nothing! This alley is closed due to side slope works and must be turned around in the open space.

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