遇見夏天的家(部落餐廳) - Hsinchu County

4.8/5 基於 8 評論

Contact 遇見夏天的家(部落餐廳)

311, Taiwan, Hsinchu County, Wufeng Township, 296之20號遇見夏天的家(部落餐廳)
TaiwanTravel Mr.Vincent on Google

Very delicious tribal style meal, be sure to make a reservation in advance
Emily Wu on Google

老闆娘超級熱情 小米酒好好喝~屬無菜單料理 覺得份量算多 推推
The proprietress is super enthusiastic. The millet wine is delicious~ It is a no-menu dish. I think the portion is too much.
理查不當工程師 on Google

Super delicious, the portion is too large, the proprietress is super hospitable, please drink millet wine, the tribal restaurant pushes it
澄澄(浮誇的喫漢) on Google

《霞喀囉古道起點的七星級補給站,溫暖你的胃,更溫熱來往旅人心的露珠姐~比秋葉楓紅更引人入勝,無論四季都期待遇見的夏天的家》 前往霞喀囉古道的旅途上,除了參天巨木、秋楓葉語,你更不應該錯過鄰近古道起點的夏天的家,錯過與露珠達影精彩的一期一會。 露珠達影雖非隱世的巨匠月影千草,卻絕對是五峰鄉內經營民宿的神人一姊。在資源有限的邊陲山林,一磚一瓦打造現代化的留宿空間,沒有奢華的光線、便利的自來水與新穎的家具,卻能在舒適開展、鳥語蟲鳴的空間中,不經意體會到藏不住的細膩與溫暖。 滿夜星光輕易地讓你覺察到大城市的刺眼絢爛,溫熱山泉迅速地讓你驚覺到平日的庸庸碌碌,樸著實用的床鋪、梳妝台、吹風機、飲水機、貼地夜燈⋯⋯總能讓你徜徉在山林擁抱時,不費力地維持完美形象。 甫一到夏天的家,露珠姐豪邁的介紹方式也無法掩飾對細節的用心,整體住宿空間的寬敞遼闊、獨立盥洗及如廁區域的止滑地磚、隨時隨地都能自在休憩的一角一落,讓此處化作登山者們夢寐以求的國際級飯店,當山嵐降落時,竟不時有身處杜拜的錯覺。 露珠姐的百寶箱可非只有這一招一式,一桌豐富的菜餚,結合在地居民的農產品、漁獲、調味料,以高超的手藝融合、燒製,終能化作無止無盡的珍饈,看似輕描淡寫的泡菜在嘴裡迸發出核彈級的美味,一秒鐘就開啟了味蕾的渴求!清脆爽口的小黃瓜怎能同時滿溢著酸甜交織的甘美,要人不自覺地狼吞虎嚥、拍案叫絕! 充滿野味的山豬肉、新鮮現摘的過貓、豬皮炒筍、洋溢幸福的高麗菜、鮮美細緻的苦花魚、彈牙多汁的放山雞、暖心健胃的芥菜排骨湯,一字排開的盛況讓人彷彿品嚐滿漢大餐般的滿足,加碼演出的馬告煎蛋更是為餐桌上的每個人灌注了滿滿的能量,舉手投足間盡然各個都甩去了舟車勞頓的疲態,好像一帶上頭燈就可以一馬當先、長驅直入這靜謐的山巒古道。 如果你也需要一夜的好眠、渴望舌尖的美味,如果你也在熙來攘往的人群中失去了方向,是時候啟程前往夏天的家。 她的細心總令人感動、她的豪爽總使人安心,她不僅是民宿的經營者,更是你不應錯過的朋友。原來夏天的家不是夏天才開門,而是無論何時到訪都能讓你身心溫暖、生如夏花。
"The seven-star supply station at the starting point of the Xia Kalu Road, warms your stomach and warmer to the traveler's heart, more fascinating than the autumn leaves and maple red, the summer home that you can expect to see regardless of the four seasons." On the journey to Xia Kalu Road, in addition to towering giant trees and autumn maple leaves, you should not miss the summer home near the starting point of the ancient road, and miss a wonderful period with Luzhu Daying. Although Luzhu Daying is not the hidden master Yueying Qiancao, he is definitely the sister of the god and man who runs a homestay in Wufeng Township. In the border mountains and forests with limited resources, building a modern lodging space brick by brick, without luxurious light, convenient tap water and novel furniture, you can inadvertently realize that you can’t hide in a comfortable space with birds’ whispers and insects. The delicacy and warmth. The starry night can easily make you aware of the dazzling splendor of the big city, and the warm mountain springs quickly make you feel the mediocrity of the ordinary day, with simple and practical beds, dressing tables, hair dryers, drinking fountains, and night lights on the floor... …Always allow you to maintain a perfect image effortlessly when you wander in the mountains and embrace. As soon as I arrived at home in the summer, Miss Luzhu’s heroic introduction method could not conceal her care for details. The spacious accommodation space, independent washrooms and non-slip floor tiles in the toilet area, a corner that can be relaxed anytime, anywhere. Let this place be transformed into a world-class hotel that climbers dream of. Sister Luzhu’s treasure box is not the only one. A table of rich dishes, combined with the local residents’ agricultural products, fish catches, and seasonings, combined with superb craftsmanship, can finally turn into endless delicacies. The seemingly understatement of kimchi bursts out of the mouth with nuclear-bomb-level deliciousness, which opens up the thirst of taste buds in a second! How can the crisp and refreshing cucumber be full of sweet and sour sweetness at the same time, and people will gobble it up unconsciously and scream! Wild wild boar, freshly picked cats, fried bamboo shoots with pork skin, happy cabbage, delicious and delicate bitter fish, juicy spring pheasant, and mustard ribs soup that warms the heart and stomach. The pomp of the word line makes people feel as satisfied as tasting a Han Chinese meal, and the extra-large performance of the Ma Gao omelet filled everyone on the table with full energy, and every one of them was thrown out of the boats and carts. Tired, as if you can take the lead and drive straight into this quiet mountain trail with your headlights on. If you also need a good night’s sleep, craving for the delicious taste of your tongue, if you lose your way in the bustling crowd, it’s time to set off for your summer home. Her care is always moving, and her boldness is always reassuring. She is not only the operator of the hotel, but also a friend you should not miss. It turns out that the summer home is not only opened in summer, but it will keep you warm and healthy in your body and mind no matter when you visit.
Beta Lee on Google

超級好客的老闆剛老闆娘~~ 下次一定要再去吃~真的是隨緣煮就煮得又快又好!
The super hospitable boss Gang, the lady boss~~ I must eat again next time~ It's really fast and good to cook at random!
吳芃蕙 on Google

過年前為了到清泉部落參觀天主教堂,所以預訂了遇見夏天的家的原住民風味餐 正逢山櫻盛開、民宿處處有山櫻地毯,從民宿往上散步真是棒極了!我發現了一個放鬆又美麗的密境啦 一日遊時間有限,所以午餐要簡單吃,但老闆娘的米粉湯太好吃了,我們差點連鍋都想啃掉,在一片歡樂中我們竟沒想照預定行程走 晚餐前的竹筒飯DIY新鮮好玩的體驗,老闆看我們玩得開心,還貼心的多準備讓我們帶回家吃,晚餐豐富又美味,我們竟然吃光光沒拍照存証! 原本以為清泉應該沒什麼好逛,一天時間錯錯有餘,沒想到在清泉遇見夏天的家,有秘境、有美食,還有老闆和老闆娘溫暖熱情的款待,讓我們在寒冷的冬天有夏天的心情,更有回到家的清鬆和自在,在依依不捨中、大家達成共識~我們年後要來二日暢遊
Before the Chinese New Year, in order to visit the Catholic Church in Qingquan tribe, I booked the aboriginal style meal that meets the summer home The mountain cherry blossoms are in full bloom, and there are mountain cherry blossom carpets everywhere. It is great to walk up from the hotel! I found a relaxing and beautiful secret The day trip time is limited, so the lunch should be simple, but the rice noodle soup of the proprietress is so delicious that we almost wanted to eat the pot. In the joy, we did not want to go according to the scheduled itinerary The DIY bamboo tube rice before dinner was a fresh and fun experience. The boss saw that we had a good time, and he prepared more for us to take home to eat. The dinner was rich and delicious, and we didn't even take photos to save the certificate! Originally thought that Qingquan should have nothing to go around, and the time of the day is more than wrong. I didn’t expect to meet the summer home in Qingquan. There are secret places, delicious food, and the warm and warm hospitality of the boss and the proprietress, so that we can have a summer mood in the cold winter. There is also the relaxation and freedom of returning home. In the reluctance to part, everyone has reached a consensus ~ we will come to swim for two days after the new year
廖思采 on Google

350/人,記得先預約 ,無菜單 我們兩個人九菜一湯,蠻家常的口味,飽到吃不完。 老闆娘很可愛,會先電話確認你會來並且找得到路,等到你來才開始做菜,確保吃到熱騰騰的菜,然後還一直擔心你吃不飽,順便偷偷問你要不要喝喝看小米酒? 廁所也很乾淨,蠻不錯的體驗。
350/person, remember to make an appointment first, no menu The two of us had nine dishes and one soup. The taste was quite homely, and we couldn't finish it. The proprietress is very cute. She will call first to confirm that you will come and find your way. She will wait until you come to start cooking, making sure to eat hot food, and then she is always worried that you will not be full, and secretly asks you if you want a drink. Millet wine ? The toilet is also very clean, which is a good experience.
王凱雲 on Google

無餐單,$350/人,包含六樣菜,兩樣涼拌小菜,一瓶小米酒。 因位在山區,食材準備有限,需事先訂位,如果臨時想去,也可以打電話問問。 老闆娘很熱情,因為我們較晚抵達,所以老闆娘忙完之後就開始輪桌找客人聊天喝酒,好像每個人都是老朋友一樣。
No menu, $350/person, including six dishes, two side salads, and a bottle of millet wine. Because it is located in a mountainous area, the preparation of ingredients is limited, so you need to reserve a table in advance. If you want to go temporarily, you can also call to ask. The proprietress was very enthusiastic. Because we arrived late, the proprietress started to take turns looking for guests to chat and drink after finishing her work, as if everyone was an old friend.

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