食指峰 - Hsinchu County

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Contact 食指峰

地址 :

311, Taiwan, Hsinchu County, Wufeng Township, 食指峰

網站 : https://www.maproomexplorers.com/post/five-finger-mountain
城市 : Wufeng Township

311, Taiwan, Hsinchu County, Wufeng Township, 食指峰
jack chen on Google

齊慕桓 on Google

The outlook is poor, but very comfortable, the road is not bad
尋路犬 on Google

萬惡樓梯斷差大,帶小孩的多注意安全!約141階!@):- 加油
There is a big gap in the stairway, so pay attention to safety for children with children! About 141 steps! @):- Come on
陳國弘 on Google

五指山五指往返行: 五指山位於新竹縣北埔鄉,名列小百岳-30 標高1062公尺.途中會經過北埔冷泉休憩區.山下為竹林禪寺可停車於前方草地,經常會有遊客及山友到此爬山,屬於參山國家風景區. 山路多為泥地及少量階梯,下雨天後會較難行走,林被以天然闊葉林和人造柳杉林為主,闊葉樹以火燒柯為優勢樹種,筆筒樹佇立於林中,鳥巢蕨及伏石蕨攀附在樹幹上,4~5月還會有螢火蟲可以觀賞。 全程來回約5.67公里,在中指山到無名指此段道路會經過一片森林和竹林,行走的人數會略少些,在無名指到小指這段路會略陡峭,小指峰處有標示,往下為產業道路,易迷失,且無法回到竹林禪寺的停車處,不建議行走,因此多於此處返還原路,有想要挑戰的朋友可以去試試。
Wuzhishan five fingers round trip: Wuzhishan is located in Beipu Township, Hsinchu County, and is ranked as Xiaobaiyue-30 with an elevation of 1062 meters. It will pass through the Beipu Cold Spring Rest Area on the way. The Shanlin is a bamboo forest temple that can park in front of the grassland. Visitors and mountain friends often climb here. , belongs to the Senshan National Scenic Area. The mountain roads are mostly muddy and a few steps. It will be difficult to walk after the rainy days. The forest is dominated by natural broad-leaved forests and artificial cedar forests. The broad-leaved trees are dominated by fire-burning ke, and the pen-trees stand in the forest, the nest ferns and the fluorite. The fern clings to the trunk and there are fireflies to watch from April to May. The whole journey will be about 5.67 kilometers. In the middle finger road to the ring finger, the road will pass through a forest and bamboo forest. The number of people walking will be slightly less. The road from the ring finger to the little finger will be slightly steep, and the small finger peak will be marked. The road is easy to get lost, and it is impossible to return to the parking lot of Zhulin Temple. It is not recommended to walk, so more than here to return to the road, there are friends who want to challenge can try.
蔡大緯 on Google

After reaching the summit of Thumb Peak, there is only about half of the climbing journey to Little Finger Peak. I encountered rain here, and I have been hesitant to give up. Fortunately, I went on for a few minutes and the rain stopped suddenly. In addition, there is a section of Tung Blossom Avenue covered with Tung Blossoms uphill. Since it is October, it is quite surprising.
KEVIN KUO on Google

No prospects, there are signs set up by the climbing team, it is not easy to miss, the trails are mostly composed of dirt trails and stone steps, which are slippery than ordinary hiking trails. It is recommended to wear hiking shoes and trekking poles.
午時枸杞(Maureen) on Google

從拇指離開後會直下大概150階的階梯 再稍微往上就會抵達時指。反之下切後要走150階回去 整座山(拇指到小指)最費力的就在此區,其他體能上都順順的,小心爬即可
After leaving the thumb, it will go straight down about 150 steps, and then go up a little to reach the finger. On the contrary, after cutting down, you have to go back 150 steps. The most laborious part of the whole mountain (thumb to little finger) is in this area, other physical fitness is smooth, you can climb carefully
CJ Wu on Google

食指峰海拔標高1045公尺,位於柳杉林下,腹地相當小,周圍無基石亦無展望,主要是立一塊導覽說明圖在柳杉林下,說可眺望雪山山脈,但附近雜草樹木叢生,視野被草木遮蔽無法遠眺。 食指峰再往中指峰,木樁指標牌標示約568公尺需30分鐘。柳杉林下後遇陡下的木棧梯,一兩彎後下抵食指與中指間鞍部叉路口,這條陡下的山路可直接回到灶君堂,山徑陡峭但路途才約1公里,雖不好走但路徑還算清楚,路徑清楚就不怕,回程就由此陡峭山徑下灶君堂。
The index finger peak is 1045 meters above sea level. It is located under the Cryptomeria cedar forest. The hinterland is quite small. There are no cornerstones and no prospects around. The main guide is to set up a guide map under the Cryptomeria cedar forest. It is said that you can overlook the snow-capped mountains. The view is obscured by vegetation and cannot be seen far away. From the index finger peak to the middle finger peak, it takes 30 minutes for the wooden stake indicator to indicate about 568 meters. Under the cedar forest, you will encounter a steep wooden ladder. After a bend or two, you will reach the saddle crossing between the index finger and the middle finger. This steep mountain road can directly return to Zaojuntang. The trail is steep but the road is only about 1 km. Although it is not easy to walk, the path is clear, and you are not afraid of a clear path.

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