
4.5/5 基於 8 評論

Contact 金色年華綜合長照機構

地址 :

320, Taiwan, Taoyuan City, Zhongli District, 立和路58巷66號金色年華綜合長照機構

電話 : 📞 +88
網站 : https://longcare.tcbio.com.tw/
城市 : Zhongli District

320, Taiwan, Taoyuan City, Zhongli District, 立和路58巷66號金色年華綜合長照機構
嚴慈恩 on Google

Giving five stars is to suggest that we cannot visit family members due to the epidemic, but can video chat with family members be open for a few more days, not only one day a week, otherwise the elderly will almost not recognize us!
Chen CJ on Google

感謝中心所有的醫護人員長期以來細心地照顧我婆婆,她每天都很期待去上學。 也謝謝溫柔的司機先生和小姐的接送,辛苦大家了!有你們的照料,讓我們很安心,謝謝喔!
Thank you to all the medical staff at the center for taking good care of my mother-in-law for a long time. She looks forward to going to school every day. Also thank the gentle driver Mr. and Miss for the pick-up and drop-off, thank you for your hard work! With your care, we feel at ease, thank you!
Frankie Tsui on Google

長輩從去年底搬過去有半年了 我很感謝金色年華的服務 從護理長到打掃的員工 都很盡心盡力讓長輩開心安心 在連絡通知上也讓家人放心 家裡的長輩有時候不好滿足 機構都特別有耐心及同理心 也會明確表達家人需要配合的地方 之前有些不好的評價 希望可以也站在機構的角度想
張育銘 on Google

The environment is quiet and the scenery is beautiful. It's a pity that because the epidemic agency can't hold activities, my grandma called and complained that she couldn't let her grandson come in to visit. I hope the epidemic will pass soon~ Fortunately, there is still video to chat with grandma on the phone.
黃青草 on Google

可可 on Google

The environment of the institution is bright. The elders at home have not interacted much with others since they moved in. They have made friends here and become much more cheerful. The head nurse took the initiative to take the doctor to see the doctor, which made the family very reassured that they could have their own life in peace, thank you very much. There is such a good environment.
Jo Jo Hsieh on Google

住民家屬辦理入住和探訪, 居然進去要收停車費, 最基本的顧客服務提供家屬茶水都沒, 護理人員態度不夠親切 ,應考量住民家屬心情 和立埸,提供完善資料,服務業應該要有的熱誠有點欠缺耐心, 太商業化,沒有人性化考量 制度規劃上都不夠完善。請他做改善都說是疫情。
The family members of the residents have to pay parking fees when they check in and visit. The most basic customer service provides family members with no tea, and the attitude of the nursing staff is not friendly enough. The mood and location of the family members should be considered, and complete information should be provided, which should be required in the service industry. Enthusiasm is a little impatient, too commercial, and it is not perfect in system planning without humanistic considerations. Asking him to make improvements is said to be an epidemic.
Yun Peng on Google

感謝金色年華全體護理人員對媽媽的照顧! 我母親去年入住金色年華,家母因為眼睛失明生活已無法自理完全需要人協助。 家母個性固執獨立不喜歡麻煩別人,照護人員非常有耐心的陪伴溝通讓她能完全信任習慣在那裡的生活。 十天前媽媽確診食慾不佳,照顧人員更是細心的照顧連飯食都是一口一口的餵,讓媽媽很快的就恢復了。 在這裡我想跟大家分享,照顧老人是非常辛苦的更何況是病、老、失智的老人。 所以,我希望各位家屬能多體諒一下照護人員的辛勞,也多給他們一點鼓勵肯定,不要因爲個人因素否定了他們辛苦的付出。 再次感謝所有照護人員,謝謝?辛苦你們了⋯⋯

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