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Contact 鐵炭魂創意料理工作室

地址 :

320, Taiwan, Taoyuan City, Zhongli District, Datong Rd, 50號 鐵炭魂創意料理工作室

電話 : 📞 +88987
網站 : https://m.facebook.com/TTH.syu.homecook/%3Flocale2%3Dzh_TW
城市 : Datong Rd

320, Taiwan, Taoyuan City, Zhongli District, Datong Rd, 50號 鐵炭魂創意料理工作室
Chen Debby on Google

來吃了兩次,都非常滿足! 感受的到店家在食材料理搭配下的用心細心 室內雖然小小的,但很有自己的氛圍 很適合約會、小酌聊天、放鬆一下❤️ 個人最推薦必點: ?明太子玉子燒 ?熱滾滾粥類!(真的會燙呼呼的很讚) ?蜜豬排義大利麵 (看評論湯麵類也很讚,下次再試試?) 主食份量都算蠻大! 其他燒烤物也都在水準內 價格親民!吃的飽! 店員服務態度親切禮貌! 推推推推推推推推推! 中壢好店❤️!
Felicia Peng on Google

聽到許多朋友們大推鐵炭魂 第一次來品嚐 位在超級隱密的小巷內 照著google導航會先迷路一波? 看到禪院旁的小巷子進去就對了 建議先訂位 因為店內桌數不多喔~ 也有可能因近期疫情的關係 用餐人數較少 如果同時座位+吧台都有人坐 走道會變得有點窄不好過 用餐時間90分鐘 如果坐吧台桌無限制~ 點餐是採用手寫菜單的方式 水與餐具都是自助取用 (以下為個人主觀對於料理口味、口感的分享) 此次用餐點的品項: - 櫛瓜串 - 紅牛握壽司 - 油蔥燒肉串 - 明太子馬鈴薯 - 明太子起司玉子燒 - 香蘋櫻桃鴨義大利麵 當天晚餐時間用餐,進店就有先被告知沒有鮭魚 有點可惜~許多鮭魚的料理都無法點? -櫛瓜串 比較生一些,可能烤的時間稍微不夠~ -紅牛握壽司 是店內招牌,握壽司共有6種不同的配料 但肉質對我來說可能偏硬,後來我只吃了其中的兩種(蝦米+幾顆魚卵/油蔥) 是比較酸一些的醋飯 -油蔥燒肉串 這一道我個人因為不愛吃鹹食中帶甜的味道 但燒肉偏甜,吃起來滿像港式叉燒的感覺 油蔥的香沒有很明顯,整體有點可惜! -明太子馬鈴薯 好多蒜味的明太子醬 有點不習慣,感覺明太子的味道被蓋過去了? -明太子起司玉子燒 被幾位朋友推薦的料理 但我對於玉子燒的甜度還是沒辦法接受? 對我來說還是太甜了 但第一次吃到玉子燒的料理方式是 玉子燒內層有起司,上層是明太子醬 多層次的口感 但可惜的是蒜味蓋過了明太子的味道 -香蘋櫻桃鴨義大利麵 覺得最為失望的一道? 櫻桃鴨、與麵條都偏硬 (麵條也有可能是因為放冷掉的關係) 不過友人表示能接受麵條的硬 櫻桃鴨的口感實在是太硬了 皮更是咬不斷 友人吃了一塊鴨肉就放棄了~ 不過地瓜好吃!鬆軟也有甜 整道吃完可能沒有什麼太強烈的味蕾記憶 因為怕食物冷掉不好吃 所以拍照拍很快 大概只花了幾秒 但與友人都覺得料理似乎都不太熱? 不知是因為店裡電扇的風 還是本身餐點就沒有到很熱? 此次用餐經驗 店員們態度都很好! 有可能是點錯了餐點~ 下次再到店內試試其他料理
I heard many friends pushing the charcoal soul First time to taste Located in a super secret alley Follow google navigation and you will get lost first ? If you see the alley next to the Zen courtyard, go in. It is recommended to book in advance Because there are not many tables in the store~ It is also possible that due to the recent epidemic less number of diners If there are people sitting at the seat + bar at the same time The aisle will be a little narrow Meal time 90 minutes If you sit at the bar table, there is no limit~ Ordering is by handwriting the menu Water and utensils are self-service (The following is a personal subjective sharing of the taste and texture of the food) Items for this meal: - Cucumber skewers - Red Bull Nigiri - Grilled meat skewers with shallots - mentaiko potato - Mentaiko Cheese Tamagoyaki - Apple-Cherry Duck Spaghetti At dinner time that day, I was told that there was no salmon when I entered the restaurant. It's a pity ~ many salmon dishes can't be ordered ? - Cucumber skewers It's a little raw, maybe the baking time is not enough~ -Red Bull Nigiri It is the store's signature, and there are 6 different ingredients for nigiri sushi. But the meat may be hard for me, and then I only ate two of them (shrimp + a few fish roes/scallions) It's a slightly sour vinegar rice - Grilled pork skewers with shallots I personally don't like the sweet taste in salty food. But the roast pork is too sweet, it tastes like Hong Kong-style barbecued pork The fragrance of the shallots is not very obvious, which is a pity as a whole! -Mentaiko potato Lots of Garlic Mentaiko Sauce I'm not used to it, I feel that the taste of Mentaiko has been covered up? -Mentaiko Cheese Tamagoyaki Recommended by a few friends But I still can't accept the sweetness of tamagoyaki ? Still too sweet for me But the way of cooking tamagoyaki for the first time is Tamagoyaki has cheese on the inner layer and mentaiko sauce on the top multi-layered taste But unfortunately, the garlic taste overwhelmed the taste of Mentaiko - Apple Cherry Duck Spaghetti The most disappointing one ? Cherry duck and noodles are too hard (The noodles may also be due to the coldness) But friends said that they can accept the toughness of noodles The taste of cherry duck is too hard The skin is biting A friend gave up after eating a piece of duck meat~ But sweet potatoes are delicious! Soft and sweet After eating the whole dish, there may not be any strong taste bud memory Because I am afraid that the food will not taste good So take pictures quickly It only took a few seconds But both of you and your friends feel that the food is not too hot? I don't know if it's because of the fan in the store Or is the meal itself not very hot? This dining experience The shopkeepers are very nice! Maybe you ordered the wrong meal I will try other dishes in the store next time
Max S. on Google

Bit pricey
Xiang Fang on Google

Small, unique place. Good for a few friends to meet. But a little crowded.
Lucius Zin on Google

Love it . Delicious menus at a very reachable price.
Mallikarjun Bhavanari on Google

Though the restaurant is having limited space. Excellent place for a date or a party. Very good and fast service. A place for parties, also to hangout during weekends. Love the ambience over there. But the maximum duration of stay is only 90 minutes here.
Annie “Annie” Chiang on Google

Very small quaint restaurant that has “Americanized” decor like license plates and vintage posters. Food was pretty good and decent prices. Staff is friendly. You can reserve seating ahead of time which I feel is rare for a tiny restaurant. Relaxed and laid back environment.
CCTC明亮水墨 on Google

Fusion food (mainly Asian style) ???? (max: 5 ?) The cooked oysters were perfectly match with the sauce. Cheesy pork rice was really cheesy and tasty. Forgot how much I have paid. ? Follow Google map, then u will be fine.

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