育源堂中醫診所 - Zhongli District

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Contact 育源堂中醫診所

地址 :

320, Taiwan, Taoyuan City, Zhongli District, Juguang Rd, 10號育源堂中醫診所

電話 : 📞 +888999
網站 : https://www.facebook.com/%25E8%2582%25B2%25E6%25BA%2590%25E5%25A0%2582%25E4%25B8%25AD%25E9%2586%25AB%25E8%25A8%25BA%25E6%2589%2580-1641438689502685/
城市 : Juguang Rd

320, Taiwan, Taoyuan City, Zhongli District, Juguang Rd, 10號育源堂中醫診所
[實容104甲]廖于萱 on Google

1.沒健保.問診加貼藥布加中藥(一般般的藥布不是自己調配藥布)一共990。很沒什麼技術 2櫃台小姐.問他問題好像欠她幾百萬.真的無言 3.單單換藥沒什麼特別的也要550元....這真的不舒服.重重重點....我的傷一點都沒好連一點點好的感覺都沒. 超貴又完全沒用。
1. No health insurance. A total of 990 for consultations, patching cloths and Chinese medicines (generally medicated cloths are not self-dispensing cloths). Very untechnical 2Counter lady. Asking him questions seems to owe her millions. Really speechless 3. It costs 550 yuan to change the medicine for nothing special....It’s really uncomfortable. Many important points....My injury is not good at all, not even a little good. It’s super expensive and completely useless. .
何堉溱永慶楊梅中山店 on Google

Excellent medical skills, humorous doctors, need to be patient, patients come from all over the world, no health insurance benefits....
渼子 on Google

I have visited several times recently, and Dr. Lu is very kind and patient, and is a great doctor. Today I was also registered with Dr. Lu, but I didn’t know the reason, so I changed to another unknown physician without my consent. I thought that Dr. Lu might be busy and didn’t care about so much. The quality of doctors in a hospital should not be much worse! As a result, I saw his impatience first before I felt the doctor's medical skills.... The tone of speech was very uncomfortable and impatient, which greatly deducted points. I don’t want to go next time.
Ellen Rong on Google

先說盧醫師真的醫術高明。 看診過程在櫃檯也有遇到不愉快但是了解他們的操作程序後就可以很順利不會再造成雙方誤解。幫您整理一下: 1、這是自費診所非健保給付。 2、初診至櫃檯掛號填寫個人資料。醫師真的很忙看診絕對需要等待,初診等更久。但是您會覺得值得。 3、複診都要先預約掛號,當日就診後記得要主動去櫃檯預約喔。是主動!!複診時可在櫃檯直接填寫黃單,然後送去裡面找到自己病例夾起來。千萬不要超過12點才到診喔。以免讓櫃檯以為你放棄了喔! 4、骨科診是周一和週四。週一是吳醫師。週四是盧醫師。不要自己掛到週一然後說為什麼換醫師。吳醫師一樣認真負責。預約都要提前一個星期喔。所以提醒你當日就診完記得預約下一次。 5、先生在骨折初期一週換兩次藥,所以吳醫師和盧醫師都有看到。你可以徵詢醫師意見一週看幾次。 6、複診看醫師前可以自己主動去照遠紅外線燈。先了解簡單操作方式,自己操作喔。 7、看完醫師後可去櫃檯拿藥。一樣要等喔! 8、如果看完醫師後去隔壁推拿,記得回來跟櫃檯拿藥。真的等太久可以自己到第一診間的推車上找看看有沒有自己的藥喔!!! 9、看診經驗因人而異,但是想想遇到好醫師真的就值得了。別的就別太在意。。也是因為真心佩服盧醫師才廢話寫很多給你們參考。。。 10、如果需要診斷書同樣要提前講,讓他們有時間準備。不要想當天講當天就拿到。
Let me first say that Dr. Lu is really good at medical skills. During the consultation process, I also encountered unpleasantness at the counter, but after understanding their operating procedures, it can go smoothly without causing misunderstandings on both sides. Help you organize: 1. This is a non-health insurance payment for self-paid clinics. 2. Register at the counter for the first visit and fill in personal information. The doctor is really busy to see the doctor and absolutely needs to wait, the first visit will take longer. But you will find it worth it. 3. You must first make an appointment for a follow-up visit, and remember to take the initiative to make an appointment at the counter after the visit on the same day. It is active!! You can fill in the yellow slip directly at the counter during the follow-up consultation, and then send it to find your own case and clip it. Don't come to the doctor after 12 o'clock. So as not to make the counter think you have given up! 4. Orthopedic consultation is Monday and Thursday. It is Dr. Wu on Monday. It is Dr. Lu on Thursday. Don't hang up until Monday and say why you changed doctors. Dr. Wu is equally serious and responsible. Make an appointment one week in advance. So remind you to remember to make an appointment next time after seeing the doctor on the same day. 5. The husband changed the medicine twice a week at the beginning of the fracture, so both Dr. Wu and Dr. Lu saw it. You can consult your doctor several times a week. 6. Before returning to see a doctor, you can take the initiative to illuminate the far-infrared light. First understand the simple operation method and operate it yourself. 7. After seeing the doctor, you can go to the counter to get the medicine. Just have to wait! 8. If you go to the next door for massage after seeing the doctor, remember to come back and get the medicine at the counter. If you really waited too long, you can go to the cart in the first clinic to find out if you have your own medicine!!! 9. The experience of seeing a doctor varies from person to person, but it is really worth it to think about meeting a good doctor. Don't care too much about other things. . It is also because I really admire Dr. Lu that I write a lot of nonsense for your reference. . . 10. If you need a medical certificate, you should also tell it in advance so that they have time to prepare. Don't think about getting it on the same day.
小牛 on Google

育源堂中醫,在這邊看診超過三年了,兩位醫生醫術都非常高明而且非常有耐心,推拿的師傅也都很用心、專業、不馬虎。 前幾年在這邊看診,申請診斷書或是用藥明細,都沒有任何的問題,最近一年換了一位短頭髮的櫃檯行政小姐,態度惡劣到極點,常常看到她不給病患掛號或者不給病患申請診斷書以及用藥明細。 真替那幾位病患感到無奈跟悲哀,病患就已經受傷不舒服了,來這邊給高明的醫生看診,給超專業的師傅推拿,卻要受到不專業沒有職業道德的櫃檯小姐來折磨跟暴怒相向,大大影響病患看診的情緒跟不安。 如果櫃檯工作不適任就請換人,這種工作應該很多人可以取代,不要讓病患白白受這種言語暴力,她憑什麼不給病患開立診斷書跟用藥明細?營業時間內且離休息的時間還有一小時以上,現場只剩下一、兩位病患,她憑什麼不給病患掛號? 她難道不知道病患有的都遠從新竹、台北甚至台中跟宜蘭來看診都有,舟車勞頓,卻還要吃閉門羹、看人臉色還不一定能掛號、申請診斷書、或用藥明細(這些舉動全台灣應該沒幾間診所、醫院會如此作為) 希望貴診所能提升櫃檯小姐的專業素質跟訓練,將心比心,謝謝。
Yuyuantang Chinese medicine practitioners have been here for more than three years. The two doctors are very skilled and patient. The tuina masters are also very attentive, professional and not sloppy. I visited here a few years ago, and there was no problem with applying for a medical certificate or medication details. In the last year, I changed to a short-haired counter administration lady. Her attitude was extremely bad, and she often saw her not giving treatment to patients. Register or refuse to apply for a medical certificate and medication list for the patient. I really feel helpless and sorrowful for the patients. The patients are already injured and uncomfortable. They come here to see the wise doctors and give tuina to the super-professional masters, but they have to be received by unprofessional and non-professional staff at the counter. Torture is opposite to rage, which greatly affects the patient's mood and anxiety when visiting a doctor. If the work at the counter is not suitable, please change people. This kind of work should be replaced by many people. Don't let the patient suffer this kind of verbal violence in vain. Why does she not issue a medical certificate and medication details to the patient? During business hours and there is more than one hour left before the break, there are only one or two patients left at the scene. Why should she not register the patients? Didn’t she know that the patients were all from Hsinchu, Taipei, and even Taichung and Yilan to see doctors. There should be few clinics and hospitals in Taiwan that will do this.) I hope that your clinic can improve the professional quality and training of the staff at the counter.
戴翊宜 on Google

盧醫師醫術高明! 使那麼小的孩子免於開刀之苦! 真的很感謝! 而且盧醫生還有裡面的員工真的很會哄小孩, 使我才5歲的兒子不會害怕看醫生! 甚至還會期待回診! 也謝謝櫃檯小姐, 每次都會畫畫送給兒子鼓勵他! 整體氣氛真的很好, 小朋友回家也會認真吃藥, 因為他說答應醫生會乖乖吃藥讓手趕快好起來! 真的很謝謝你們!
Dr. Lu's medical skills are brilliant! Save such a small child from the pain of surgery! thank you very much! And Dr. Lu and the staff inside are really good at coaxing children, So that my 5 year old son will not be afraid to see the doctor! Even looking forward to a return visit! Thanks also to the lady at the counter, Every time I draw a picture for my son to encourage him! The overall atmosphere is really good, Children will also take medicine seriously when they go home. Because he said that he promised the doctor that he would take medicine obediently to make his hand get better as soon as possible! Thank you so much!
陳小美 on Google

吳醫生很專業,只是看我手機翻拍的X光,就知道問題,讓我不用小手術或石膏,非常感謝,但來這裡看醫生,要注意三點,1耐心2耐心3比照1跟2,有人說櫃台小姐服務不好,這裡我幫她說個話好了,她好忙,要掛號,接電話,批價,找錢,應付各種問題,以我的感受來說,她有問必答,只是臉上沒有笑容XD,建議可以從現場掛號到推拿到最後拿藥寫個流程,讓初診的人比較清楚,我第二次看診時,遇到一位小姐要求開診斷書上不要寫日期,但櫃台說不行,一直問為什麼不行,問好久好久好久…這種問診斷書的專業問題,可以抽號碼牌嗎…我只是要繳錢而已,因為那位小姐,後面的人全卡住,塞滿在櫃台…不管如何,健康最重要,耐心等待是值得的~給吳醫生100個大大的讚? ? ?
Dr. Wu is very professional. Just by looking at the X-rays taken by my mobile phone, I know the problem. I don’t need minor surgery or casts. Some people say that the service of the lady at the counter is not good. Let me help her with a word. She is very busy. It's just that there is no smile on the face XD, it is suggested that you can write a process from the on-site registration to the push to the final medicine, so that the first-time doctor can understand it better. When I saw the doctor for the second time, I met a lady who asked not to write the date on the medical certificate. , but the counter said no, and kept asking why it didn't work for a long, long time... Can I draw a number card for such a professional question of asking a medical certificate... I just want to pay, because the lady and the people behind are all stuck, Stuffed at the counter... Anyway, health is the most important thing, it is worth waiting patiently~ 100 big likes to Dr. Wu???
Vava lu on Google

醫生有吳、有盧,看診的時間每次開始都不一樣,就看醫生何時休息好,何時才開始看,來這求醫就是等,等叫號碼,也可以預約看,預約完要自己記住號碼因為沒任何的證明給你掛幾號! ?櫃檯員工之間現場不要討論病人如何如何,即使你是醫師的家屬兼員工也是,也不要在營業時間眾人之下背後討論來電的客人如何如何抱怨給大家聽。 這裡時間為何搞這麼久就是因為都是手寫的關係,沒有制度沒有系統,櫃檯一忙各種亂,各種答案。大家病人擠在櫃檯。 師父的功力見解不同,當你發現診斷天花板就換師父吧!
There are doctors Wu and Lu. The time of seeing a doctor is different every time. It depends on when the doctor is well rested and when the doctor starts to see. When you come here to seek a doctor, you just need to wait. You can also make an appointment after you call the number. Remember the number because there is no proof to give you a number! ?Do not discuss how the patient is doing between the counter staff, even if you are a family member and employee of the doctor, do not discuss how the caller complains behind the crowd during business hours. The reason why it took so long here is because it is all handwritten, there is no system and no system, the counter is busy with all kinds of messes, and all kinds of answers. All patients crowded at the counter. Masters have different opinions on gong, when you find the diagnosis ceiling, change masters!

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