好寶貝皇家產後護理之家 - Section 1

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Contact 好寶貝皇家產後護理之家

地址 :

320, Taiwan, Taoyuan City, Zhongli District, Section 1, Zhongmei Rd, 12號好寶貝皇家產後護理之家11樓

電話 : 📞 +88888
網站 : http://www.good-baby.com.tw/
城市 : Zhongmei Rd
Description : Streamlined rooms in a modern hotel featuring a relaxed restaurant & an airy lounge.

320, Taiwan, Taoyuan City, Zhongli District, Section 1, Zhongmei Rd, 12號好寶貝皇家產後護理之家11樓
吳家甯 on Google

大家都很親切,讓我在這定的很自在,很舒通。 護理人員很事業 ,謝谢你們不厭其煩的 回答問題,讓我和爸爸不這麼緊張。 謝謝你們提供這個環境,讓我們夫妻與這個陌生的小生物慢慢熟悉 期待二寶時入住。再次見面!
Everyone is very kind, which makes me feel very comfortable and comfortable here. The nursing staff are very professional, thank you for taking the trouble to answer questions and make my dad and I less nervous. Thank you for providing this environment, so that our husband and wife can gradually get acquainted with this strange little creature Looking forward to staying in Erbao. See you again!
Elise hsu hu on Google

1.提供媽媽們很自由的空間,能夠好好放鬆. 2.餐點非常多樣化,可以滿足媽媽食慾. 3.嬰兒室方面有提供完整且即時的資訊. 4.服務人員態度都非常好,且有耐心,常常面帶笑容很親切.
1. Provide mothers with a very free space to relax. 2. The meals are very diverse, which can satisfy the mother's appetite. 3. Complete and real-time information is provided in the baby room. 4. The attitude of the service staff is very good, and they are patient, often smiling and very kind.
小高 on Google

It is really too casual for Meimei Nursing to visit the room. Do not disturb the door or enter the room. If my mother is a little bit stuffed with milk, she will only give Meimei a massage of 2,500 yuan an hour. The nurse will not teach you how to massage without spending money Telling you to drink more water, rest more and milk more milk will not help your mother’s postpartum care. If you don’t earn 2,500 yuan for the nurse, you will ignore it. It’s a perfunctory thing. It’s too snobby. I still take good care of the baby, thank you Yuqian and Sihan who have big eyes and dyed hair ❤️
莊博翔 on Google

第一次坐月子 好寶貝的每個人都很親切耐心地對待我們,讓人感覺溫暖~ 第二次入住,房間感覺一樣很棒,櫃檯人員親切,護理人員專業加分,清潔人員打掃環境很仔細,餐點也很好吃,每個房間都有對外窗,房間明亮舒適,很棒的月子中心 產後泌乳師 很專業的協助我,讓我很順利的喂奶!
first confinement period Everyone in the good baby is very kind and patient with us, making people feel warm~ The second stay, the room feels the same, the counter staff is kind, the nursing staff is professional, the cleaning staff cleans the environment very carefully, the meals are also delicious, each room has an external window, the room is bright and comfortable, great Confinement Center The postpartum lactation therapist was very professional in assisting me, allowing me to breastfeed smoothly!
大吉大利 on Google

剛結束老婆的月子生活 非常的推薦好寶貝 尤其是接待的人員 維珍美少女 超級推薦她的喔??️ 去參觀一定要找她 環境很讚高樓視野很好?居住在這裡真的很不錯? 尤其是好寶貝ㄉ設備ㄧ應俱全連消毒鍋和空氣清凈機都有,設備非常齊全! 每天都會有清潔的阿姨來打掃整理房間,也有固定消毒!讓麻麻跟寶寶住的很安心耶? 所有的工作人員都特別的特別的友善親和力十足 做為新手的媽咪還有我? 護理人員都非常的細心很耐心的教導我們如何升級 還有學習一些技能了解帶嬰兒的知識 每週都有中醫醫師來巡診了解媽咪們的身體狀況 還有媽媽教室可以讓老婆大人在月子期間不無聊還可以學一些有用的課程? 出住前還有護理師小姐姐們幫忙做衛教還有貼心的服務給我們分享一些出去後照顧寶寶的注意事項⚠️ 最後總結 不選擇好寶貝真的會很可惜喔! 在這裡有得到很好的照顧?享受很好的服務? C P值真的很高? 推薦正在選擇產後護理之家的準媽咪們 我會努力準備下一胎的到臨? 再帶老婆大人一起去好寶貝坐月子???
Just ended my wife's confinement life very recommended baby Especially the reception staff, Virgin Pretty I highly recommend her ??️ You must find her when you visit The environment is very good. The high-rise building has a good view. It's really good to live here. ? In particular, the good baby has all the equipment, including a sterilizer and an air purifier, and the equipment is very complete! Every day, a cleaning aunt will come to clean and tidy the room, and there will also be regular disinfection! Let Mama live with the baby at ease ? All the staff are very special, friendly and friendly As a novice mommy and me ? Nursing staff are very careful and patient to teach us how to upgrade And learn some skills to learn about babysitting Every week, there are traditional Chinese medicine doctors to visit to understand the physical condition of the mothers There is also a mother's classroom, so that the wife can not be bored during the confinement period and can learn some useful courses ? Before moving out, there are also nurses and sisters who help with health education and caring services to share with us some precautions for taking care of the baby after going out⚠️ final summary It would be really a pity not to choose a good baby! Have been well taken care of here? enjoy great service ? The C P value is really high ? Recommended for expectant mothers who are choosing a postpartum care home I will try my best to prepare for the arrival of the next baby ? Let’s take my wife and adults to have a good baby confinement???
呂采婕 on Google

這家月中真的有非常多需要改善的地方!!! 首先,先說優點的部份: 1.入住時服務人員很貼心的在樓下等待,並且幫忙拿行李。 2.打掃阿姨非常親切,也打掃的很乾淨。 3.午餐、晚餐主食變化多樣,好吃。 4.嬰兒室的護理人員態度和善。 ——————我是分隔線—————— 缺點的部份: 1.冷氣忽冷忽熱,坐月子期間像洗三溫暖 2.幾乎都是吃冷菜冷飯 3.常常有寒性水果,非常不適合做月子吃 4.每天都被樓下健身房放啞鈴的聲音嚇到 5.房間門外就是廚房,摩擦鍋碗瓢盆的聲音很大聲 6.上媽媽教室被推銷產品,買了竟然發現有效期限只剩一年,超扯!!! 7.嬰兒室的奶嘴頭洞超大,寶寶邊嗆邊喝是家常便飯 8.護理人員幫寶寶洗澡動作很粗魯 9.夜間只有兩名護理人員顧所有寶寶,人員嚴重不足 10.火災警報器故障,響了很久,竟然聯絡不到主管 11.退房當天,服務人員態度冷漠,不會幫忙拿行李,也沒有入住當天的熱情,態度差很多 我的第一次負面評價就獻給這家月子中心了!!! 我覺得什麼都可以容忍,就是無法容忍嬰兒室人手不足的狀況,看著小寶寶們哭著撕心裂肺,然後沒有人理,真的心很痛…
Hsin Lin Chen on Google

櫃檯美女們❤️房務打掃阿姨❤️親切的待人? 住了25天,睡得很舒服,房間真的打掃得好乾淨?衣服跟毛巾都完全不會有異味唷?超棒❤️❤️ 每天菜色多樣,點心也很好吃?剛吃飽,下一餐就接上了,一直都飽著??? 謝謝你們用心貼心的服務❤️❤️ 我去參觀的時候,剛好只有小房間,立刻下訂,下訂後果然不會後悔,房間超明亮景觀超好的❤️❤️ 上傳一些月餐照給大家參考❤️❤️
The beauties at the counter ❤️Housekeeping auntie❤️Be kind to others? I stayed for 25 days and slept very comfortably. The room was really cleaned so clean ?Clothes and towels will not smell at all ?Awesome ❤️❤️ The dishes are varied every day, and the dim sum is also delicious Thank you for your thoughtful and considerate service❤️❤️ When I went to visit, there was only a small room, so I ordered it immediately, and I won’t regret it. The room is super bright and the view is super nice ❤️❤️ Upload some monthly meal photos for your reference ❤️❤️
Ab H on Google

優點 ?房間間數少,環境單純。 ?嬰兒室在同一層樓隨時可看。 ?房間裝潢舒適宜人。 ?嬰兒室的護理師及保母都很有愛,很親切耐心教導新手爸媽、即時回報寶寶狀況。 ?月子餐好好吃、食材也很棒。 ?茶飲每天無限量供應,對哺乳媽媽來說非常有幫助! ?附近停車方便並有配合的停車場(補助$100/日) ?打掃阿姨親切。 ?有送環保餐具很貼心! ?附大風草包,很貼心! ?走路就到百貨公司、電影院,放風很方便。 ?定期紫外燈消毒很安心。 缺點 ?床墊跟沙發毫無支撐性,對坐月子中的媽媽的腰滿傷的。(尤其坐在沙發擠奶的時候超累) ?鍋爐水容量小,連續開五分鐘熱水就會慢慢越來越冷,所以洗澡時都冒著會冷到的風險。 ?房間無暖氣,也沒有提供多的棉被,所以冬天只能靠廁所的暖氣機或是小台電暖扇提供暖氣給12坪的房間。 ?櫃檯人員幾乎每個態度都不是很好,臉都不知道在臭怎樣(尤其有一個矮矮短髮的女生好像每個月中媽媽都欠她錢一樣)只有一個綁馬尾看起來比較新的小姐態度比較好。 ?樓下健身房常常有重訓摔啞鈴的聲音摔到整層樓板都在震動,尤其假日,根本無法好好休息。 ?因要趕房導致阿姨打掃時間很短,房間整潔度不是那麼好。 總結 謝謝好寶貝全體人員這一個月的照顧 如果缺點部分能改善(至少硬體部分),下一胎一定會再入住!
advantage ?The number of rooms is small and the environment is simple. ?Baby room is always on the same floor to see. ?The room decoration is comfortable and pleasant. ?The nurses and babysitters in the baby room are very loving, kindly and patiently teach new parents, and report the baby's condition immediately. ?The confinement meal is delicious and the ingredients are also great. ?Unlimited supply of tea every day, very helpful for nursing mothers! ?Convenient parking nearby and matching parking lot (subsidy $100/day) ?The cleaning aunt is kind. ?It is very considerate to send eco-friendly tableware! ?With Dafeng straw bag, it is very considerate! ?It is very convenient to walk to department stores and movie theaters. ?Regular UV disinfection is very safe. shortcoming ?The mattress and sofa have no support, which hurts the waist of the mother in confinement. (Especially tired when sitting on the sofa and milking) ?The water capacity of the boiler is small, and the hot water will gradually get colder and colder if it is turned on for five minutes continuously, so there is a risk that it will get cold when taking a shower. ?The room has no heating and does not provide many quilts, so in winter, we can only rely on the heater in the toilet or a small electric heating fan to provide heating to the room of 12 pings. ?The attitude of almost every counter staff is not very good, and the face doesn't know how to smell (especially there is a girl with short short hair who seems to owe her money every month) There is only one young lady with a ponytail and looks relatively new Attitude is better. ?In the gym downstairs, there is often the sound of heavy training and falling dumbbells, and the whole floor is shaking, especially on holidays, and it is impossible to rest well. ?Because she has to rush the room, the cleaning time of the aunt is very short, and the cleanliness of the room is not so good. Summarize Thank you, baby, for your care this month If the shortcomings can be improved (at least the hardware part), the next child will definitely stay again!

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