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Contact 中圓寵物家族-中原二館店

地址 :

320, Taiwan, Taoyuan City, Zhongli District, Section 2, Zhongshan E Rd, 16號中圓寵物家族-中原二館店

電話 : 📞 +8877
網站 : http://www.petsfamily.com.tw/
城市 : Zhongshan E Rd

320, Taiwan, Taoyuan City, Zhongli District, Section 2, Zhongshan E Rd, 16號中圓寵物家族-中原二館店
戈慧婷 on Google

The clerk introduced it attentively, let me know more about what my hairy boy needs~ Big push?
Grace Liu on Google

公佈糾紛及報警處理過程,只希望更多人不要再被這店家誤導了!! 昨天傍晚帶孩子去中原診所,我的車子就停在中圓寵物中原店的道路旁這樣的位置上,停好車我前腳剛步入診所,後腳就有位小姐跟著進門,態度很不客氣地劈頭跟我說:小姐,你剛剛把車停在我們店門口,那是我們的停車格,我們的車跟顧客才能停! (當下我理解眼前這位是寵物店的店員,以下簡稱店員A) 店員A很兇所以我也火了,我說:我停的是一般道路旁也不是紅線,也沒擋到你家大門,為什麼不能停? 店員A:我們地上有畫停車格,不是我們的客戶不能停,妳要臨停要跟我們說。 我:我就還沒來得及去跟妳們說,妳就衝進來兇甚麼?你們自己畫了半邊的停車格就說是你們家的嗎?那道路也是你們家的嗎? A:(說不出話來,丟下一句)那我去拍照! (A的意思我當下理解是她要去拍照檢舉,所以我掛好號後,出來打電話給派出所請警察過來釐清糾紛) 等待警察的同時,我回到診所詢問了中原診所的護士小姐們,我說:你們隔壁的寵物店都是這麼這麼鴨霸這麼兇的嗎?你們的客人都沒人反應過嗎? 中原診所三個護士都說: 對阿!他們就是這樣!媽媽妳太勇敢了,敢這麼回她們! 我們的病人都是被他們這樣趕走默默去移車的,妳太霸氣了!讚! 她也太誇張了!妳才進門不到一分鐘,她就衝進來兇妳! 我說:憑甚麼一般道路旁不能停?等警察來查證就知道了!又不是兇就有理! 後來警察到場向我表示:這車沒在紅線上沒有違規,白色這塊若是查證是他們的私人土地,他們愛怎麼畫都可以,他們也有權請你離開,但有鋪柏油的是公有道路,他們也不能說這是他們的不能停車。 感謝警察先生到場協助並綜合以上說法,回家後我還查了地籍圖才了解到,原來這店家就是將緊靠道路旁的一小塊畸零地,畫上半邊車格後就自己名正言順地認為這是一個完整的停車格,將自家定的潛規則,半鑽法律漏洞的警告所有用路人不准踏進來,連帶的往下教育員工要維護自家權益,自家車不但可以逆向兼紅線停車,別人就連一分鐘佔到你們家的地都不行,這般的店家如此的營業作風,真是令人不敢恭維! 另外,對於那位態度很差的店員A呂小姐(剛搜尋下看到你們家的粉絲專頁看到妳才知道妳的姓),當天我趕著帶孩子回家,有些話沒對妳說完,在這裡補充希望妳看到: 妳回我說這停車格不是妳們畫的,是原本就有了!(我想這一大排只有半邊的格子應該早在妳來這裡上班前好幾年就畫在那了吧?) 反正不是公家畫的就對了,我看妳蠻年輕的應該是店員,人跟人可以好好說話不用這麼兇,而年輕人自己要訓練有判斷是非及找出問題去解決的能力,而不是老闆說甚麼就是甚麼聽話照辦,為虎作倀的同時,自己也會喪失品德及正確的價值觀,更別指望去教育好下一代。
Announce the dispute and the alarm handling process, I only hope that more people will not be misled by this store! ! Yesterday evening, I took my child to the Central Plains Clinic. My car stopped at the position next to the road of Zhongyuan Pet Zhongyuan Store. I stopped the car and I just stepped into the clinic. There was a lady on the back foot who followed the door. The attitude was very rude. Shantou said to me: Miss, you just parked the car at the door of our store, that is our parking space, our car and customers can stop! (At the moment, I understand that this is the clerk of the pet shop, hereinafter referred to as the clerk A) The clerk A is very fierce, so I am also a fire. I said: I stopped at the general road and not the red line, nor did I block your door. Why can't I stop? Clerk A: We have a parking space on the ground, not our customers can't stop, we have to stop and tell us. Me: I haven't had time to go and tell us what, 妳 rushed into the fierce? Did you paint your own half of the parking space and say it is your home? Is that road also your home? A: (Can't speak, drop a sentence) Then I take a photo! (A means that I understand that she is going to take a photo report, so after I hung up the number, I came out and called the police station to ask the police to come and clarify the dispute) While waiting for the police, I went back to the clinic and asked the nurses in the Central Plains Clinic. I said: Are the pet shops next door so fierce? Haven't your guests reacted? The three nurses in the Central Plains Clinic said: Yes! They are like this! Mom is too brave, dare to return to them! Our patients are all driven away by them to move silently, and they are too domineering! awesome! She is too exaggerated! It took less than a minute for her to enter the door, and she rushed in and fierce! I said: Why can't I stop next to the road? Wait until the police come to verify it! It’s not fierce! Later, the police arrived at the scene and said to me: This car is not in violation of the red line. If the white piece is verified as their private land, they can love to paint. They also have the right to ask you to leave, but there is a public road. They can't say that this is theirs can't stop. Thanks to the policeman for assisting and synthesizing the above statement. After returning home, I also checked the cadastral map to understand that the store was just a small piece of distorted ground next to the road. After painting the half of the car, I justified myself. I think this is a complete parking space, will set the hidden rules of the home, half-drilled legal loophole warnings that all passers-by are not allowed to step in, and the accompanying education staff must maintain their own rights and interests, the car can not only reverse the red line parking, Others can't even take a minute to occupy your home. Such a store's business style is really flattering! In addition, for the clerk A Lu, who had a very bad attitude (just found the fan page of your family to see the 姓 妳 妳 妳 妳 妳 妳 妳 妳 妳 妳 妳 妳 妳 妳 妳 妳 妳 , , , , , , , , , 当天 当天 当天 当天 当天End, here I hope to see: I said back to this parking space is not what we painted, it is already there! (I think the plaid with only half of this big row should have been painted there for a few years before coming to work here?) Anyway, it’s not the case of public painting. I think it’s a clerk who is very young. People and people can talk well without being so fierce. Young people have to train themselves to have the ability to judge right and wrong and solve problems, not the boss. What to say is what you are obedient, and when you are a tiger, you will lose your moral character and correct values, and don’t even hope to educate the next generation.
邱姿瑜 on Google

獸醫部的陳醫師非常細心,確定毛小孩沒有生理上的問題 也跟我們做很完整的衛教 也對於我的相關疑問作出回應後 沒有收取診察費或是諮詢費 非常感謝 樓下也常常不小心會剁手買太多孩子的玩具給他?
Dr. Chen from the veterinary department was very careful, and he made sure that the Mao child has no physical problems, and he did a complete health education with us. After responding to my related questions, I did not charge any consultation fees or consultation fees. Thank you very much downstairs and often accidentally. Will chop his hands and buy too many children's toys for him?
亞霖 on Google

The doctor's visit is very careful, explaining in detail how to use the drug and the cause of the disease, a very good experience in seeing a doctor, and will visit again
思案顔湯ぅあ on Google

There are multiple ways to purchase, online shopping app, foodpanda, online inquiry, and free delivery. The most important thing is that the invoice can be stored in the vehicle, which really saves a lot of time and reduces waste ❤️
HUI-YI XIAO on Google

店員熱心的介紹,服務態度很好? 商品種類豐富,也很常有小活動!! 買家裡小寶貝東西的好去處?
The clerk's enthusiastic introduction, the service attitude is very good ? There is a wide variety of goods, and there are often small activities! ! A good place to buy your little treasures ?
楊海遙 on Google

The food for cats and dogs at home is purchased in the second hall of Zhongyuan Pets, and everyone's service is very good. Every time they come to the consumer inquiry activities, the counter service staff will reply enthusiastically, and they will continue to consume at Zhongyuan in the future.
魏姊 on Google

The service is very good. The use of the product is also well explained. There are many choices for pet supplies. If there is something unclear about the food, you will get a good answer to your inquiry.

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