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Contact 華藏寺

地址 :

325, Taiwan, Taoyuan City, Longtan District, 民族路397巷5號華藏寺

電話 : 📞 +88799
城市 : Longtan District

325, Taiwan, Taoyuan City, Longtan District, 民族路397巷5號華藏寺
妙音(Toyota) on Google

AA al on Google

開悟的人叫師父.成佛.成道.成法的也稱呼師父 其他的稱呼法號就可以了。 為什麼 沒有開悟的人 也喜歡被稱為師傅 因為喜歡- 聽謊話。 為什麼 明知對方沒有開悟也稱呼他為師父 因為喜歡- 說謊。 其實是稱呼“出家人”才對 喜歡被尊稱為師父會有著尊榮感. 也會助長自我拱高感. 受十方資糧修行大半輩子都不開悟 過不了彼岸 何言渡人 何言為師。
Enlightened people are called Masters. Become Buddha, become enlightened, and become enlightened. Other titles are enough. Why people who are not enlightened also like to be called masters Because I like-listen to lies. Why do you call him Master, knowing that he ’s not enlightened? Because like-lying. Actually, it ’s just called "monk" Love to be called Master will have a sense of honor. It also promotes a sense of self-arching. Enlightened for most of my life Can't pass the other shore He Yandu people He Yan is a teacher.
林文琴 on Google

Huazang Temple has a great view of the landscape, the stone landscaping is very distinctive, and the Bodhisattva inspiration has a clean and unique victory.
David Lai on Google

龍潭華藏寺是在1979年由原籍江蘇的仁靜和尚尼開山。仁靜和尚尼也是台北萬華西寧南路法華寺的住持。門前碑上有文字記載1949年仁靜和尚尼與其師昌林和尚(原江蘇鹽城祇園庵住持)一同自江蘇來台。現存建築為1992年增建拜廊及三樓禪堂、殿頂改為唐式灰瓦、並重建山門於北面,庭園景觀而成。現由性瀅法師、禪林法師與常住法師們一同帶領大眾修行。每年的結夏安居時間為法師自我靜修時間,不對外開放。 寺中功德堂上供奉開山仁靜和尚尼、師公昌林和尚,與寺內往生之護法信眾牌位。其中牌位上之「真武堂上」乃源自祖庭江蘇鹽城祇園庵原名真武廟的由來。
The Longtan Huazang Temple was opened in 1979 by Renjing and Shangni, who was originally from Jiangsu. Renjing and Shanni are also the abbots of Fahua Temple, Xining South Road, Wanhua, Taipei. There is a written record on the stele in front of the gate that Renjing and Shangni came to Taiwan from Jiangsu in 1949 with his teacher Changlin (the former abbot of Gion Temple in Yancheng, Jiangsu). The existing building was built in 1992 by adding a worship gallery and a third-floor meditation hall, the roof of the hall was changed to Tang-style gray tiles, and the mountain gate was rebuilt to the north with a garden landscape. Master Xingying, Master Zen Lin, and resident masters are now leading the practice of the masses. The annual Jie Xia residence time is the time for the mage to retreat for himself, and it is not open to the public. The Gongde Hall in the temple enshrines the Kaishan Renjing monk Shangni, Shigong Changlin monk, and the deceased believers in the temple. The "Zhen Wu Tang Shang" on the tablet is derived from the original name of Zhen Wu Temple in Yancheng Gion Nunnery in Yancheng, Jiangsu Province.

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