
4.4/5 基於 8 評論

Contact 亨味食堂

325, Taiwan, Taoyuan City, Longtan District, 大平村民治十六街87巷25號亨味食堂
蘋果鼠 on Google

必點梅干扣肉味道若可以在鹹一點點會更好吃 羊奶頭雞湯,若可以在用小瓦斯爐在煮一會,冬天可以喝到熱湯,湯頭會更加美味 客家炒粄條可以嚐鮮試試不錯吃 南瓜海鮮豆腐煲…個人比較愛 咖喱麵包蝦球一般般
The must-order pork with dried plums will taste better if it can be salted Goat's milk chicken soup, if you can cook it in a small gas stove for a while, you can drink hot soup in winter, and the soup will be more delicious Hakka fried noodles can be tried and delicious Pumpkin seafood tofu pot...personal favorite So-so curry bread prawn balls
Katty Chien on Google

2022/04/20 來吃中餐: 之前來逛石門山登山口假日市集的路上看到店家的招牌廣告,就先到 Google 地圖看一下店家的評論,評論上很多人提到店家的客家小炒是有得獎的,我們很愛客家小炒,當然就特意過來吃吃看囉! 店家有專屬停車場,停車方便,用餐座位分室內區和有屋頂的戶外區,沒有特別裝潢,但用餐環境很乾淨,門口還有一隻愛說“ 你好” 的綠鸚鵡~很可愛!??? 我們點了~ 客家小炒 250 元 ( 小的)~ 果然是有得獎,一端上桌,就香氣四溢,這也是第一道上的菜,在第二道菜還沒來時,就快被我們吃光啦!??? 梅干扣肉 350 元 ~ 這也是看評論中有人推薦的,但我覺得還好而已喔! 對我來說,肥肉多了點,也偏鹹,但梅乾菜味很濃厚,拌飯還不錯 薑絲大腸 200 元 ( 小的)~ 夠酸,大腸很 Q, 不是軟爛口感,這道我也喜歡 南瓜海鮮豆腐煲 350 ~ 湯頭並沒有我想像中有南瓜的香氣喔!但蝦子還蠻多隻的 客家湯圓 200 元( 小的)~ 湯圓很多,湯頭偏清淡口味,雖然我比較喜歡加很多油蔥酥的湯頭,但算好喝的 對了!要進門時,就看到在大門外牆上掛著徵人啟事,仔細一看,應徵的內容是~“徵客人,意者內洽,保證錄取”, 還沒吃飯,就先讓客人會心一笑呢!
2022/04/20 Come to eat Chinese food: I saw the store's signboard advertisement on the way to the Shimen Mountain Mountain Pass Holiday Market before, so I went to Google Maps and looked at the store's reviews. Many people in the reviews mentioned that the store's Hakka stir-fry has won awards. We love Hakka very much. Small stir fry, of course, I came here to eat and see! The store has its own parking lot, which is convenient for parking. The dining seats are divided into indoor area and outdoor area with roof. There is no special decoration, but the dining environment is very clean. There is also a green parrot who likes to say "hello" at the door~ Very cute! ??? we ordered~ Hakka stir-fried 250 yuan (small)~ Sure enough, there is an award. When one end is served, it is full of aroma. This is also the first dish to be served. Before the second dish came, it was almost eaten by us. ! ??? Dried plum meat 350 yuan ~ This is also recommended by someone in the comments, but I think it's okay! For me, the meat is a bit more fatty and salty, but the dried plum has a strong flavor, and the bibimbap is not bad Shredded ginger large intestine 200 yuan (small) ~ sour enough, the large intestine is very Q, not soft and rotten, I also like this dish Pumpkin seafood tofu pot 350 ~ The soup does not have the aroma of pumpkin as I imagined! But there are quite a few shrimp Hakka glutinous rice balls 200 yuan (small)~ There are a lot of glutinous rice balls, and the soup is light in taste. Although I prefer the soup with a lot of crispy shallots, it is delicious. correct! When I was about to enter the door, I saw a recruitment notice hanging on the outer wall of the gate. After a closer look, the content of the application was ~ "Recruiting guests, negotiate with those who are interested, and guarantee admission". Before eating, let the guests know Smile!
邱慧婷(阿卡) on Google

這次點的餐都很美味 單單梅干扣肉就可以嗑完一碗飯了 蘿蔔錢肉片湯很特別 出乎意料之外? 送2小碟自製的醃漬小菜 也都好吃,用餐空間很寬敞 部分桌子桌腳還是裁縫車改的 有古早味? 老闆娘、店員親切的招呼聲 熱情的解說餐點 讓人心情都好了起來 已經很少享有這樣的待遇 (雖然因疫情的影響 生意大不如前 仍保有熱情 親切的態度 直得鼓勵?),期待下次再訪!
The meals I ordered this time are all delicious. Just the dried plum and pork can finish a bowl of rice. The radish and money sliced ​​pork soup is very special and unexpected ? The 2 small plates of homemade pickled side dishes are also delicious. The dining space is very spacious. Some of the table legs are still made by tailors. I have rarely enjoyed this kind of treatment (although the business is not as good as before due to the impact of the epidemic, I still have a warm and cordial attitude that is encouraged ?), and I look forward to visiting again next time!
謝慈恩 on Google

Chloé Su on Google

Very nice. Enjoyed the food very much.
啾唉共 on Google

Taste good
福鬚魚Fish on Google

Taste good
余美珍 on Google


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