財團法人桃園市藍迪基金會附設桃園市私立藍迪兒童之家 - Lane 190

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Contact 財團法人桃園市藍迪基金會附設桃園市私立藍迪兒童之家

地址 :

326, Taiwan, Taoyuan City, Yangmei District, Alley 92, Lane 190, Dianyan Rd, 100號財團法人桃園市藍迪基金會附設桃園市私立藍迪兒童之家

電話 : 📞 +889
網站 : http://www.rch.com.tw/
城市 : Dianyan Rd

326, Taiwan, Taoyuan City, Yangmei District, Alley 92, Lane 190, Dianyan Rd, 100號財團法人桃園市藍迪基金會附設桃園市私立藍迪兒童之家
立即通疏通水管堵塞馬桶不通清洗水管清洗水塔抽水肥0983275666 on Google

The installation art around the park is very special
陳承恩 on Google

Thank you for taking care of your children with confidence
林玳伶 on Google

Take care of the children very carefully! It's touching.
游榮勇 on Google

Singer Zhang Qi and a charity organization that many people care about, people with kind hearts can go.
玩具熊 on Google

Just now I heard on the 98 news channel that Sister Qi and the principal were on the Little Dong program, and I was deeply moved to hope that the park will be safe and happy ?.
方琦翔 on Google

這邊的專員很好 環境很漂亮 重點不會浪費物資,有需要才會拿,不需要的物資會很有禮貌的拒絕
The commissioner here is very nice The environment is beautiful The key point is that no materials will be wasted, they will be taken only when needed, and materials that are not needed will be politely rejected
王北蘋 on Google

藍迪基金會真的可靠嗎? 慈善團體我一向支持,舉凡慈濟基金會(不定期)、愛盲基金會(每月定時捐款)及地方性的行善團(每月以兩個小孩名義定時捐款)等…慈善團體,我都會以定期或不定期的方式,進行小額捐贈,講出來並不代表我很刻意突顯我的善心,而是想表示我並沒有針對某個團體具有敵意。 為什麼我會講「藍迪基金會真的可靠嗎?」會講這些,當然都是有原因的。我本來是不想在網路上說明的,因為我原本一直很相信慈善團體一定都是負責任的善心單位,直到我遇到了藍迪基金會對於捐款人的個資外洩,居然不以為意,而一心想逃避責任的心態,感到氣憤,我歷經六個月的思考,最後我覺得我有必要告知社會。 事情經過如下: ㄧ、去(110)年10月8日我小孩接獲到自稱「藍迪基金會」服務人員的電話,說「信用卡設定錯誤,已經致函給中國信託銀行,協助處理」,一個小時後,自稱「中國信託銀行客服服務人員」果然來電,我小孩第一直覺應該是詐騙,但是這些自稱「藍迪基金會」及「中國信託銀行」人員,居然知道我兒子(捐款人)姓名、身分證字號、信用卡號碼、信用卡有效期限、驗證碼及捐款金額與捐款(刷卡)時間,所以不疑有他,就依客服人員指示操作而遭詐騙。雖然金額雖然不大,但還是隨即報警處理,以免有更多的受害者出現。 二、10月10日致電藍迪基金會告知此事,因當日適逢假日無人上班,由留守人員(應該是警衛)代轉達此事發生經過。12日上午,藍迪基金會李主任回電,並說明「6、7月份開始,已有不少捐款人已經接獲不少通騷擾電話,經查明藍迪基金會捐款系統於6月初,已遭駭客入侵,竊取捐款人個人資料,並準備向所委託之科技公司求償」,起初,我很相信基金會工作人員,所以只向他們提出一個要求,就是「定期向我們說明處理進度」,此小小要求應該是合理吧! 三、一個月過去了,至去(110)年11月初,共通過四次電話,除10月12日那一通回電外,其餘三通都是我打過去的,最扯的一件事就是第三通電話,藍迪基金會李主任居然要我對「基金會」進行提告(他表明基金會沒有任何責任,如果認為它們有缺失,就對基金會提告吧)。在此之前我只想告知基金會自己孩子遇到的問題、並了解基金會的處理方式、進度而已,從未想過要對基金會提告過。 11月初,我再次去電詢問「個資外洩」處理狀況,李主任竟不接電話了,由助理代為回應簡單兩字「同前」,此時我已經對該基金會心灰意冷,12月底,就依照李主任所講,委託律師向基金會正式提起告訴。 四、事情發生迄今,已歷半年,該基金會仍是無人重視,只委託律師向法院說明,一切責任均為所委託的科技公司負責,藍迪基金會沒有責任,並主張我應向「科技公司」提告求償;我雖不是很懂法律,但是只要有點常識,就都能了解,我捐款的對象是藍迪基金會,收據也是藍迪基金會簽署的,藍迪基金會就應對捐款人負責,發生捐款人個資外洩事件,怎麼就無關藍迪基金會的事呢? 這種遇事就卸責、連一通主動撥打說明、關心電話都沒有,甚至負責此事的主任還不接受害捐款人電話的基金會,又怎麼會妥善運用捐款人的每一分善心款項呢?真讓人存疑。 五、其實發生此事,最大罪過是我,當初去(110)年4月看到藍迪基金會捐款單,我就應該去看看網路評價,不應該覺得它們是慈善機構、是基金會就相信他們做事態度一定是嚴謹的、負責任的(想不到事實呈現是我的想法錯了),一直勸說我小孩進行信用卡捐款,我到現在還是一直感到很內疚。 六、此事件經過半年分析,讓我感到無法理解的幾件事: (ㄧ)捐款系統遭駭客入侵,捐款人個人資料外洩,藍迪基金會怎麼可能不是立即知道?我猜想只有一種可能,該不會藍迪基金會根本就不重視捐款人的個人資料吧? (二)當基金會知道捐款人個人資料遭駭客竊取後,怎麼不馬上通知所有捐款人妥採因應措施呢?我猜想只有一種可能,就是藍迪基金會怕告知捐款人後,事態會擴大、名譽會受損、捐款金額會變少。這種將捐款金額看得比捐款人個資外洩還重要的基金會,我們還能信任他們? (三)當捐款戶被騷擾、詐騙後,一味的將責任歸咎於科技公司,而不想趕快亡羊補牢、擔負起責任來通知捐款戶、不協助處理、不告知基金會已採取的相對應措施與進度、不幫捐款戶向科技公司代位求償,這讓我想到一般人常講的一句話「千錯萬錯都是別人的錯,不會是我的錯,即使是我的錯,那也是別人造成的」,這種不負責任的態度,真讓我大開眼界,這樣的慈善團體對捐款戶還真不慈善,還有這種單位存在,真讓其他慈善團體蒙塵。 七、今(111)年3月(好像)藍迪基金會高層進行改組,這樣講就通了,難怪沒有人去重視捐款人個資外洩的事。遇到此事,是我們活該,誰叫我們當初這麼相信「藍迪基金會」呢?! 八、結論: (ㄧ)會寫此文公告周知,其實我也沒有其他用意,只是要: 1. 提醒捐款人,能用現金捐款就用現金捐款,盡量少用信用卡進行線上捐款,假如遇上不負責任的慈善團體的話,你的個資,將不會受到保障。 2. 提醒社會大眾有此類型的詐騙,需提高警覺。 3. 想喚醒藍迪基金會「新」上任的高層,能改以負責任的態度去看待一切,即使發生過錯,也要勇於承認,並立即應變處理,將對基金會與捐款人的傷害降至最低,這才是應有的態度(到目期為止還是連一通電話、相關文書通知都沒有)。任何人、機構都會有疏失的時候、缺漏的地方,但是重點是在事後的處置與改進,打造安全的捐款環境才能使捐款人放心捐款,也才是基金會所扶植的孩童的福氣。 (二)至於提告藍迪基金會理由是: 1.藍迪基金會應對捐款人個人資料善盡保密之責,即使是委請科技公司負責系統維護,但也應盡督管之責;發生個資外洩之後,一味找盡理由卸責,這種將自己利益凌駕於捐款人個資安全性之上的作為,我實在不敢苟同,加上,基金會主任的冷漠態度,並要求我向他們實施提告(這種要求還是第一次遇到),所以警惕基金會不單要為自己過失負責,也要為捐款人負責。 2.因為基金會的不作為、不認錯,這讓我堅信唯有如此,才能讓基金會正視自己的缺失並改正,如果早先在去年6月初他們就能有積極作為,那也沒有後來如此多的受害者,而我也相信還有更多隱藏的受害者,可能因為金額不不大,也實在沒有時間、力氣去討回自己的公道,或害怕名譽受損,而選擇不報警、不提告。我覺得我應該勇敢的站出來,替他們討回公道(但我覺得其他受害者也應該勇敢站出來,給基金會一個警惕)。 3.這是我孩子第一次用自己賺來的薪水捐款,想為需要幫助的孩童帶來點對未來的希望,也讓自己的辛苦賺來錢更有意義,但卻發生此事,我希望我的孩子未來不會因此對社會感到失望,不敢再伸出雙手來幫助別人、害怕使用信用卡,因此我選擇站出來,為了自己的孩子發聲,也期望未來沒人再因此受害。 感謝各位先進的耐心看完,希望讓我們一起督促基金會能做的更好,善款能更有效運用。
Is the Randy Foundation really reliable? I have always supported charities, such as the Tzu Chi Foundation (irregular), the Foundation for the Love of the Blind (regular monthly donations), and local charity groups (regular donations in the name of two children each month), etc. Charity groups, I will Making small donations on a regular or irregular basis doesn't mean that I'm trying to highlight my kindness, but to show that I'm not hostile to a certain group. There is a reason why I say, "Is the Randy Foundation really reliable?" I didn't want to explain it on the Internet, because I always believed that charitable organizations must be responsible and benevolent organizations, until I encountered the Randy Foundation's personal information leakage of donors, but I didn't care about it. The mentality of wanting to avoid responsibility and feeling angry, after six months of thinking, I finally felt that I had to inform the society. It happened as follows: ㄧ. On October 8, (110), my child received a phone call from a service staff who claimed to be "Landy Foundation", saying "the credit card settings are wrong, and a letter has been sent to China Trust Bank for assistance." An hour later, The person who claimed to be "China Trust Bank Customer Service Personnel" really called. My child's first instinct was to be a fraud, but these people who claimed to be "Landi Foundation" and "China Trust Bank" actually knew my son's (donor's) name and ID card. Name, credit card number, credit card validity period, verification code, donation amount and donation (card swiping) time, so there is no doubt about him, and he was defrauded by following the instructions of the customer service staff. Although the amount was not large, it was immediately reported to the police to prevent more victims from appearing. 2. On October 10th, I called the Randy Foundation to inform the incident. Since no one went to work on a holiday that day, the staff left behind (should be guards) relayed the incident on their behalf. On the morning of the 12th, Director Li of the Landi Foundation returned a call and stated that "since June and July, many donors have received many harassing calls. Has been hacked, stealing the personal information of the donors, and preparing to claim compensation from the entrusted technology company." At first, I trusted the staff of the foundation, so I only made one request to them, that is, "regularly explain the progress of the processing to us" , this small request should be reasonable! 3. One month has passed, and by the beginning of November of last year (110), I had made four calls in total. Except for the call back on October 12, the other three calls were made by me. The most ridiculous thing is that On the third phone call, Director Li of the Randy Foundation actually asked me to file a lawsuit against the "Foundation" (he stated that the Foundation has no responsibility, and if he thinks they are missing, file a lawsuit against the Foundation). Before that, I just wanted to tell the Foundation about the problems my children encountered, and to understand how the Foundation handled it and its progress. I never thought of filing a lawsuit against the Foundation. At the beginning of November, I called again to inquire about the handling of the "personal information leakage". Director Li did not answer the phone, and the assistant responded with the simple word "same as before". At this time, I was already frustrated with the foundation. At the end of December, according to what Director Li said, a lawyer was entrusted to formally file a complaint with the foundation. 4. It has been half a year since the incident happened, and the foundation still has no attention. It only entrusts a lawyer to explain to the court that all the responsibilities are the responsibility of the entrusted technology company, and the Landi Foundation has no responsibility. The company” filed a lawsuit for compensation; although I don’t know much about the law, but as long as I have a little common sense, I can understand that the object of my donation is the Landi Foundation, and the receipt is also signed by the Landi Foundation, and the Landi Foundation should respond to the donor. Responsible, if the donor's personal information is leaked, how can it have nothing to do with the Randy Foundation? This kind of foundation that shirks responsibility in case of trouble, does not even take the initiative to call for explanation or care, and even the director in charge of the matter does not accept the call of the donor, how can it properly use every cent of the donor's kindness? Really suspicious. 5. In fact, this happened, the biggest sin was me. When I saw the donation slip of the Landi Foundation in April (110), I should have checked the online reviews, and should not have thought that they were charities or foundations. I just believed that their attitude towards doing things must be rigorous and responsible (unexpectedly, it was my wrong idea that the facts were presented), and they have been persuading my children to make credit card donations, and I still feel very guilty to this day. 6. After half a year's analysis of this incident, several things that make me feel incomprehensible: (ㄧ) The donation system was hacked and the personal information of the donor was leaked. How could the Randy Foundation not know immediately? I guess there is only one possibility, the Randy Foundation doesn't pay attention to the personal information of the donors at all, right? (2) When the foundation knows that the personal information of the donors has been stolen by hackers, why doesn't it immediately notify all the donors to take appropriate measures? I guess there is only one possibility, that the Randy Foundation is afraid that if the donors are informed, the situation will expand, the reputation will be damaged, and the donation amount will be reduced. This kind of foundation that regards the amount of donation as more important than the leakage of the donor's personal information, can we still trust them? (3) When donors are harassed or defrauded, they blindly attribute the responsibility to the technology company, instead of wanting to make amends and take responsibility to notify the donors, not assist in handling, and not inform the foundation of the corresponding measures and progress that have been taken , Do not help donors to seek compensation from technology companies, which reminds me of the saying that ordinary people often say, "Everything is wrong, it's someone else's fault, it's not my fault, even if it's my fault, it's someone else's fault. "This kind of irresponsible attitude really opened my eyes. Such a charitable organization is really not charitable to donors, and the existence of such a unit really makes other charitable organizations dust. 7. In March of this year (111) (it seems) the top management of the Randy Foundation will be reorganized, so it makes sense. No wonder no one pays attention to the leakage of donors' personal information. We deserved it when we encountered this. Who told us to believe in the "Landy Foundation" so much in the first place? ! 8. Conclusion: (ㄧ) I will write this article to announce to everyone, in fact, I have no other intentions, just to: 1. Remind donors to donate in cash if they can donate in cash, and use credit cards to make online donations as little as possible. If you encounter an irresponsible charity organization, your personal information will not be protected. 2. Remind the public that there is this type of fraud and need to be more vigilant. 3. I want to wake up the "new" senior management of the Randy Foundation to look at everything with a responsible attitude. Even if there is a fault, they must have the courage to admit it and deal with it immediately, so as to reduce the harm to the foundation and donors. At a minimum, this is the proper attitude (so far, there has been no phone call or notification of relevant documents). Any person or organization will have mistakes and omissions, but the key is to deal with and improve afterwards. Only by creating a safe donation environment can donors donate with confidence, and it is also the blessing of the children supported by the foundation. (2) The reasons for filing a lawsuit against Randy Foundation are: 1. The Landi Foundation should be responsible for keeping the personal information of the donors confidential. Even if it entrusts a technology company to be responsible for system maintenance, it should also fulfill the responsibility of supervision; after the leakage of personal information, it will just find reasons to shirk its responsibility. This act of putting my own interests above the safety of the donor's personal information, I really do not agree, plus, the indifference of the director of the foundation, and asked me to file a complaint with them (this is the first time I have encountered such a request. ), so be vigilant that foundations are not only responsible for their own faults, but also for their donors. 2. Because of the foundation's inaction and refusal to admit its mistakes, I firmly believe that only in this way can the foundation face up to its own shortcomings and make corrections. If they could have taken positive actions in the beginning of June last year, there would not have been so many later. Victims, and I also believe that there are more hidden victims who choose not to call the police or file a lawsuit because the amount is not large, and they really do not have the time and energy to seek justice for themselves, or they are afraid of damage to their reputation. . I think I should stand up bravely and seek justice for them (but I think other victims should also stand up bravely and give the Foundation a vigilance). 3. This is the first time that my child donated with the salary he earned. I want to bring some hope for the future to the children in need, and make my hard-earned money more meaningful, but this happened, I hope My children will not be disappointed by the society because of this in the future. They will not dare to stretch out their hands to help others, and they are afraid of using credit cards. Therefore, I choose to stand up and speak up for my children, and hope that no one will suffer from this in the future. Thank you for your patience and read it. I hope we can urge the foundation to do better and use the donations more effectively.
Jared Tseng on Google

年少失親失依的年幼孩童成為社會成長進步的一大隱憂;財團法人桃園私立藍迪兒童之家民國97年成立至今,總共收容輔養了450位孩童,在降低社會問題,解決失親幼童的照顧上發揮出社團公益法人的應盡義務。面對一年需要3800萬的經費開銷,藍迪兒童之家推動助養人計畫,邀請國人與社會各界加入助養的陣容,讓「藍」天綠地溫暖家園,啟「迪」孩子的未來人生。 藍迪之家是以一條龍式的管理模式教導年幼的孩童與青少年,13歲以上的少年接受正常的教育模式。在藍迪之家,所有的學童只會感受到愛與包容,「鞭子與糖果是不會存在的。」 李雪櫻指出,「藍迪之家建立類家庭的模式,扮演與社會連接的平台,成為孩子永遠的依靠!」藍迪兒童之家教育孩童希望孩童透過自己本身的表現,將原本的能量發揮的和常人一樣,「不讓孩子永遠手心朝上」,出院走入社會後成為勇於承擔責任的孩子,在生活模式上貼進社會,與社會連線,得到社會大眾的肯定,未來也能將成就回饋給藍迪。
Young children who have lost their relatives and dependents have become a major concern for social growth and progress; Taoyuan Private Landi Children’s Home, a privately-owned consortium established in 1997, has accommodated and supported 450 children in total, reducing social problems and solving bereaved families. In the care of young children, the obligations of the public welfare legal person of the society are fulfilled. Faced with an annual expenditure of 38 million yuan, Randy Children’s Home promotes sponsorship plans and invites Chinese and all walks of life to join the sponsorship lineup, allowing the "blue" sky and green land to warm the homeland and "enlighten" the children's future Life. Randy House is a one-stop management model to teach young children and adolescents, and teenagers over 13 years old receive normal education. In Randy’s House, all school children can only feel love and tolerance, "whip and candy will not exist." Li Xueying pointed out that “Landy’s House builds a family-like model, acting as a platform for connecting with society, and becoming a child’s eternal dependence!” Landy’s Children’s House teaches children that they hope that children can use their own performance to give full play to their original energy. Like ordinary people, "Don’t keep your child’s palm facing up forever." After being discharged from the hospital, he becomes a child who has the courage to assume responsibility. Achievements are given back to Randy.

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