善緣客家小館 - Yangmei District

4.5/5 基於 8 評論

Contact 善緣客家小館

地址 :

326, Taiwan, Taoyuan City, Yangmei District, Yangxin Rd, 101號善緣客家小館

電話 : 📞 +8878
Opening hours :
Wednesday 11:30AM–2PM
Thursday 11:30AM–2PM
Friday 11:30AM–2PM
Saturday 11:30AM–2PM
Sunday 11:30AM–2PM
Monday 11:30AM–2PM
Tuesday 11:30AM–2PM
城市 : Yangxin Rd

326, Taiwan, Taoyuan City, Yangmei District, Yangxin Rd, 101號善緣客家小館
許家赫 on Google

菜色美味,老闆娘服務親切,價格親民! CP值超高的客家美食! 大力推薦!
The dishes are delicious, the proprietress serves kindly, and the price is affordable! Hakka cuisine with super high CP value! Highly recommended!
歐巴桑 on Google

Unlimited rice is provided, such as Hakka fried chicken (white chopped chicken), Japanese asparagus, Hakka small stir-fry, fried beef with green onion, five-geng intestines, dried vegetables and eggs. The craftsmanship is very good, the dishes are fragrant and just right to serve! You can eat more than two bowls of rice at a reasonable price. I heard from the proprietress that his peanut pig's feet is also a signature! Come and watch next time! Small shop but clean and tidy is recommended!
hung Chih Yang on Google

自家醃製的脆菜頭超好吃?白飯自添免費? 今天點的每道菜的口味酸甜滋味很獨道!平價的快炒類也都不會太過死鹹 第一次吃到有高湯柴魚味的苦瓜鹹蛋??讓人很驚艷 ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️客家小炒$150 大蔥跟豆乾鹹豬肉魷魚 炒了菜脯的清爽 所有食材都不會炒到過柴!不死鹹的大蔥超級新鮮!超級下飯 ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️白斬雞肉$250(小份) 肉質帶有中藥材的香氣 每一口軟嫩的肉質都有藥材爽口的香氣!有金棗醬果然是鎮店之寶的必點雞肉 ❤️❤️❤️薑絲大腸$180 炒到嗆爆的酸醋溜味!配上滿滿的老薑薑絲非常夠味! ❤️❤️❤️❤️鳳梨蝦球$180 蝦球的蝦肉很紮實!裹外層的麵皮一點都不馬虎 有種加了蛋香麵衣香氣 ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️鹹蛋苦瓜$120 吃了這麼多快炒店!第一次吃到有柴魚味跟胡椒火候的鍋氣味!鹹蛋也不死鹹潮爆好吃? ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️煎菜捕蛋$100 這個火候跟膨鬆度完全看得出師傅的功力!菜脯滿滿的多 而且還有滿滿的蔥花
The homemade marinated crispy vegetable head is super delicious?The white rice is added for free? The sweet and sour taste of each dish I ordered today is very unique! The cheap quick-fried foods are not too salty. The first time I ate the bitter melon and salted egg with the flavor of bonito in the broth. It is amazing. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️Hakka Xiaochao $150 Scallions and dried tofu, salted pork and squid stir-fry the freshness of the dried vegetables All the ingredients will never be fried! The undead salty green onions are super fresh! Super meal ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️Boiled chicken $250 (small portion) The meat has the aroma of Chinese medicinal materials. Every bite of tender meat has a refreshing aroma of medicinal materials! The golden jujube sauce is really the must-order chicken in the town store’s treasure ❤️❤️❤️Ginger silk large intestine $180 Stir-fried sour and vinegar! Served with a lot of old ginger and ginger shreds, it is delicious! ❤️❤️❤️❤️Pineapple Shrimp Ball $180 The prawn meat of the prawn ball is very solid! The outer layer of dough is not sloppy at all, it has an egg-flavored dough scent ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ Salted Egg Bitter Gourd $120 After eating so many quick-fried shops! For the first time, I tasted the smell of bonito and hot pot of pepper! Salted eggs are not dead, salty tide bursts delicious? ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️Fried vegetables and eggs $100 This heat and bulkiness can completely tell the master's skill! There are a lot of dried vegetables and there are also a lot of chopped green onions
高Amanda on Google

花生豬腳必點 薑絲大腸超酸超好吃 炒螺肉、招牌白斬雞一定要上桌 太讚了
Peanut pork knuckle must order Ginger shredded large intestine is super sour and super delicious Stir-fried snail meat and signature white chopped chicken must be served awesome
喬瑟夫 on Google

手藝高超美味 價格經濟實惠
Delicious craftsmanship and affordable price
Steven Lu on Google

Today's company dinner, bubbling colleagues treat guests, very authentic Hakka snacks! (note the heavy taste)
Avis Cheng on Google

友人意外的google到這家客家小館,二話不說先打電話確認是否有座位,然後立刻預約前往。 事實證明,雖然是小館子,但是應該頗受當地居民喜愛,客人絡繹不絕,在我們入座後,只差十分鐘之後的客人就必須等待了,而老闆娘也一直提醒客人要先預約喔。。 小館子的優點如下: 1. 服務親切,兩個小女兒都動作俐落的幫媽媽整理桌面,擺設碗筷,也很有禮貌跟客人打招呼。 2. 老闆娘點菜,會不時提醒客人,現在點了多少菜了,應該足夠食用,不然會吃不完,或是那些菜吃不完可以打包回去。 例如: 雞湯,也會主動加湯後打包給客人。 3. 菜色平均來說: 不論是口感,擺盤,用料都在中上,一上桌就會讓人有驚艷的感覺。 4. 白飯是無限量供應,也可以自取。 推薦菜色: 1. 白斬雞, 雞肉軟嫩而且入口不需沾醬依舊可以吃的雞肉的鮮甜口感, 建議先吃原味後,再沾一些客家桔醬又是另一番風味。 2. 鹹豬肉: 需要的時間較久,但是份量十足,四五個人吃很足夠,烤的酥香,很下飯。 3. 魚香茄子: 我不是很愛吃茄子,但是這道菜,是我吃起來,口感外脆內軟嫩,茄子雖有醬但是本身鮮味依舊保持。 4. 羊奶頭雞湯: 屬於比較少出現的湯種,且冬日很適合喝,有幫助解除輕微感冒,增強體力的作用。 5. 薑絲大腸: 一上桌酸味可以嗆酸牙齦,但是大腸搭著薑絲吃,既Q彈又清爽,很開胃的一道菜。
A friend accidentally Googled to this Hakka restaurant, and apart from anything else, he called to confirm whether there was a seat, and then made an appointment immediately. Facts have proved that although it is a small restaurant, it should be quite popular with local residents. The guests are endless. After we are seated, guests who are only ten minutes away must wait, and the proprietress has always reminded the guests to make an appointment first. . The advantages of small restaurants are as follows: 1. The service is cordial, and the two little daughters are both neatly helping mother organize the table, set up the dishes, and greet the guests politely. 2. The proprietress will remind the guests from time to time when ordering food, how many dishes have been ordered now, should be enough to eat, otherwise they will not be finished, or those dishes can be packed back. For example: Chicken soup will also take the initiative to add soup and package it to customers. 3. The dishes are on average: No matter the taste, the presentation, and the ingredients are all in the middle and top, it will make people feel amazing when they are on the table. 4. The rice is supplied in unlimited quantities, and you can also pick it up. Recommended dishes: 1. White chopped chicken, the chicken is soft and tender and can still be eaten without sauce. It is recommended to eat the original flavor first, and then dip some Hakka orange sauce for another flavor. 2. Salted pork: It takes a long time, but the portion is full, enough for four or five people, the roast is crispy and delicious. 3. Fish-flavored eggplant: I don't like eggplant very much, but this dish is crispy on the outside and soft on the inside. Although the eggplant has sauce, the umami taste is still maintained. 4. Goat's milk chicken soup: It is a relatively rare soup, and it is very suitable for drinking in winter. It can help relieve mild colds and enhance physical strength. 5. Shredded ginger and large intestine: The sour taste can choke the gums when it is served, but the large intestine is eaten with ginger, which is both springy and refreshing. It is a very appetizing dish.
Ning Cheng on Google

白斬雞肉有Q而且搭桔醬特別 蒜泥白肉的蒜泥也是沒吃過的風味 炒白蝦還炒中藥材很香 四季肥腸脆口只是胡椒小辣 客家小炒的豆乾完全不硬鹹豬肉超棒 只是味道較重一點要配飯 白飯自助? 旁邊巷子就有付費停車場停車方便 可以台灣pay有電子支付
Boiled chicken has Q and it is special with orange sauce The garlic paste of garlic white meat is also a flavor that has never been eaten before Stir-fried white shrimp is also fried with Chinese herbs, very fragrant Four Seasons Fat Sausage Crispy is just a little spicy with pepper Hakka stir-fried dried tofu is not hard at all, salted pork is excellent It's just that the taste is a little heavier to go with rice Rice buffet ? There is a paid parking lot in the alley next to it. Can Taiwan pay have electronic payment

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