
4.6/5 基於 8 評論

Contact 東海堂

地址 :

328, Taiwan, Taoyuan City, Guanyin District, 25號東海堂

電話 : 📞 +887
城市 : Guanyin District

328, Taiwan, Taoyuan City, Guanyin District, 25號東海堂
陳謙華 on Google

... ㄧ ㄡ ㄕ ㄏ ㄡ
汪冠洲 on Google

謝阿慶 on Google

The new building is very beautiful and beautiful.
Joanne Taipei on Google

非常喜歡旁邊 那些古色古香的景觀 真像小時候回南部阿嬤家的樣子 到了東海堂 這個新建築 明顯變得非常人工化 可惜
I really like the quaint landscapes next to them. It’s like going back to the southern aunt’s house when I was young. To Donghaitang, this new building has become very artificial.
Eddie HSU on Google

美麗的祖厝 來台始祖徐子貴公於西元1755年前後(乾隆20年)由廣東惠州陸豐縣三溪鄉出發渡海來台,歷經海峽天險登陸滬尾港,至塭子(今蘆洲一帶)欲落腳謀生,嫌其地質不適耕作,放棄該地繼續沿海岸南下,至現今觀音白沙岬地方定居。
Beautiful Ancestral House The ancestor Xu Zigui, the ancestor who came to Taiwan, set off from Sanxi Township, Lufeng County, Huizhou, Guangdong, and crossed the sea to Taiwan around 1755 (20th year of Qianlong). He went through the strait and landed in Huwei Port. Its geology was not suitable for farming, so it abandoned the land and continued to move south along the coast, until now it settled in Guanyin Baisha Cape.
dap oh on Google

Located in Zhouyi, the soundhouse of Baiyin Baisha, it is an ancient traditional farmhouse complex.
貪吃馬麻 on Google

?離開觀音甘泉寺, 往白沙岬燈塔的小路周邊駛去…… 穿過幾棟舊式建築的巷弄, 就會赫然發現這棟唯美的古式建築。 前方搭配一座小橋【子貴橋】, 再映著斜陽與周邊景色…氛圍十分寧靜、愜意。
?Leave Guanyin Ganquan Temple, Drive around the path of the White Sand Cape Lighthouse... Through the lanes of several old buildings, You will be surprised to find this beautiful ancient building. There is a small bridge in the front [Zigui Bridge], The setting sun and the surrounding scenery are reflected again... The atmosphere is very peaceful and cozy.
Calvin Chen on Google

離開白沙岬燈塔, 順著小路去接快61. 幾個小村內的小彎後, 跨過了一個人工溝渠, 哇, 沒想到左側竟然出現一個如此奪眼的三合院!! 其實騎在新屋跟觀音沿海的小村落裡, 都還能不時在路邊田邊見到一些農舍. 但是沒有一個比得上這維護良好的建物. 彷彿書中描述的地方仕紳, 文人進士的宅第, 就活生生的重現在眼前. 當然, 主人有自己的想法. 但如果兩側的大片外牆, 能夠拿掉水泥, 用上磚石, 再開上幾口木窗跟閣樓的小氣窗, 或許就能讓時光倒流的回憶感更完整了. 夕陽的反射下, 五彩的屋瓦, 輝映著梁柱. 深刻的雕工, 蒸發出悠遠的人文韻味. 看著讓人感動, 讓人捨不得離開.
Leaving the White Sand Cape Lighthouse, follow the path to pick up 61. After a small bend in a few small villages, I crossed an artificial ditch, Wow, I didn't expect such an eye-catching triad on the left side!! In fact, riding in Xinwu and the small villages along the coast of Guanyin, you can still see some farmhouses by the roadside fields from time to time. But none of them can compare with this well-maintained building. It seems to be the place described in the book. The house is now alive again. Of course, the owner has his own ideas. But if the large external walls on both sides can remove the cement, use masonry, and open a few wooden windows and small transoms in the attic, it may be possible to make the memory of going back in time more complete Up. Under the reflection of the setting sun, the multicolored roof tiles reflect the beams and pillars. The profound carvings evaporate the distant humanistic charm. Looking at it makes people move, and makes people reluctant to leave.

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