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Contact 港龘港式飲茶-桃園店

地址 :

330, Taiwan, Taoyuan City, Taoyuan District, 民光東路151號港龘港式飲茶-桃園店

電話 : 📞 +889889
城市 : 桃園縣 Taoyuan District

330, Taiwan, Taoyuan City, Taoyuan District, 民光東路151號港龘港式飲茶-桃園店
marco chuang on Google

平日中午用餐,380元已含服務費,個人覺得是可以的。朋友是說不好吃,但,你才付多少錢而已,是要求多高? 入口處要刷實聯制,有酒精可手部消毒。進門先結帳,有專人引導至餐桌處,同時會先告知用餐到幾點幾分。離座取餐要戴口罩,會發一個手套,取餐要戴。 燙白蝦,個人覺得不行,完全沒彈性,軟爛,朋友說是凍太久的關係,我是不懂啦。 鵝肉,不太會形容,總之很怪,跟想像中的口感差距很大。 牛雜湯,牛雜也是偏軟爛,味道上是還可以。 現煮魚湯不錯喝。腸粉一碟2個,裡面有包整隻蝦。檸檬水建議店家可以多放幾片檸檬,幾乎沒味道。 水果普通,但可以吃。青菜類不錯,感覺很新鮮的。 餐點種類很多,其餘都覺得可以。以價格來說,是沒什麼好多要求的。 用餐時間結束前15分鐘,會來提醒。
For lunch on weekdays, 380 yuan already includes the service charge, which I think is okay. Friends say it's not delicious, but how much do you pay? How much are you asking for? The entrance should be brushed with real joint system, and alcohol can be used for hand disinfection. When you enter the door, you will check out first, and someone will guide you to the table. You must wear a mask when you leave your seat to pick up meals, and a glove will be issued. Boiled white shrimp, I personally don't think it's good, it's completely inflexible, soft and rotten. My friend said it's because it's been frozen for too long, but I don't understand it. Goose meat, I don't know how to describe it, but it is very strange, and the taste is very different from the imagined taste. Beef offal soup, beef offal is also soft and rotten, and the taste is ok. Freshly boiled fish soup is good. There are 2 pieces of rice rolls in a plate, and there is a whole shrimp in it. Lemonade suggests that the store can put a few more slices of lemon, almost no taste. The fruit is ordinary but edible. Vegetables are good and feel very fresh. There are many kinds of meals, and the rest are okay. For the price, there is not much to ask for. A reminder will come 15 minutes before the meal time ends.
Sagan MirukuTsuyoshiPapa on Google

評論區內說補菜很慢。但今天我沒感受到。 我剛好相反。遇到補菜很快。迅速又確實。 建議要來的人先考慮一下喜不喜歡海鮮。海鮮很多。港式一小區。其他食材大部分都是一般的吃到飽常見品項。水果飲料應有盡有。 場地很大。開車的朋友要注意它沒有配合的停車場。不過停車場就在後面。距離是算近的。過馬路斜前方也有停車場。 無法用刷卡與行動支付。沒有服務費。很佛心。價位就看各位觀感了。我個人覺得符合現在時價。 住在附近第一次來。整體是還算不錯的。 只有四顆星是因為在食物種類上感覺可以再多一些些。(窮人的奢望) 服務很棒是最後想說的。謝謝大家。
In the comment section, it is said that the replenishment is very slow. But today I didn't feel it. I am just the opposite. Encountered dishes quickly. Quick and sure. It is recommended that people who want to come first consider whether they like seafood or not. Lots of seafood. A Hong Kong-style community. Most of the other ingredients are common all-you-can-eat items. Fruit drinks are available. The venue is huge. Friends who drive should pay attention to the parking lot that it does not cooperate with. But the parking lot is in the back. The distance is close. There is also a parking lot in front of the road. Swipe and mobile payments are not available. There is no service charge. Very Buddhist. The price depends on your opinion. I personally think it fits the current price. Living nearby for the first time. Overall it's pretty good. Only 4 stars because it feels like there could be more on the food variety. (The luxury of the poor) Great service is the last thing to say. thank you all.
M on Google

路過幾次看到外面便當生意不錯,所以也好奇試試 便當目前120.140.150三種價位,雖然貴一點,但感覺每個的主食份量至少算對得起價格。本來還想照黑胡椒雞柳飯的,肉塊滿到擠滿便當蓋,讓我也很心動,但我要拍照時已被賣光 像我買的綜合海鮮,裡面有四種海鮮,蝦6隻、章魚?腳5隻、帆立貝?8顆、還有一種像蛤蜊的貝類認不出,太小了就懶得數。飯量給的也蠻多,不像有些便當店就鋪薄薄一層,整體真的是塞滿整個便當盒了 調味還不錯,不過帆立貝有腥味,不知道是不是正常?因為以前吃帆立貝乾也是腥腥的,對海鮮不熟不清楚。蝦子是大顆脆脆那種。但是發現一根清潔用具的塑膠刷毛,希望店家能再多留意 總結是還有意願去試試別款便當啦
I passed by a few times and saw that the bento business outside was good, so I was curious to try it. Bento currently has three price points of 120.140.150. Although it is a bit more expensive, I feel that the amount of each staple food is at least worthy of the price. Originally, I wanted to take a picture of the black pepper chicken fillet rice. The meat was so full that the bento lid was so full that I was also very excited, but when I wanted to take a picture, it was already sold out. Like the comprehensive seafood I bought, there are four kinds of seafood in it, 6 shrimps, 5 octopus feet, 8 sailing scallops, and a type of shellfish like clams that I can't recognize, and it's too small to be bothered to count. The amount of food is also quite large, unlike some bento shops that spread a thin layer, the whole is really stuffed with the whole bento box The seasoning is not bad, but the scallops have a fishy smell, is it normal? Because eating dried scallops in the past was fishy, ​​it was not clear that the seafood was unfamiliar. The prawns are big and crunchy. But I found a plastic bristles of a cleaning appliance, I hope the store will pay more attention In conclusion, there is still a willingness to try other bentos.
Daniel O.Y on Google

111.3.26 19:00 三大兩小。食材很好,不小氣,會一直上菜,很少碰到空盤一直擺著,很棒,做吃的真的不要怕客人吃。場地很大,動線有些凌亂,小朋友去拿菜會找不到路回來。廁所也乾淨,桌椅實在有些 low,沒有配合的停車場(附近有兩個付費停車場),但是這都反映在餐點費用上,非假日成人 $400,是很具殺傷力的價位,值得,而且當天因為非假日,也沒遭告知時間已到。服務員收用過的餐盤速度也快,桌上很少會有一堆餐盤。生魚片大概是比較高檔的餐,也是不斷的補,都還有未退的冰晶,值得鼓勵,還會再去,也會介紹朋友去,很有 CP值。
111.3.26 19:00 Three majors and two minors. The ingredients are very good, not stingy, will always serve, rarely encounter empty plates that have been placed all the time, very good, really don't be afraid of guests eating when cooking. The venue is very large, and the moving lines are a bit messy. Children will not find their way back when they go to get food. The toilet is also clean, the tables and chairs are a bit low, and there is no matching parking lot (there are two paid parking lots nearby), but this is reflected in the meal cost, $400 for non-holiday adults, which is a very lethal price, worth it, and on the day Because it was not a holiday, I was not told that the time was up. Servers are also quick to collect used plates, and there is rarely a pile of plates on the table. Sashimi is probably a relatively high-end meal, and it is constantly replenished. There are still ice crystals that have not returned. It is worth encouraging. I will go again and introduce friends to it. It is very CP value.
man jerry on Google

實際給分4.3 優點 1.彩色很豐富,雞、鴨、魚、鵝、豬、蝦、蟹、花枝⋯都有,還有一些港式小點心燒賣蘿蔔糕之類的,甜的甜湯,甚至還有生魚片,算是應有盡有!水果也選的蠻高級的吃起來很棒! 2.價錢便宜cp值高,現在隨便吃到飽的餐廳類似這種的都要700以上,這裡竟然450還不收服務費,有夠划算! 3.服務滿好的,剛進去的接待人員阿姨很親切,會招呼問候,而且會稍微關心一下,先收費的方式也不錯,吃完可以直接離開不用再掏錢包付錢! 4.地點寬敞,旁邊就是停車場,不過停車沒有特約,所以吃完還是要繳停車費,但有沒有特約我個人覺得還可以接受! 5.防疫做的蠻確實,到現在已經沒有規定要實聯制,也沒有硬性規定餐廳要怎麼做的情況下,還是要求口罩手套都要帶著取餐,蠻乾淨安全! 6.取餐時一直看到廚師補餐點,夾到剩下一半就馬上補滿,員工也一直擦拭滴出來的汁,整個取餐台乾乾淨淨的很舒服,可能因為疫情來客數沒有太多,擺出來食物的量比較少,這樣很好,比較好控制不容易涼掉! 缺點 1.港式的部分選擇不多,所以想吃港式的人可能會比較失望 2.料理的美味度以及精緻度普通,味道就是你想像的到的那種,吃原味以及簡單調味的菜色,但450的價位對我來說這種感受已經很棒了,但對於有些人想吃美食的話可能要多花兩三百升級成別家的吃到飽! 3.菜色的名稱可能標示的清楚一些,不然裡面包的東西都不知道是什麼,像是原本以為杏仁片捲裡面是蝦仁,結果是甜的芋頭,或者燒賣是什麼燒賣可以標示一下,不然拿到不喜歡吃的會浪費! 整體來說是個不錯的餐廳,會再來吃
The actual score is 4.3 advantage 1. The color is very rich, chicken, duck, fish, goose, pig, shrimp, crab, flower branch... There are also some Hong Kong-style snacks such as siu mai carrot cake, sweet soup, and even sashimi , is everything! The fruit is also very high-end and tastes great! 2. The price is cheap and the cp value is high. Now all-you-can-eat restaurants like this one cost more than 700 yuan. There is no service fee for 450 yuan here, which is quite cost-effective! 3. The service is very good. The receptionist aunt who just entered is very kind, will greet you, and will pay a little attention. The way of charging first is also good. After eating, you can leave directly without paying with your wallet! 4. The location is spacious and there is a parking lot next to it, but there is no special reservation for parking, so you still have to pay the parking fee after eating, but I personally think it is acceptable if there is a special reservation! 5. Epidemic prevention has been done quite well. Until now, there is no requirement for a real joint system, and there is no rigid regulation on what the restaurant should do. It is still required to bring masks and gloves to take meals, which is quite clean and safe! 6. When picking up the meal, I kept seeing the chef refilling the meal. When the remaining half was filled, it was filled immediately. The staff also kept wiping the dripping juice. The whole dining table was clean and very comfortable. Maybe because of the epidemic, there were not too many visitors. More, the amount of food put out is relatively small, this is very good, it is better to control and not easy to cool down! shortcoming 1. There are not many choices for Hong Kong style, so people who want to eat Hong Kong style may be disappointed 2. The delicacy and delicacy of the dishes are ordinary, the taste is what you can imagine, the original and simply seasoned dishes, but the price of 450 is already great for me, but for some people who want If you eat delicious food, you may have to spend two or three hundred more to upgrade it to another family's all-you-can-eat! 3. The name of the dish may be clearly marked, otherwise you don’t know what the bread is. For example, I thought the almond sliced ​​roll was filled with shrimp, but it turned out to be sweet taro, or what kind of siu mai is, you can mark it, otherwise take it. What you don't like to eat will be wasted! Overall a good restaurant, will eat again
Clifford Co on Google

Roland Huang on Google

very bad
James Wang on Google

Tasted good, but it was a little bit rush for eating time.

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