
4.9/5 基於 8 評論

Contact 沁悅產後護理之家|桃園優質產後護理|桃園坐月子|推薦月子中心|產後瑜珈|養生月子餐

地址 :

330, Taiwan, Taoyuan City, Taoyuan District, Section 1, Chenggong Rd, 30-1號沁悅產後護理之家|桃園優質產後護理|桃園坐月子|推薦月子中心|產後瑜珈|養生月子餐

電話 : 📞 +8888
網站 : https://www.qing-yue.com.tw/
城市 : Chenggong Rd

330, Taiwan, Taoyuan City, Taoyuan District, Section 1, Chenggong Rd, 30-1號沁悅產後護理之家|桃園優質產後護理|桃園坐月子|推薦月子中心|產後瑜珈|養生月子餐
陳妮可 on Google

我在沁悅的月中生活! 真的是一間讓人捨不得出住的月中~寬敞舒適的空間~良好的地理位置~溫柔體貼的櫃檯、房務阿姨、尤其是專業的護理人員更是深得我心!剛入住在熟悉環境遇到熱情的櫃檯人員跟細心照護的護理人員,這都讓產後敏感愛哭的媽媽覺得溫馨!寶寶的狀況也會每天回報遇到媽媽的問題也都會一一解答,一點都沒有不耐煩,每次經過嬰兒房都看到每個護理人員忙碌的身影,但是都還是笑容滿滿,對媽媽的問題也都會細心紀錄交接,每班護理人員都會繼續追蹤狀況!真的讓媽媽有深深感受到被照顧,多才多藝的櫃檯人員除了要豐富媽媽的月中生活,安排了很多手做課程讓媽媽不無聊,還要變身水電工修門修電燈,實在是太厲害了? 如果可以真的很想長期住在這裡呢!還不忘照顧大寶、超大間的遊戲中心各式各樣的玩具,就連手做課程大寶也可以參與,我家大寶超愛這邊的櫃檯姊姊們!不管第幾胎這裡真的是最棒的選擇!
I live in the moon of Qinyue! It's really a mid-month place that I can't bear to live in~ Spacious and comfortable space~ Good location~ Gentle and considerate counter, housekeeping auntie, especially the professional nursing staff are even more impressive to me! I just checked in in a familiar environment and met enthusiastic counter staff and caring nursing staff, which made postpartum sensitive and crying mothers feel warm! The baby's condition will also be reported every day and the mother's questions will be answered one by one. There is no impatience at all. Every time I pass the nursery, I see every nurse busy, but they are still full of smiles. Questions will also be carefully recorded and handed over, and each shift of nursing staff will continue to track the situation! It really made my mother feel deeply cared for. In addition to enriching my mother's mid-month life, the multi-talented counter staff arranged a lot of hands-on courses to keep my mother from being bored. They also turned into plumbers to repair doors and lights. great ? If you can really want to live here for a long time! Don't forget to take care of Dabao and all kinds of toys in the game center in the super room. You can even participate in the hand-made course Dabao. My Dabao loves the counter sisters here! No matter how many babies, this is really the best choice!
陳小婷 on Google

明早就要退房溜! 來分享一下月子中心好了! 當初懷孕拿到孕婦手冊就開始參觀了月中,看了15間以上,雖然住三峽不過我還是想多參考,看了板橋土城樹林三峽鶯歌桃園中壢蘆竹,線上參觀到沁悦之後,立馬滿心歡喜的打電話跟尢說這間好棒喔!感覺老公也會喜歡! 服務人員舒葦線上參觀很詳細,聲音很溫柔,很有耐心的介紹館內,最後我說再跟老公討論看看,她還大方的建議我可以多比較其他間喜歡再決定?,整個很自信這樣! 實際入住後,我真的要說,Google Maps、FB裡的評論,各位媽咪落落長的心得都是真的! 好幸運我選擇沁悦,完全不用到處跟朋友放送中這間,朋友們看我限動發文就知道這裡多棒了!她們都瘋狂抱怨她們自己選錯家,錢花的怎樣後悔? 看我娓娓道來這邊的優點~~ 離預產期提早了3週臨時預約剖腹日期,住院待產時就很擔心出院會不會月子中心沒房間住,當下就打電話詢問空房,很欣喜的是沒有被詐騙滿房狀態,幫我預留空房,讓我放心生產,出院前一天還電話詢問我入住後餐點與提醒我要準備的物品及到館後可以把車門口幫忙下行李,還攙扶我下車幫忙我抱寶寶! ?環境:館內裝潢就是很美,大氣!很適合拍網美照耶! 房型10坪起,挑高光線明亮,有落地窗,裝潢設計我是蠻尬藝的,床是K牌的king size 很好睡。 ?獨棟,附近蠻多停車場的,館內提供每天最高100元停車折抵。 附近還有百貨公司商場美食大樓!缺什麼想買什麼吃什麼,老公出去買走路就到,很方便。 ?嬰兒室~空間蠻大的,大面玻璃可以看,每個寶寶配置一個攝影機,房內電視打開24小時可以看到自家寶寶。 寶寶嗯嗯~是水洗屁屁,還會曬寶寶屁屁,減少紅屁屁的發生! 護理人員會常常輪流巡視每個寶寶!寶寶沐浴後電話通知媽咪寶寶體重,也會跟媽咪討論寶寶奶量排便跟肌膚狀況,讓我很安心! 每週有2天嬰兒室紫外線消毒,媽咪累的話,她們可以幫忙照看或是選擇母嬰同室!看自己。 還有寶寶推送服務,對於剛生產完,需要多休息,但又想看寶寶的媽咪,這是個很貼心的服務,一通電話可以幫妳送上樓! ?餐點有配合三間月子餐,月芽、芽果、皇太后,剛開始訂的是月芽,覺得好吃,吃幾天後想換口味,轉皇太后後,整個超合我胃口,可以飯菜加量,直接多給各一碗青菜+一碗白飯,跟大寶吃完肚子很撐啊,每天都有很多湯湯水水發奶泌乳茶元氣茶止渴茶可以補充,讓哺乳奶量衝起來?! 房間外有櫃子是專門放餐點的,媽咪睡醒再去提餐進房吃就好,不會覺得被打擾到,偶爾還有油飯蛋糕試吃,每隔週五有下午茶點心,是不錯的蛋糕,媽咪小確幸時光❤️❤️! ?可以訂熊貓,偶爾吃點喝點喜歡的美食,開心卡重要。 包裹也可以寄這裡幫忙收。 ?大寶友善,訂的是大寶感控房,床很大跟爸爸大寶一起睡不會覺得擠,還有B1有遊戲室可以讓他們耗電!玩得她累累的,媽咪也好兩手一攤?。 大寶能一起參與手作課之外,還讓大寶單獨作手印框。 ?DIY手作課有夠豐富,例如奶嘴鏈、圍兜、平安福袋、安撫巾、香氛、腳印課,課程舒壓耶! 讓媽媽不無聊,邊跟大家聊邊做,為孩子親手做的,用不到也可以保留起來當紀念品,然後像我手超級不巧的又笨拙,她們都會耐心教學,做失敗了還會幫忙補救。 ?專業課程,例如:瑜珈課、安撫寶寶、紅臀口腔護理、寶寶沐浴…等,讓新生爸媽提前學習,回家才不會慌張+手忙腳亂這樣! ?每週有一天中醫師把脈看診媽咪,一天小兒科醫生看診寶寶。 每天會有衛教師幫媽咪量體溫血壓,關心媽咪身體狀況傷口惡露排便子宮恢復…等。 ?贈送的服務 每週的洗頭,毯子可以幫蓋暖身體,洗完還會敷溫毛巾在後頸超舒服! 全身spa按摩60分鐘,按摩全身後真的通體舒暢,腰酸背痛都有緩解到。 思庭無痛雙邊泌乳,真的用無痛的方式就可以把我塞住的濃稠奶給擠出來! 寶寶寫真一張含框 ,配合的是小詩琪映像館,拍攝時寶寶哭了,她們三兩下就哄的昏昏睡去。很專業拍寶寶?? 寶寶游泳~好幾個小裝飾放在寶寶頭上被萌翻,可愛的不要不要的! Chicco 寶寶禮盒還有媽咪洗沐精! 真的送很大!送很多!cp值超級高❗️ ?清潔?打掃姨,每天都會微笑打招呼並且動作迅速,沒有讓媽咪覺得打擾太久,還會提醒有沒有報名課程,健忘媽咪就是我好幾次都忘記。 提供的哺乳衣浴巾床單都有淡淡的香味,聞起來很舒服。 ?最後我真心不騙要大力的讚美這裡的所有服務專員、清潔ㄚ姨、嬰兒室人員、泌乳師、美髮師、按摩師、攝影師…的每一位,大家真的都很親切好溫柔非常有耐心!最重要的是很好聊天!零距離~ 超級推薦這裡的,真的敢大聲的說,月子選擇來這裡就對了,完全不會後悔,月子開開心心的做,又能好好休養身體,超級棒!我給200分不能再多?
Check out early tomorrow morning! Come and share about the confinement center! When I got pregnant and got the maternity handbook, I started to visit the middle of the month. I saw more than 15 rooms. Although I lived in the Three Gorges, I still wanted to refer to it. , Immediately full of joy, I called and told You that this was a great place! I think my husband will like it too! The service staff Shu Wei visited the online in great detail, with a very gentle voice, and patiently introduced the museum. Finally, I said to discuss it with my husband. She also generously suggested that I can compare other rooms to my liking before deciding ?, I am very confident. so! After the actual check-in, I really want to say that the comments in Google Maps and FB, the opinions of all moms are true! I'm so lucky to choose Qinyue, and I don't have to broadcast this place with my friends everywhere. My friends will know how great this place is when they see my limited posts! They are all madly complaining that they chose the wrong home and regretted how much money was spent ? Watch me explain the advantages of coming here~~ I made a temporary appointment for a caesarean section 3 weeks earlier than the expected date of delivery. When I was hospitalized for labor, I was very worried about whether there would be no room in the confinement center when I was discharged from the hospital. I immediately called to inquire about the vacancy. The vacant room gave me peace of mind to give birth. The day before I was discharged from the hospital, I called me to ask me about the meal after I checked in and reminded me of the items I needed to prepare. After arriving at the museum, I could help me unload my luggage at the door of the car, and even help me get out of the car and help me hold the baby! ?Environment: The interior decoration of the museum is beautiful and atmospheric! It's perfect for taking pictures online! The room type starts from 10 pings, with high ceilings and bright light, with floor-to-ceiling windows. I am quite embarrassed in the decoration design. The bed is a king size of K brand, which is very good for sleep. ?Single-building, there are many parking lots nearby, and the museum provides a parking discount of up to 100 yuan per day. There is also a department store mall food building nearby! If you want to buy and eat what you want, the husband can go out to buy something and walk there, which is very convenient. ?Baby room ~ The space is quite large, the large glass can be seen, each baby is equipped with a camera, and the TV in the room can be turned on for 24 hours to see your own baby. Baby ummm~ It washes buttocks with water, and also basks in baby's buttocks to reduce the occurrence of red buttocks! Nursing staff will often take turns visiting each baby! After the baby bathes, I will notify Mommy of the baby's weight by phone, and I will also discuss with Mommy about the baby's milk quantity, bowel movements and skin condition, which makes me feel at ease! There are UV disinfection in the baby room 2 days a week. If mommy is tired, they can help take care of it or choose to share the room with the mother and baby! Look at yourself. There is also a baby push service, which is a very considerate service for moms who have just given birth and need more rest, but want to see their baby. A phone call can help you go upstairs! ?The meal comes with three confinement meals, Yueya, Yaguo, and Empress Dowager. I just ordered Yueya, and I thought it was delicious. After a few days of eating, I wanted to change the taste. After changing to the Empress Dowager, the whole thing is very suitable for my appetite. You can increase the amount of meals, directly give each one more bowl of green vegetables + a bowl of white rice, and the stomach is very supportive after eating with Dabao. Every day, there are a lot of soup, water, milk, lactation tea, vitality tea, thirst-quenching tea, which can be supplemented to increase the amount of breastfeeding milk. Get up ?! There is a cabinet outside the room for meals. Mommy can pick up the meal and eat it in the room after she wakes up, and she won't feel disturbed. Occasionally, there are oil rice cakes to try, and afternoon tea and snacks every Friday, yes Nice cake, happy time for mommy ❤️❤️! ?You can order pandas, and occasionally eat and drink your favorite food, the happiness card is important. Packages can also be sent here for assistance. ?Dabao is friendly, I booked the Dabao sensory control room, the bed is big and I will not feel crowded when I sleep with my dad Dabao, and there is a game room in B1 to make them consume electricity! She was tired from playing, and Mommy spread both hands ?. In addition to participating in the hand-making class together, Dabao also asked Dabao to make the handprint frame alone. ? There are plenty of DIY crafting classes, such as pacifier chains, bibs, safety bags, soothing towels, fragrances, and footprint classes. The classes are so relaxing! Let the mother not be bored, chat with everyone and make it for the child, and you can keep it as a souvenir if you don’t need it, and like my hands are super unfortunate and clumsy, they will teach patiently, and they will help if they fail. remedy. ?Professional courses, such as: yoga class, soothing the baby, oral care with red buttocks, baby bathing...etc. Let the new parents study in advance, so that they will not panic when they go home! ?One day a week, the Chinese doctor will take the pulse to see the mother, and the pediatrician will see the baby one day. Every day, there will be a health teacher to help Mommy measure her body temperature and blood pressure, care about Mommy's physical condition, wound lochia, defecation, uterine recovery...etc. ? Gifted service The weekly shampoo, the blanket can help to warm the body, and the warm towel will be put on the back of the neck after washing, which is super comfortable! The whole body spa massage for 60 minutes, after massaging the whole body, the whole body is really comfortable, and the back pain is relieved. Siting painless bilateral lactation can really squeeze out the thick milk that I plugged in in a painless way! A baby photo with a frame , Cooperating with the Xiaoshiqi Image Gallery, the baby cried during the filming, and they coaxed them into a drowsy sleep. Very professional baby shoot ?? Baby swimming~ Several small decorations are placed on the baby's head and turned over by cuteness, don't you don't want to be cute! Chicco baby gift box and mommy soap! Really big deal! Send a lot! The cp value is super high❗️ ?Cleaning?Cleaning auntie, she greets her with a smile every day and moves quickly, without disturbing Mommy for too long, and also reminds me if I have signed up for a course. My forgetful mommy is that I have forgotten it several times. The nursing clothes, bath towels and sheets provided have a light fragrance and smell very comfortable. ?Finally, I really don’t want to lie and I want to praise all the service specialists, cleaning aunts, baby room staff, lactation therapists, hairdressers, masseuses, photographers… everyone here is really kind, gentle and very kind Be patient! The most important thing is to have a good chat! Zero distance~ I highly recommend it here. I really dare to say loudly that it is the right choice for Yuezi to come here, and I will not regret it at all. Yuezi does it happily and can take a good rest. It's super awesome! I can't give more than 200 points ?
洪妤儂 on Google

確認懷孕拿到媽媽手冊不久,就已鎖定好月子中心,最後決定沁悅是因為 *交通便利、停車方便 位於桃園市中心,周圍林立百貨公司、寶雅、屈臣氏、康是美、還有各式餐飲,爸爸要出門覓食也相當方便。 *飲食多元 月子餐有方3家可以選擇,月芽、皇太后、芽果,不用擔心吃膩或吃不習慣,隨時可以更換! 三家月子餐都有提供大風草, 每隔雙週另行提供下午茶! 只是疫情關係只能在房間享用, 不能在美美的大廳跟其他媽媽聊天 *月中環境與提供設備 成舍設計的裝潢作品,空間明亮、採光良好,我的房間雖有大柱子,但色彩採用莫蘭迪色,看起來也不壓迫,一入住就愛上這種放鬆心情的風格。 重點是,門外設有餐飲置放櫃,送餐人員覺得不會進門打擾到媽咪休息或是擠奶,另設置防擾鈴聲按鈕,這對淺眠的我相當重要。 *嬰兒室護理人員 嬰兒室大面玻璃無死角且24小時不關窗、隨時都可以看到寶寶,在房間電視也可以看到寶寶視訊,寶寶在嬰兒室一定是晾屁屁,預防尿布疹。 而且沁悅還有寶寶推送服務,嬰兒室人員會幫忙推寶寶到住房或回嬰兒室,讓媽媽可以多加休息,在剛生產完還在宮縮痛的我,真的是相當貼心。 最重要的是,嬰兒室在一樓,後方就是防火巷,一有狀況可以馬上將寶寶推送出去? *清潔人員 每天都有迅速清潔房間的阿姨們,有時寶寶不小心弄髒床單,也非常迅速幫我們更換,也常常關心我有無按時用餐。 *沁悅提供的贈送服務 1.思庭雙邊泌乳 很多月子中心都只贈送單邊,思庭人員非常溫柔,幫我解決塞奶問題,一點都不痛。 2.精油SPA 因為疫情已經很久沒有去SPA了?,老師提供的精油好好聞,終於有舒緩因懷孕引起的背部疼痛。 3.專業洗頭-每週: 洗髮時會提供保暖毯子蓋著身體,潤髮時也有熱毛巾溫著後頸,老師吹髮也會稍微吹整一下,真的很開心! 4.寶寶游泳: 寶寶游泳實在太可愛, 萌翻大家? 有相當多的小道具, 重點寶寶自己也很喜歡游泳! * 櫃檯人員&手作課程 櫃檯人員相當親切,也非常多才多藝 ,一有問題也非常快速幫我們解決,感謝沁悅所有人員
Soon after confirming the pregnancy and getting the mother's handbook, the confinement center has been locked. Finally, the reason for Qinyue's decision is because *Convenient transportation and parking Located in the center of Taoyuan City, surrounded by department stores, Baoya, Watsons, Kang Shimei, and various restaurants, it is quite convenient for Dad to go out for food. *Diverse diet There are 3 confinement meals to choose from, Yueya, Empress Dowager, and Yaguo. You don’t have to worry about getting tired or not used to eating, and you can change them at any time! All three confinement meals provide Dafengcao, Afternoon tea is offered every other week! It's just that the epidemic relationship can only be enjoyed in the room, Can't chat with other moms in Meimei's lobby * Mid-month environment and provision of equipment The decoration works designed by Chengshe have a bright space and good lighting. Although my room has large pillars, the color is Morandi, which does not look oppressive. I fell in love with this relaxing style as soon as I moved in. The point is, there is a catering cabinet outside the door. The food delivery staff thinks that they will not disturb Mommy's rest or milking when entering the door. An anti-disturbance bell button is also set, which is very important for me who is light sleeper. *Baby room caregiver The large glass in the baby room has no dead ends and the windows are not closed 24 hours a day. You can see the baby at any time. You can also see the baby's video on the TV in the room. The baby must be hanging his ass in the baby room to prevent diaper rash. In addition, Qinyue also has a baby push service. The baby room staff will help push the baby to the house or back to the baby room, so that the mother can rest more. I was really very considerate when I was still suffering from uterine contractions just after giving birth. The most important thing is that the baby room is on the first floor, and there is a fire alley at the back. You can push the baby out immediately if there is any situation. *Cleaning staff Every day, there are aunties who quickly clean the room. Sometimes the baby accidentally stains the sheets, and they change it very quickly for us, and they often care about whether I have meals on time. *Gift service provided by Qinyue 1. Siting bilateral lactation Many confinement centers only give one-sided gifts. The staff of Siting are very gentle and help me solve the problem of milk stuffing, which is not painful at all. 2. Essential oil SPA I haven't been to the SPA for a long time due to the epidemic?, the essential oil provided by the teacher smells good and finally relieves the back pain caused by pregnancy. 3. Professional Shampoo - Weekly: When shampooing, a warm blanket will be provided to cover the body, and a hot towel will be provided to warm the back of the neck when the hair is shampooed. 4. Baby swimming: Baby swimming is so cute Meng turn everyone ? There are quite a few small props, The key point is that the baby himself likes swimming very much! * Counter staff & crafting classes The counter staff are very friendly and very versatile , once there is a problem, it will help us solve it very quickly, thanks to all the staff of Qinyue
Theresa Lien on Google

很慶幸自己選擇了沁悦來坐月子,從入住前到整段住在這裡的時間都受到很多的幫助。寶寶獲得無微不致的照顧,媽媽的身心靈也不被照顧了。真的很感謝沁悦的所有人,妳們給新手媽媽很多的支持及關愛,讓我在當媽媽這段路能站穩腳步。 因為比預產期早生產,寶寶先一天入住,在送寶寶來的時候衛教師就親自幫石頭奶痛到哭的我擠奶疏通。 第一胎新手媽媽的我有很多的不安,遇到照顧寶寶的問題,嬰兒室的照護員跟護理師都不厭其煩仔細手把手地把我教會。我半夜不舒服,他們也馬上來看我的狀況,隔天交班後也持續追蹤。遇到設備問題,櫃台的專員也馬上來幫我處理。 管內的專業的衛教課程讓我在休息擠奶之虞可以學習一些未來照護寶寶的技能。DIY課程中和館內的服務專員及其他媽媽五四三聊天讓我都超放鬆,有效減緩了我產後因為賀爾蒙感到起伏的情緒。DIY最後做出來的成品很實用又可愛,謝謝每位指導人員的用心。 沁悦不但硬體設施很棒,軟體(所有的照護)都讓我倍感溫馨,真的很謝謝沁悦的大家。
I am very fortunate that I chose Qinyue for confinement, and I received a lot of help from before my stay to the whole time I lived here. The baby receives meticulous care, and the mother's body and mind are not taken care of. I am really grateful to everyone at Qinyue. You have given new mothers a lot of support and care, so that I can stand firm on the road of becoming a mother. Because the baby was born earlier than the expected date of delivery, the baby was checked in the day before. When the baby was delivered, Teacher Wei personally helped me, who was crying because of the pain, to dredge the milk. As a first-time novice mother, I have a lot of anxiety. When I encounter the problem of taking care of my baby, the nurses and nurses in the nursery take the trouble to teach me carefully and hand in hand. I felt uncomfortable in the middle of the night, and they immediately came to see my condition, and they continued to follow up after the shift the next day. In case of equipment problems, the specialists at the counter came to help me right away. The professional health education courses in the tube allow me to learn some future baby care skills during the rest of the milking. During the DIY class, chatting with the service specialists and other mothers in the museum made me super relaxed, which effectively relieved my postpartum hormonal fluctuations. The final product made by DIY is very practical and cute. Thank you for your hard work. Qinyue not only has great hardware facilities, but also software (all the care) that makes me feel warm. I really appreciate everyone at Qinyue.
Ting Chen on Google

當初要選月子中心時 做了好多功課也比較很多間 最後決定下訂沁悅 實際入住後我給滿分100分 完全符合我的期待 除了剛開幕1年多 裝潢新穎設備齊全以外 我最在乎的寶寶照護及產後護理問題 在這裡都得到非常大的幫助 每天早上有衛教師(媽媽秘書)幫媽媽量體溫、血壓、關心哺乳及排便和惡露狀況 嬰兒室所有護理人員都非常專業和有耐心 有任何問題都可以馬上詢問她們得到協助 她們會時時回報寶寶的狀況 跟我討論寶寶奶量、便便狀況、體重... 讓我很放心把寶寶交給她們 也可以從房內電視看到寶寶的一舉一動 每個禮拜的還有專業課程 由護理師專業細心的解說 包含新生兒沐浴、如何安撫寶寶、如何親餵... 讓我們新手爸媽不會手忙腳亂 回家也知道怎麼正確照顧寶寶 定期還有中醫師巡診 幫媽媽把脈瞭解身體狀況給建議 小兒科巡診檢查 讓媽媽放心寶貝的狀況 最開心的是 還有專屬媽媽們的手作舒壓課程 每個純手工成品都是媽媽對寶貝滿滿的愛且獨一無二 感謝美麗的經理和專員們 充滿美感與耐心的教導協助 讓媽媽放鬆的還有每個禮拜的洗頭時間 全身SPA體驗 專業泌乳師拯救媽媽們的奶量 最後還有隔週五的美味下午茶時光 入住沁悅的這段時間 真的很幸福 所有事情一通電話 馬上就能得到最好的協助 連打掃的阿姨們都超級親切溫柔 房間每天都乾乾淨淨 有沁悅真好!好捨不得回家:)
When I wanted to choose a confinement center I did a lot of homework and compared a lot of time Finally decided to order Qinyue After the actual check-in, I will give a full score of 100 Exactly what I expected Except for just over a year after opening Newly decorated and fully equipped My top concerns about baby care and postpartum care Great help here Every morning, a health teacher (mother secretary) will help the mother to measure the temperature, blood pressure, breastfeeding, defecation and lochia All nurses in the baby room are very professional and patient If you have any questions, you can ask them immediately for assistance They will report on the baby's condition from time to time Talk to me about your baby's milk supply, poop condition, weight... Makes me feel comfortable giving my baby to them You can also watch your baby's every move from the TV in the room There are also professional courses every week Professional and careful explanation by the nurse Includes newborn bathing, how to soothe your baby, how to breastfeed... Let our new parents not be in a hurry Knowing how to properly take care of your baby at home Regular doctor visits Help mother to take the pulse to understand the physical condition and give advice Pediatric round-trip inspection Reassure mother about baby's condition the happiest There are also hand-made stress relief courses for mothers Each pure handmade product is a mother's love for the baby and is unique Thanks to the beautiful managers and commissioners Teaching assistance full of beauty and patience Let mother relax and wash her hair every week Full body spa experience Professional lactation specialists save mothers' milk supply Finally, there is a delicious afternoon tea time every other Friday During your stay in Qinyue really happy A phone call for everything Get the best assistance right away Even the cleaning aunts are super kind and gentle The room is clean every day It's great to have Qinyue! I can't bear to go home :)
徐嘉妤 on Google

因為疫情的關係,當初在看月子中心時,沁悅只能線上視訊講解參觀,另外由於我喜新厭舊,所以看到沁悅嶄新美麗的環境,讓我只看一間就下訂了。等到正式入住,櫃檯人員熱情的招呼及介紹,讓我覺得應該沒選錯地方~房間寬敞、明亮。裡面的東西齊全,住起來非常舒適,床也很大非常好睡。 月子中心的重點- - -嬰兒室。 24小時輪班細心的照顧,每次的確認護理人員都會好好紀錄,若有要照顧上有要變化的時候都會主動跟媽媽說明討論才會更改,讓媽媽非常放心。如果有問題詢問也會非常有耐心的回答。 每天也會有護理人員到房量血壓及體溫,關照每天的狀況。每週也有醫生巡檢,除了照顧寶寶,也不會忽略媽媽的恢復狀況。 親切的房務阿姨每天打掃房間整理的乾乾淨淨,快速又確實,臉上都帶著笑容,讓媽媽住起來非常舒適。 手作舒壓課程(奶嘴鏈、圍兜兜、安撫巾、腳印框、香氛蠟磚、產後瑜伽⋯等) 專業課程(新生兒沐浴、溢吐奶與拍打嗝、紅臀照護⋯等等) 每週的洗頭、思庭泌乳師疏乳(兩邊喔)spa按摩、寶寶攝影⋯等等,還要寫在行事曆裡面才不會忘記什麼時候要做什麼。 時間好快~本來以為會住膩,沒想到一轉眼即將退房,實在好想把護理師帶回家呀?非常不捨也感謝沁悅給我開心的月中生活。
Because of the epidemic, when I first saw the confinement center, Qinyue could only explain the visit online. In addition, because I like the new and hate the old, I saw Qinyue's new and beautiful environment, so I only saw one room and ordered it. After the official check-in, the warm greetings and introductions from the counter staff made me think that I should have chosen the right place. The room is spacious and bright. Everything inside is complete, it is very comfortable to live in, and the bed is very big and very good to sleep. The focus of the confinement center - - the baby room. 24-hour shifts to take care of me carefully. Every time I confirm the nursing staff will make a good record. If there is any change in care, I will take the initiative to explain and discuss with my mother before changing, which makes my mother very reassured. If you have any questions, they will be very patient to answer them. Nursing staff will also come to the room every day to measure blood pressure and body temperature, and take care of the daily situation. There is also a doctor's inspection every week, in addition to taking care of the baby, the mother's recovery will not be ignored. The kind housekeeping aunt cleans the room every day, fast and sure, with a smile on her face, making my mother very comfortable to live in. Hand-made stress relief classes (pacifier chains, bibs, pacifiers, footprint frames, scented wax blocks, postpartum yoga, etc.) Professional courses (newborn bathing, spitting up and burping, red butt care...etc.) Weekly shampooing, Siting Lactationist (both sides) spa massage, baby photography, etc., etc., and also write it down in the calendar so that you will not forget what to do when. Time is so fast~ I thought I would be tired of staying here, but I didn't expect to check out in a blink of an eye, I really want to bring the nurse home ? I am very reluctant to part and thank Qinyue for giving me a happy mid-month life.
賴盈臻 on Google

去年二月順利懷上第二胎後,馬上就預約參觀沁悅產後護理之家,在惠茹的介紹下,非常滿意沁悅的大寶房及內部軟硬體設施,不過當下沒有馬上簽約,想說等拿到媽媽手冊後再來下訂,只可惜後來胚胎沒有長大,拿掉了…不過,後來過了三個月寶寶就帶齊行李回來,這次謹慎的等到確認寶寶有心跳,順利拿到媽媽手冊之後,馬上與惠茹連絡線上簽約預訂入住30天,就開始期待入住後的天堂級享受了~ 入住第一天,因為奶量來得太快,已經有塞奶硬塊了,不舒服到影響我睡眠,本來想說要預約疏通不知道要等多久,只是稍微詢問櫃台,沒想到櫃檯小姐緊急幫我聯絡思庭泌乳,隔天馬上就來幫我無痛疏通,讓我之後擠乳都非常順暢沒塞奶! 整個月中的人員每一位都超級親切,遇到的時候都會打招呼聊天,房務阿姨清潔效率高,進房打掃遇到大寶都會和他玩,三不五時還會準備小點心給大寶吃,整個寵壞? ?環境的部分 月中是獨棟大樓,大廳挑高設計,美觀氣派,每層樓的設計風格都各有特色;房型是長型的,空間大,裝潢超美,床是king size ,就算大寶橫睡,也不會擁擠;管控嚴格,須持有房卡才可進出;可以透過房內電視,隨時觀看在嬰兒室休息的寶寶;大寶房集中在二樓,避免大寶調皮跑跳會影響樓下房客;地下室有專屬大寶的遊戲室,兒子每天都吵著要去樓下玩,要回房間還會盧,玩到都不想回房?。 ?餐點的部分 有三家月子餐可供選擇,月芽、芽果、皇太后,如果吃不習慣隨時都可以更換,另外大寶有一起吃飯的需求,也可以幫忙加量;餐點的部分直接放在房門外的櫃子,會按電鈴提醒,不會送進房間打擾到媽咪休息。 ?媽媽的部分 每週洗髮一次,無痛泌乳體驗一次,精油spa體驗一次,每週三中醫師巡診,隔週有美味下午茶可以享用,還有很多的專業課程與手作課程可以參加;每天都有衛教師巡房量血壓,關心媽咪的生、心理狀況,有任何問題也可以幫忙解答。 ?寶寶的部分 提供寶寶游泳一次,還附加很多小配件裝飾,讓游泳中的寶寶超級好拍殺手機容量;每週都有小兒科醫師巡診;護理師照顧寶寶,有什麼狀況隨時都會通知媽咪,並提供專業的協助;寶寶隨時都在曬屁屁避免紅屁股;嬰兒室24小時全天候開窗,想什麼時候看寶寶都非常方便,就算房裡有大寶,想抱寶寶時,也可以到哺乳室去探視。 綜合以上各種優點,誠心推薦月中一定要選擇沁悅產後護理之家,保證讓你住到不想回家?大推!
After she successfully conceived her second child in February last year, she immediately made an appointment to visit the Qinyue Postpartum Care Home. Under the introduction of Huiru, she was very satisfied with Qinyue's big treasure house and internal software and hardware facilities, but she did not sign the contract immediately. I want to say that I will wait until I get the mother's manual and then place an order. Unfortunately, the embryo did not grow up and was removed... However, after three months, the baby came back with all the luggage. This time, I waited cautiously until it was confirmed that the baby had a heartbeat and took it smoothly. After arriving at the mother's handbook, I immediately contacted Huiru to sign a contract online to book a stay for 30 days, and I began to look forward to the heaven-level enjoyment after the stay~ On the first day of check-in, because the milk volume came too fast, there was already a lump of milk stuffed in it, which was uncomfortable and affected my sleep. I originally wanted to make an appointment to clear the flow, but I didn’t know how long it would take, but I just asked the counter a little, but I didn’t expect the lady at the counter to help me urgently. I contacted Siting Lactation, and they came to help me with pain-free dredging immediately the next day, so that I could express my milk very smoothly afterward without jamming! All the staff throughout the month are super friendly. They greet and chat when they meet them. The housekeeping aunt has high cleaning efficiency. Treasure eat, spoil the whole ? ?The part of the environment It is a single-family building in the middle of the moon. The hall is high-ceilinged and beautiful. The design style of each floor has its own characteristics; the room type is long, the space is large, and the decoration is super beautiful. It will not be crowded; the control is strict, you must hold a room card to enter and exit; you can watch the baby resting in the baby room at any time through the TV in the room; the big treasure room is concentrated on the second floor, so that the naughty running and jumping of the big treasure will not affect the downstairs Tenant; there is a game room dedicated to Dabao in the basement. My son is clamoring to go downstairs to play every day. ? Portions of the meal There are three confinement meals to choose from, Yueya, Yaguo, and Empress Dowager. If you are not used to eating, you can change them at any time. In addition, Dabao can help you increase the amount if you need to eat together; part of the meal is directly placed in the room. The cabinet outside the door will ring the bell to remind, and will not be sent into the room to disturb Mommy's rest. ?Mom's part Shampoo once a week, experience pain-free lactation once, experience essential oil spa once, visit Chinese physicians every Wednesday, enjoy delicious afternoon tea every other week, and participate in many professional courses and handcraft courses; Room blood pressure, concerned about Mommy's health, psychological status, any questions can also help answer. ?The part of the baby Provide the baby to swim once, and add a lot of small accessories to make the swimming baby super good to kill the mobile phone capacity; every week there are pediatricians visiting; the nurse takes care of the baby. Assistance; the baby is always drying his ass to avoid red buttocks; the window of the baby room is open 24 hours a day, it is very convenient to see the baby whenever you want, even if there is a big treasure in the room, you can also visit the nursing room when you want to hold the baby. Combining the above advantages, I sincerely recommend that you must choose Qinyue Postpartum Care Home in the middle of the month, to ensure that you live until you don’t want to go home? Big push!
Cai-Yun Yuan on Google

時間過個好快,明早就要出住囉~ 當初生大寶時,也是住月子中心,這一次懷了二寶,老公也是很貼心地提出要住月子中心,沁悅有大寶房又有遊戲室,整個就很符合我們的需求 當時因為疫情的關係,雖然只能透過線上視訊參觀說明,但是服務人員琪琪,很有耐心、很詳細的介紹館內,老公直接不考慮就直接下定了,因為太優啦!! 接近預產期時,還很貼心的電話詢問待產的狀況,以及提醒要準備的物品 入住當天,櫃檯的接待人員也很熱心的協助搬行李,整個就很有Family的感覺 接下來就一 一的跟大家說明我的實際感想 ◆館內環境:一走進館內,大廳感覺很明亮、氣派,感覺起來就很舒適! ◆寶寶嬰兒室:很滿意的是,嬰兒室大玻璃,24小時都可以看到寶寶,每個寶寶上方也有配置一個攝影機,在房內電視打開也可以看到寶寶的狀況。 寶寶在嬰兒室都是採用曬寶寶屁屁,降低紅屁屁的機率~ 護理人員會常常輪流巡視每個寶寶!寶寶沐浴後電話通知媽咪寶寶體重,也會跟媽咪討論寶寶奶量排便跟肌膚狀況,讓我很安心! 每週有2天嬰兒室紫外線消毒,可以讓我很放心~ ◆月子餐:有配合三間月子餐,月芽、芽果、皇太后三家,也都可以隨時更換廠家,可以換換不同的味道 ◆房間:訂的是2F大寶房,附有小客廳,坪數14坪,感覺起來就很舒服,晚上大寶入睡時,我跟老公就在小客廳追劇,完全不會影響到大寶的睡眠。 ◆DIY手作課:課程真的很豐富,老公、大寶也能一起參與手作課之外,真的是大大的開心 讓媽媽不無聊,邊跟大家聊邊做,老師也都會耐心教學,做失敗了還會幫忙補救。 ◆專業課程,例如:安撫寶寶、紅臀口腔護理、寶寶沐浴…等,讓新生爸媽提前學習,回家才不會慌張+手忙腳亂這樣! ◆每週有一天中醫師把脈看診媽咪,一天小兒科醫生看診寶寶。 每天會有衛教師幫媽咪量體溫血壓,關心媽咪身體狀況傷口惡露排便子宮恢復…等。 ◆贈送的服務: 每週的洗頭,毯子可以幫蓋暖身體,洗完還會敷溫毛巾在後頸超舒服! 全身spa按摩60分鐘,按摩全身後真的通體舒暢,腰酸背痛都有緩解到。 思庭無痛雙邊泌乳,真的用無痛的方式就可以把我塞住的濃稠奶給擠出來! ◆寶寶寫真: 配合的是小詩琪映像館,拍攝時寶寶哭了,她們三兩下就哄的昏昏睡去。很專業拍寶寶 ◆寶寶游泳:小裝飾放在寶寶頭上被萌翻,真的太可愛! ◆房間清潔:打掃阿姨,每天都會微笑打招呼並且動作迅速,沒有讓媽咪覺得打擾太久,提供的哺乳衣浴巾床單都有淡淡的香味,聞起來很舒服。 這一次月子真的很放鬆,在這25天的日子,感覺很快就過去了,館內的服務專員、嬰兒室護理人員...每一位,大家真的都很親切好溫柔非常有耐心,真心推薦! 如果有機會生三寶,一定要再來入住,讚!
Time flies so fast, I have to go out tomorrow morning~ When I gave birth to Dabao, I also lived in a confinement center. This time I was pregnant with my second baby. My husband also very thoughtfully proposed to live in a confinement center. Qinyue has a big treasure room and a game room. The whole thing is very suitable for our needs. At that time, due to the epidemic situation, although we could only visit and explain through online video, the service staff Qiqi was very patient and very detailed to introduce the museum. My husband just made the decision without thinking about it, because it was too good!! When the due date is approaching, he also makes a very thoughtful phone call to inquire about the status of the childbirth and reminds the items to be prepared. On the day of check-in, the receptionist at the counter was also very helpful in assisting with luggage, and the whole felt like a family Next, I will explain to you my actual feelings one by one. ◆Environment of the hall: As soon as you walk into the hall, the hall feels bright and stylish, and it feels very comfortable! ◆Baby baby room: I am very satisfied that the large glass in the baby room allows you to see the baby 24 hours a day. There is also a camera above each baby, and you can see the baby's condition when the TV in the room is turned on. Babies use the baby's ass in the baby room to reduce the chance of red ass~ Nursing staff will often take turns visiting each baby! After the baby bathes, I will notify Mommy of the baby's weight by phone, and I will also discuss with Mommy about the baby's milk quantity, bowel movements and skin condition, which makes me feel at ease! There are 2 days a week UV disinfection of the baby room, which can make me feel very relieved~ ◆Confinement meal: There are three confinement meals, Yueya, Yaguo, and Empress Dowager. You can also change the manufacturer at any time, and you can change to different flavors ◆Room: I booked the 2F Dabao room, with a small living room, 14 pings, and it felt very comfortable. When Dabao fell asleep at night, my husband and I were watching dramas in the small living room, which would not affect Dabao at all. of sleep. ◆DIY crafting class: The course is really rich, and my husband and Dabao can also participate in the crafting class together, which is really great fun Let the mother not be bored, chat with everyone and do it, the teacher will also teach patiently, and will help to remedy the failure. ◆Professional courses, such as: soothing the baby, oral care with red buttocks, baby bathing, etc., let the new parents learn in advance, so that they will not panic + rush when they go home! ◆Traditional Chinese doctor sees mommy one day a week, and pediatrician sees baby one day. Every day, there will be a health teacher to help Mommy measure her body temperature and blood pressure, care about Mommy's physical condition, wound lochia, defecation, uterine recovery...etc. ◆Gift services: The weekly shampoo, the blanket can help to warm the body, and the warm towel will be put on the back of the neck after washing, which is super comfortable! The whole body spa massage for 60 minutes, after massaging the whole body, the whole body is really comfortable, and the back pain is relieved. Siting painless bilateral lactation can really squeeze out the thick milk that I plugged in in a painless way! ◆Baby photo: Cooperating with Xiao Shiqi Image Gallery, the baby cried during the shooting, and they coaxed them into a drowsy sleep. very professional baby ◆Baby Swimming: Small decorations are put on the baby's head to be turned over, it's really cute! ◆Room cleaning: The cleaning auntie greets her with a smile every day and moves quickly, without disturbing Mommy for too long. The nursing clothes, towels and sheets provided have a faint fragrance and smell very comfortable. This time the confinement is really relaxing. In these 25 days, I feel that it will pass quickly. The service specialists and nurses in the baby room...Everyone, everyone is really kind, gentle and very kind. Be patient, I really recommend it! If there is a chance to give birth to the Three Treasures, be sure to stay again, praise!

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