財團法人桃園鎮撫宮 - Taoyuan District

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Contact 財團法人桃園鎮撫宮

地址 :

330, Taiwan, Taoyuan City, Taoyuan District, Zhenfu St, 43號財團法人桃園鎮撫宮

電話 : 📞 +8879
網站 : http://www.zfut.com.tw/
城市 : Zhenfu St

330, Taiwan, Taoyuan City, Taoyuan District, Zhenfu St, 43號財團法人桃園鎮撫宮
江嘉祐(jonesyi88) on Google

桃園區青溪里之鎮撫宮,創建迄今己有141年之歷史,平日香火鼎盛,為青溪里及桃園市民之信仰中心,也是桃園區與景福宮、慈護宮、文昌宮及西廟並稱為桃園區5大公廟之一。 於清光緒元年(西元1875年),由桃澗堡小檜溪莊(現桃園市青溪里)莊民楊依水先生,前往福建省泉州府南安縣詩山都鳳山寺恭請保安廣澤尊王聖像,分香歸台,奉於同莊楊能通先生之住宅開堂濟世,堂號為惠春堂。 聖王公威顯赫,信眾日多,每逢年節慶典,民宅狹隘無法容納眾多信眾,遂有建廟之議。至清光緒6年(西元1880年),信士林瀘哲先生、楊鍚滋先生、林奉全先生等發起建廟,由桃園、台北兩廳轄內眾善信募捐壹萬伍千餘元;並由信士楊天福先生捐獻建廟基地,即現在宮址(桃園市小檜溪段1245號地號,面積4百餘坪),動工興建廟宇,至光緒10年(西元1888年)告竣,並將惠春堂改為鎮宮迄今。 「祈安建醮慶典」2019年11月17日醮典最大特色為搭建在青溪公園旁的總醮壇,由五個醮壇排成五行太極醮壇形狀,其中主壇高七十五米、面寬一五○米,亮燈後宛如元宵燈會般的布置,相當壯觀,預計本月廿六日會先在廟前將燈篙豎立、升燈升旗,屆時邀請民眾一同來共襄盛舉「廣澤尊爺要造醮,大家逗陣來迄投」。
The Fucheng Palace in the Qingxi Town of Taoyuan has been established for 141 years. It is the center of the Qingxi and Taoyuan citizens. It is also the Taoyuan Park and Gyeongbokgung Palace, the Cikhokje Palace, the Wenchang Palace and the West Temple. It is also known as one of the 5 major temples in Taoyuan. In the first year of Emperor Guangxu Guangxu (AD 1875), Mr. Yang Yishui, from Xiaolanxizhuang (now Qingyuanli of Taoyuan City), went to the Fengshan Temple in Shishan, Nan'an County, Quanzhou Prefecture, Fujian Province, and asked for the statue of the guardian Guangze Zunwang. The fragrance is returned to Taiwan, and the residence of Mr. Yang Nengtong of Tongzhuang is opened to the public. The hall is Huichuntang. The holy king is prosperous and has many believers. Every year, the annual celebrations, the narrow houses can not accommodate many believers, and there is no discussion on the construction of the temple. In the 6th year of Qing Guangxu (AD 1880), Mr. Xin Shilin Zhe, Mr. Yang Yuzi, Mr. Lin Fengquan and other members initiated the construction of the temple, and the donations from the Taoyuan and Taipei Halls were collected by thousands of people. Mr. donated the temple base, that is, the current palace site (No. 1245, Xiaotunxi section of Taoyuan City, with an area of ​​more than 400 ping), started construction of the temple, and went to Guangxu 10 years (1888) to warn and change Huichuntang For the town palace so far. "Praying for the Anniversary of the Peace" on November 17, 2019, the most characteristic feature of the dynasty is the establishment of the total altar in the side of Qingxi Park. The five altars are arranged in the shape of five rows of Taiji altars, of which the main altar is 75 meters high. The width of the surface is 150 meters. It is quite like a Lantern Festival. It is expected to be erected in front of the temple on the 26th of this month. The people will be invited to join the event. Guang Ze’s lord wants to make a rumor, and everyone is going to make a comeback.”
雨鄉蘭園邱顯寶 on Google

改建過後的格局更加氣宇軒昂,腹地雖不寬廣 心誠則靈 ,民間信仰中心 桃園鎮撫宮 。
After the reconstruction, the layout is even more magnificent. Although the hinterland is not broad, the heart is spirited, and the folk belief center is Taoyuan Town Fugong.
劉景華 on Google

Mainly worship King Guangze, accompanied Jade Emperor, Sun Xingjun, Xuanwu God of Wealth, Miaoying Fairy Princess, Fude Zhengzheng, etc., two furnaces. A considerable palace temple.
Timer Dio Ryu on Google

It looks pretty good, it is quite magnificent, and it is a large Guangze Zunwang Temple that is rare in Taoyuan area.
Bozhen Huang on Google

我家老大聖王公 很靈驗喔! 記得去求一些事情讓他祝你一倍之力 記得孝順父母他會更庇佑 不孝順的千萬不可拜,會出事的
The eldest son of my family is very effective! Remember to ask for something to make him wish you double the strength Remember to be filial to your parents and he will be more blessed Don’t worship those who are unfilial, because something will happen
法鬥芳 on Google

Zun Wang and Immortal Concubine of Zhenfu Palace are really very effective?The magnetic field inside makes people feel very reassured, comfortable and comfortable. Because of fate, they have a good relationship with Zun Wang and Immortal Concubine. Zun Wang is very majestic and Immortal Concubine is very Compassion, I wish the King Zun helped me resolve a lot of things for a while, and the concubine Xian helped me a lot in matters of family and marriage. Whenever there is something in my heart, I will silently recite the King Zun in my heart, the concubine Xian will protect and help me. Induction, I really appreciate the help and protection of King Zun and Concubine Xian, thank you ?
YuChen Chiang on Google

主祭為保安廣澤尊王, 整個宮非常壯觀, 聽說非常靈驗, 路過時, 可參拜參拜。
The chief priest is the king of security guard Guangze, The whole palace is very spectacular, I heard it was very effective, Passing by, You can visit and worship.
Howard Hu on Google


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