大陸妹鹹酥雞 - Lane 10

4.2/5 基於 8 評論

Contact 大陸妹鹹酥雞

333, Taiwan, Taoyuan City, Guishan District, Alley 42, Lane 10, Wenhuayi Rd, 18號大陸妹鹹酥雞
林昀萱 on Google

這貓貓肯定是認真上班的招財貓吧好可愛?btw這家店是我們家的愛店 吃很久了
This cat must be a lucky cat who works seriously, so cute? btw this store is our family's favorite store, I have eaten it for a long time
Maxine Kuo on Google

powarpo on Google

價錢平價又好吃 而且還開到凌晨一點半 對我來說實在不錯???
Tommy Tang on Google

長庚這一帶老字號也是最好吃的鹹酥雞! 今天有點了鹹酥雞攤比較少見的月亮蝦餅跟三角骨,月亮蝦餅配蒜頭吃很香、很好吃!三角骨本身醃得有入味,炸得酥脆後,鹹香好吃!雞蛋豆腐也是熱賣商品必點,太晚去的話常常會賣完!老闆娘說可以去旁邊的全聯或家樂福買一盒過來幫你炸???! 別忘記要加蒜喔,吃鹹酥雞就是要加蒜才夠味!就跟吃香腸配大蒜的意思一樣,超級搭的啦!現在還可以用LINE點餐,系統會告訴你預估時間,時間差不多了再過去拿,就不用在現場等那麼久了,超方便的!下次點別的再補照片,還有好幾樣我喜歡吃的沒點,雞排、炸湯圓、百頁豆腐…….
The time-honored brand in Chang Gung is also the best salty crispy chicken! Today I have some moon shrimp cakes and triangle bones, which are rare in the salty and crisp chicken stalls. Moon shrimp cakes with garlic are very fragrant and delicious! The triangle bone itself is marinated and delicious, and after being fried crispy, it is salty and delicious! Egg tofu is also a must-try item, if you go too late, it will often be sold out! The lady boss said that she can go to the Quanlian or Carrefour next to buy a box to help you fry it ???! Don't forget to add garlic. To eat salty crispy chicken, you need to add garlic to taste! It's the same as eating sausages and garlic. It's a great match! You can also use LINE to order food, and the system will tell you the estimated time. You can pick it up when the time is almost the same, so you don’t have to wait so long at the scene. It’s super convenient! Next time I order something else, I will fill in the photos. There are still a few things I like to eat, such as chicken chop, fried dumplings, 100-page tofu...
Demi (迷咪帽卯的吃貨) on Google

有貓貓就推 這家以前在萊爾富門口 後來搬到小巷子裡 很久沒吃了 但一樣很好吃
Benson Zhuang on Google

Be sure to taste the sweet potato ? strips and imagine the sweet filling after biting off the crispy skin. The boss's smiling eyes?Sweet and sweet?
吃貨B咖 on Google

必須稱讚一下 在疫情期間店員堅守防疫細節 收錢會另外戴手套 環境也很乾淨衛生 炸物不油 價格實在 CP值高
I must praise the store staff for sticking to the details of epidemic prevention during the epidemic I will also wear gloves to collect the money. The environment is also very clean and hygienic. Fried food is not oil, the price is really high CP value
宋為剛 on Google


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