觀音亭滷豆干和雞蛋冰 - Section 2

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Contact 觀音亭滷豆干和雞蛋冰

地址 :

335, Taiwan, Taoyuan City, Daxi District, Lane 48, Section 2, Rui'an Rd, 26號觀音亭滷豆干和雞蛋冰

電話 : 📞 +88887
城市 : Rui'an Rd

335, Taiwan, Taoyuan City, Daxi District, Lane 48, Section 2, Rui'an Rd, 26號觀音亭滷豆干和雞蛋冰
張玉虹 on Google

The scenery with the dried bean curd is beautiful and delicious? beautiful
曾文鵬 on Google

When there are not many people on weekdays, it is very pleasant to buy a vegetarian meal and sit in the pavilion while eating and enjoying the scenery~
黎世焰 on Google

平面是私人的土地,汽車好像要收費(可以購物抵用的樣子),觀音亭在樓梯上方,要爬一下樓梯! 滷豆乾有點太鹹了!
The plane is private land, the car seems to be charged (can be used for shopping), the Guanyin pavilion is above the stairs, climb the stairs! The dried bean curd is a bit too salty!
Cindy Chang on Google

小時候第一次喝到真的覺得OMG這家豬血湯也太好喝,酸菜多到爆炸,湯酸酸的超夠味,從此被酸菜豬血湯圈粉。每年回來大溪老街拜拜一定會順路來喝豬一碗。 隨著時間,保麗龍碗變成紙碗,酸菜豬血湯也越來越不酸了,剩下的只是第一次喝到的回憶。滷味豬血湯還是會點,但已經沒有當初那樣美味了⋯⋯ 不過我一直很好奇這種寺廟禁地可以賣葷食嗎? 豬血湯30 滷味110
When I was a child, I really felt that OMG’s pig blood soup was so delicious. There were so many sauerkraut that it exploded. The sour and sour soup was super delicious. Every year when I come back to Daxi Old Street to pay my respects, I will drop by to drink a bowl of pigs. Over time, the styrofoam bowl became a paper bowl, and the sauerkraut and pig blood soup became less and less sour, and all that was left was the memory of the first drink. The braised pork blood soup is still good, but it's not as delicious as it used to be... But I have always been curious about whether this kind of temple forbidden area can sell glutinous food? Pork Blood Soup 30 Lo Wei 110
林小泉 on Google

觀音亭座落於大溪,遠望鄰近石門水庫 ,假日與家人,朋友走出緊張分秒必爭的城市,來到清幽寧靜的寺廟,走走釋放壓力。來段健身運動???有益健康,到了廟宇前雙手合十,虔誠膜拜。給予心靈寄托。 願大家平安健康, ???❤❤❤??????
Guanyin Pavilion is located in Daxi, near Shimen Reservoir , On holiday, with family and friends, walk out of the tense city where every second counts to come to the quiet and quiet temple, walk around to release the pressure. Coming to a fitness exercise ??? is good for health, put your hands together in front of the temple, and worship religiously. Give spiritual sustenance. May everyone be safe and healthy, ???❤❤❤??????
林春吉 on Google

觀音亭的觀音寺是大溪老街最尾端名聖古跡 以前只有單獨的一條馬路才能到這裡來參拜 過年期間最塞車了 現在有新開通的大馬路舊路尾段的商家和店家都收起來了 來觀音亭參拜就是要走很長一段的水泥步道階梯 爬上了頂端就會看到了迎賓鴿群在觀音寺前的廣場上漫步 這裡的風景優美視夜寬廣 記得要帶望遠鏡來可以遠看石門水庫的集水區
The Guanyin Temple in the Guanyin Pavilion is a famous sacred site at the end of Daxi Old Street. In the past, there was only a separate road to visit here. The most traffic jam during Chinese New Year Now there are newly opened businesses and stores at the end of the old road on the main road, all of which have been closed To visit Guanyin Pavilion is to walk a long concrete walk stairs. When you climb to the top, you will see a flock of welcoming pigeons strolling on the square in front of the Guanyin Temple. The scenery here is beautiful and the night vision is wide Remember to bring binoculars to see the catchment area of ​​Shimen Reservoir from a distance
婕綾Jolyn on Google

老闆的豆干群特別的是淋在上面豆豉醬料,然後加辣好好吃唷~都來不及拍,下次一次要補照片啦 地點在上去後走一下的店右手邊
The boss's dried bean curd group is especially drizzled with tempeh sauce, and then spicy and delicious~ I can't take it in time, I will add photos next time. The location is on the right hand side of the shop after going up.
趙叔的田野調查筆記 on Google

The soy products are delicious, the price is reasonable, and you can enjoy the scenery when you eat here.

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