
3.9/5 基於 8 評論

Contact 爵欣牙醫診所

地址 :

335, Taiwan, Taoyuan City, Daxi District, Section 1, Yuanlin Rd, 175號爵欣牙醫診所

電話 : 📞 +889
Opening hours :
Wednesday 9AM–12PM
Thursday 9AM–12PM
Friday 9AM–12PM
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed
Monday 9AM–12PM
Tuesday 9AM–12PM
城市 : Yuanlin Rd

335, Taiwan, Taoyuan City, Daxi District, Section 1, Yuanlin Rd, 175號爵欣牙醫診所
謝順風 on Google

不喜歡 問醫生牙齒甚麼問題 不回答 問醫生牙齒問題怎麼處理 不回答 醫生就拿著鑽牙機 自顧自地挖阿挖阿 然後告訴你這顆牙壞了 要抽神經 病患有知的權利 病患有處置自己身體的權利 多跟病患說幾個字有那麼困難嗎? 你是心情不好還是沒有自信心阿? 心情不好的話 就請假去海邊散散心 不要把負面情緒帶到診間 沒有自信心的話 就多多研讀最新的醫學期刊 柳葉刀 刺胳針 之類的 自我精進 對你對病患 有好無壞 不是嗎? 拿出自信心來,說話沒這麼難 還是你是傳說中的波波醫生? 波波又如何?不擅長考試還是可以成為一個好醫生阿? 你要知道 醫學是踩在實驗品與犧牲者的屍體上前進的 我可以成為實驗品,我甚至志願成為犧牲者 只要能開發更快更好的醫療技法 造福後人 但是我無法接受 不願意開口說話的醫生 門牙被挖黑掉一顆 算我卡衰 這家診所 給我錢拜託我去 我也不會再去了
dislike Ask the doctor what is the problem Not answering Ask the doctor how to deal with dental problems Not answering The doctor is holding the drill Dig oneself And tell you this tooth is broken Patient's right to know Patient's right to dispose of his body Is it so difficult to tell the patient more words? Are you in a bad mood or not confident? If you are in a bad mood, please go to the beach to relax, don't bring negative emotions to the clinic If you don’t have confidence, study the latest medical journal, the lancet, the needle, etc. Self-improvement is good for you, right? Come out with confidence, it's not so hard to talk Or are you the legendary doctor Popo? What about Popo? Not good at exams or can I be a good doctor? you need to know Medicine is stepping on the corpses of the experiment and the victim I can be an experiment, I even volunteer to be a victim As long as you can develop faster and better medical techniques for the benefit of future generations But I can’t accept a doctor who doesn’t want to talk One of the front teeth was dug and blacked out. This clinic gives me money to ask me to go, I won’t go again
Ruby lee on Google

建議門口標示只限事前預約病患,不接受現場病患 還好我有先看評論 沒有期待,沒有傷害
It is recommended that the sign at the entrance is only limited to patients who make appointments in advance, and on-site patients are not accepted Fortunately, I read the comments first No expectation, no harm
Jeff Huang on Google

感謝醫生的細心與護理師們的貼心,1月底在桃園拔了右下角的水平智齒,但是在過年前感到口臭與微微疼痛感,趕緊到家裡附近的爵欣牙醫掛號,一進門就感受到診間環境非常整潔,空間氛圍也非常舒適,櫃台護理師在掛號期間會問牙齒怎麼了,讓我的緊張感減少不少,醫生看診時直接處理我的問題,原來護理師有跟醫生說明過我的狀況,使得看診流程更順暢,經過醫生耐心與細心的檢查處理後,原來是我拔牙處會卡菜渣,導致有臭味以及使得傷口無法好好復原,多虧醫生的處理與教導我如何使用輔助器具清潔該部位,讓我過年期間能夠好好吃飯以及清潔口腔與牙齒,現在沒了口臭與傷口正在復原,感謝醫師與護哩師們 謝謝~
Thanks to the care of the doctors and the caring of the nurses, the horizontal wisdom teeth in the lower right corner were extracted in Taoyuan at the end of January, but I felt bad breath and slight pain before the Chinese New Year. The environment of the room is very clean and the atmosphere of the space is very comfortable. The nurse at the counter would ask what happened to my teeth during the registration, which made me feel less nervous. The doctor directly dealt with my problem when he saw the doctor. It turned out that the nurse had explained it to the doctor. My condition made the consultation process smoother. After the doctor's patient and careful examination and treatment, it turned out that the scum of the vegetables would get stuck in the place where I extracted the tooth, which caused the odor and made the wound unable to heal properly. Thanks to the doctor's treatment and teaching me how to I used an assistive device to clean this area, so that I can eat well and clean my mouth and teeth during the Chinese New Year. Now there is no bad breath and wounds are recovering. Thank you doctors and therapists. Thank you~
Jennice TSAI on Google

櫃檯助理好親切阿 醫師也很專業並仔細衛教 不會因為接近打烊時間就草率了事 診所環境設備新穎 窗明几淨 很難得遇到能讓人放鬆的醫療場所 ~ 重點是一進門聽到音樂在撥放五月天的舊歌 直接先給五顆星了 讚讚 被圈粉
The assistant at the counter is so kind. The doctor is also very professional and careful. The health education will not be sloppy just because it is close to the closing time. The clinic environment is novel and the windows are bright and clean. It is rare to encounter a relaxing medical place. 'S old song directly gave five stars first, praise, praise and fans
chuan blue on Google

頭一次來這家新牙醫院: 1.門前有停車場,好停車。 2.環境良好。 3.設備新穎。 4.小姐可愛,醫師帥,真的很年輕。 5.醫師會依個人牙齒狀態,提供專業知識與病患間溝通,以達最好的處理流程。 6.技術操作優良與細心。 7.唯獨在礳牙時的沖水,水有些冷,老人家牙齒敏感會酸(這要製造機器的技術人員,想辦法改善,如何讓水維持室温,希望技術人員可以看到這則...)本項與診所無干。 ==從細心體會病患的痛,才能磨練出與眾不同之判斷與操作技術,進而技壓群雄== 加油...
First visit to this new dental hospital: 1. There is a parking lot in front of the door for easy parking. 2. The environment is good. 3. The equipment is novel. 4. The lady is cute, the doctor is handsome, and she is really young. 5. Physicians will provide professional knowledge to communicate with patients according to individual dental conditions to achieve the best treatment process. 6. Excellent technical operation and carefulness. 7. Only when flushing the teeth, the water is a little cold, and the elderly’s teeth are sensitive and sour (this requires the technicians who make the machine, find ways to improve, how to keep the water at room temperature, I hope the technicians can see this... .) This item has nothing to do with the clinic. ==Only by carefully understanding the pain of the patient, can we hone distinctive judgment and operation skills, and then defeat the heroes == Come on...
Bosco Tan on Google

因為小孩在學校健康檢查有蛀牙 而家人說還不錯所以來這裡預約 以往我孩子看牙科都不會排斥 這次一進去先照 X光 不知道是機器大台讓我兒子嚇到還是怎樣 一出來就不肯給醫生看了 醫生還說看片子沒有蛀牙 可能只是表面的 沒太大影響 結果就算了回家了 ,然後回家隔天 我孩子突然說他準備好 要看牙齒了 我心裡想說好吧 在幫他預約 沒想到我打去 他們竟然叫我去看兒童牙科 原因是我兒子那天跑掉不看 他們不願意幫我兒子看了 還說兒童牙醫有辦法 ,扯到爆!!!!!!!!!! 很明顯這診所為了要賺錢怕小孩子突然不看浪費他們的時間無法賺錢吧 區區一個蛀牙叫我去大醫院看兒童牙科嗎????? 真的超級沒愛心 沒醫德 不如你診所外面掛只看成人不看小孩好了 .有小孩的千萬不要來這裡 以免小孩跑掉 下次他們不給你預約,
Because the child had a tooth decay during the school health check and the family said it was not bad, I came here to make an appointment. My child will not reject the dental visit this time. I will take the X-ray first. Ken showed the doctor to the doctor and said that there was no tooth decay in the film. Maybe it was just superficial and it didn't have much effect. Even if I went home, my child suddenly said that he was ready to see the teeth. I wanted to say okay. Make an appointment for him Unexpectedly, I called them and they asked me to see children's dentistry. The reason was that my son ran away that day. They were unwilling to help my son. They also said that the children's dentist has a way. Obviously, in order to make money, this clinic is afraid that children will suddenly waste their time and cannot make money. A tooth decay tells me to go to a big hospital for paediatric dentistry????? It’s okay to look at adults and not children. Don’t come here if you have children because they won’t make an appointment next time.
楊大麥 on Google

Take care of your oral health and smile from here. The doctors and nurses are kind, the clinics are fresh and clean, the equipment is novel, and the parking is convenient in front of the door. Considering the medical experience of yourself and your family, this clinic is worth recommending. Toothache is not a disease, and it is not exaggerated to kill you when it hurts, but it is the kingly way to get a dental appointment and treat symptomatically. In all fairness, the general dentist clinics, regardless of their size, use appointment-based diagnosis and treatment services. If a temporary dental disease comes, it is a headache to think of registering first! This dentist's clinic is very caring. It is always good to squeeze out the time when both parties agree to serve the patients when the contract is full.
Roderick Chen on Google

Dr. Chen is very careful and has a good attitude. He will explain the problem. It is highly recommended?

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