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Professional PMOLED Display Manufacturer - WiseChip Semiconductor Inc. - Wisechip.com.tw

WiseChip Semiconductor Inc. specializes in OLED Display and OLED Panel, all with high quality.

Professional PMOLED Display Manufacturer - WiseChip Semiconductor Inc. - Wisechip.com.tw

WiseChip Semiconductor Inc. can provide organic EL display modules sealed in different ways based on customer needs, and uses advanced manufacturing technology and production equipment to provide solutions with the shortest time to satisfy consumers.

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350, Taiwan, Miaoli County, Zhunan Township, Kebei 2nd Rd, 8號智晶光電股份有限公司

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350, Taiwan, Miaoli County, Zhunan Township, Kebei 2nd Rd, 8號智晶光電股份有限公司
sam Andy on Google

毫無規範的地方 員工上下班我行我素 安全堪憂 ?
Where there is no standard, employees go their own way on and off work, safety is worrying ?
ck c on Google

After changing the general manager, the revenue was reduced by nearly 20%, and the stock price fell...
Ken Chen on Google

Occupying the dock, no one else can use it, super selfish
Y Oung on Google

逢人且說三分話 課長會無中生有
Let's talk about three points Headmaster will create something out of nothing
J J (阿彥) on Google

There are few people but many things are complicated and difficult to handle. The benefits are not good. The salary of the work is not proportional. Every morning, there are meetings to review all the progress... the place where the pressure is high and the mood is bad!
Anne Wu on Google

嗨,我是MDT所稱的“東廠錦衣衛”, 感謝批評指教,承蒙您高看, 我定不辜負您的期望XD
Hi, I am what MDT calls "East Factory Jinyiwei", Thank you for your criticism and advice, thanks to your admiration, I will live up to your expectations XD
愛小藝 on Google

人資的大主管經理 面試時談的待遇跟實際不符 總是以人力不足 要求辦公室人員進產線幫忙 待遇不符 工作內容也不太符 面試者慎談條件
Head of Human Resources Manager The remuneration discussed during the interview did not match the actual situation Always short of manpower Ask office staff to enter the production line to help The salary does not match the work content is not consistent Interviewers carefully discuss conditions
湘由心生 on Google

12/14 麻煩吳小姐不要無中生有,我沒有打電話去罵人資部門任何人,我只是想調薪資明細,薪資算錯的不是她們是妳,沒必要罵她們。 我確實是工作到7/30(7月最後一天上班日,你是人資主管可以查的到資料),最近收到健保局發補繳7月健保費通知,你確實7/30把我退保,7/31我的健保在健保局已無掛在任何公司下…但又在9月結算薪資時多扣我健保費(那為什麼我離職還有薪資可以扣呢?因為7月份未休完特休你到9月份才給我)麻煩你把多扣的退給我,謝謝…. 經一事也是長一智,之後到別的公司就不會再吃虧,這也要謝謝妳 以上敘述如有誤,煩請告知,我將修正 12/16更新 昨日打去健保局請教跟查詢,智晶光電確實於7/30將健保退出,於9月又補扣我健保費,健保局表示非常不合理…. 也感謝健保局提供的建議,若員工在職當月有領到全薪(表示在公司任職滿一個月),公司有義務負擔員工當月份健保費60%,所以吳小姐不得將健保提前退保。 健保局的幫忙與專業加速了此次事件的進行,態度很好很樂意幫助我跟前公司協調,真的很感謝健保局,不然小蝦米都不知道怎麼對抗大鯨魚,事後他還打電話告知此事已處理好不需要繳費,非常感謝…(可能我詢問的態度很好也很無奈,所以承辦人員很樂意幫助,真的謝謝你) 昨日此事已處理好,感謝吳小姐的配合 (原本想把此篇文章刪除,想小事化無,但由於吳小姐仍然一直造謠生事,說我打電話去罵某某某,在此澄清本人沒這麼失德,做錯事情的是妳不是別人,請自重)
12/14 Please don't make mistakes for Miss Wu. I didn't call to scold anyone in the human resources department. I just want to adjust the salary details. It is not you who calculated the salary wrong, so there is no need to scold them. I did work until 7/30 (you are the human resources supervisor who can check the information on the last working day in July). I recently received a notice from the National Health Insurance Bureau to pay the July health insurance premium. You did refund me on 7/30. Insurance, 7/31 my health insurance is no longer listed under any company in the National Health Insurance Bureau... but I will deduct my health insurance premiums when I settle my salary in September (then why do I still have my salary deducted when I leave my job? Because it is not finished in July You will not give it to me until September.) Could you please return the extra deduction to me, thank you... You will gain a wise after everything, and you won’t suffer any more when you go to other companies. Thank you for this too. If the above description is wrong, please let me know and I will correct it 12/16 update Yesterday, I called the Health Insurance Bureau for advice and inquiries. Zhijing Optoelectronics did withdraw the health insurance on 7/30, and deducted my health insurance premiums again in September. The Health Insurance Bureau said it was very unreasonable... I also thank the National Health Insurance Bureau for the advice. If an employee receives a full salary in the month of employment (indicating that he has served in the company for a full month), the company is obligated to pay 60% of the employee’s health insurance premium for that month, so Miss Wu is not allowed to surrender the health insurance in advance. The help and professionalism of the National Health Insurance Bureau accelerated the progress of this incident. The attitude was very good and I was very happy to help me coordinate with the former company. I really appreciate the National Health Insurance Bureau. I don’t need to pay for the matter. Thank you very much... (Maybe I asked with a very good attitude and helpless, so the undertaker would be happy to help, thank you so much) Yesterday this matter has been handled, thank you Miss Wu for your cooperation (Originally I wanted to delete this article, wanting to eliminate trivial matters, but because Ms. Wu still kept spreading rumors and saying that I called to scold XX, I am here to clarify that I am not so unscrupulous and that you are the one who did the wrong thing. Others, please respect yourself)

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