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Contact 馬拉邦山天然湖登山口停車場

地址 :

364, Taiwan, Miaoli County, Dahu Township, 馬拉邦山天然湖登山口停車場

網站 : https://hiking.biji.co/index.php%3Fq%3Dtrail%26act%3Ddetail%26id%3D247
城市 : Dahu Township

364, Taiwan, Miaoli County, Dahu Township, 馬拉邦山天然湖登山口停車場
翱翔朗朗 on Google

闊別三年再訪馬拉邦山,有別於前次由上湖登山口出發,這次選擇自天然湖登山。 天然湖登山口有設私人收費停車場,停車空間方便。登山口至馬拉邦山頂沿途都在林間有遮蔭,前段緩坡步道,後段則為階梯棧道坡度較大,反正邊走邊聊慢慢行不知不覺就到了。
After an absence of three years to revisit Malabon mountain, unlike the previous departure from the trailhead on the lake, this time choosing from natural lake mountaineering. Natural Lake trailhead has set up a private paid parking, convenient parking space. Malabon mountain climb to the summit along the way are there in the forest shade, gentle trails anterior, posterior segment was steep ladder plank, walk and talk slowly anyway, unknowingly went to the line.
Goward Ivon on Google

到這天然湖停車場的路途,有許多路段僅容一車可通過無會車空間,因此開車要注意前方有無返回車輛,也要注意可容許會車的路段,斜坡倒車可不簡單能免則免。最好是一早就開上去,降低會車的機率。 停車場非常大,收費$100。 當然也可以停前面的第一第二停車場,但走到這很遠,將花不少時間才會到登山口。 從此處開始往上走步道,2.3Km可到頂。沿途是一個又一個綿延不斷的階梯,有木製,石製,鐵製,或原生泥土斜坡,很考驗體力。空氣無比清新舒暢,樹木遮陽狀況良好,夏日應可避免曝曬之苦,許多泥土地還可看到大量掉落的楓葉。 單單是這2.3Km,由於路段陡峭,就走了一小時。體力極好時間很多的,應該是可以挑戰環繞走一整圈馬拉邦步道。
On the way to the parking lot of this natural lake, there are many sections where only one car can pass through the car-free space. Therefore, when driving, you should pay attention to whether there is a return vehicle in front of the car, and also pay attention to the road section that can tolerate the car. It is best to drive up early to reduce the chance of meeting. The parking lot is very large and costs $ 100. Of course, you can also park the first and second parking lots in front of you, but it will take a long time to get to the climbing entrance. From here, go up the walkway, 2.3Km to the top. Along the way are successive steps, with wooden, stone, iron, or native dirt slopes, which test the physical strength. The air is extremely fresh and comfortable, and the trees are in good shading. It should avoid the suffering of sun exposure in summer. Many mud lands can also see a lot of fallen maple leaves. This 2.3Km alone, because of the steep section, it took an hour. The physical strength is very good, and it should be able to challenge to take a full circle of the Malabang trail.
Enrico Tsai on Google

山頂停車空間寬敞 估計可停50台沒問題 但是上山道路狹小會車不易 部份高低落差大四輪驅動較推
Spacious parking space on top of the hill It is estimated that 50 units can be parked no problem But it’s not easy to go uphill Part of the high-low drop big four-wheel drive push
Joy Chiu on Google

今年元月1號去爬山,沿著產業道路旁停車,而不是在私人的停車場---都要收費100元,中午11點多下山,也沒有指揮交通動線,讓上+下山的車輛擠在同個單線車道上(因路旁都停好了,已收費的停放車輛),自己想法子驚悚且危險會車。 難道只負責路旁收費,確不會引導上山車輛動線嗎?
On January 1st of this year, I went to climb the mountain and parked along the industrial road instead of in the private parking lot---there was a charge of 100 yuan, and the downhill was more than 11 o’clock at noon, and there was no directing of the traffic flow, so that the vehicles going up and down the mountain were crowded. On the same single-lane lane (because the roadsides are all parked, and the vehicles have been parked for a fee), I was terrified and dangerous to get into the car. Is it only responsible for roadside toll collection, and will it not guide the movement of vehicles going up the mountain?
James Chihkang Chen on Google

天然湖停車場地夠開闊寬廣,有水有廁算方便 旁現有正在進行中的天然湖美化造景整治工程 停車場屬私人土地,車輛論次計費100元 這裡海拔約980多公尺,攻頂馬那邦山(H1406M)要爬升約420多公尺/距離2.4公里 天然湖登山口的路徑明顯清晰,全程有密林遮蔭景緻如夢似幻。中後段有人工棧道與木梯,除偶有木棧板稍顯搖晃,大部分皆維護保養得不錯,若沒這些人工搭建木梯,可以想像早年馬那邦山登頂體力消耗應不在話下。我穩走不歇腳,呼吸吐納有序約35分鐘左右攻頂。登頂無敵視野則是老天爺的酬賞。 109/11/04
The natural lake parking lot is wide enough, and it’s convenient to have water and toilets Next to the existing natural lake landscaping renovation project in progress The parking lot belongs to private land, and the vehicle charge is 100 yuan per cycle It’s about 980 meters above sea level, and it’s about 420 meters/distance 2.4 kilometers to reach the top of Manabong Mountain (H1406M). The path to the mountain pass of the natural lake is clearly clear, and there is a dreamlike view of dense forest shade throughout. There are artificial plank roads and wooden ladders in the middle and rear sections. Except for occasional wooden pallets that are slightly shaken, most of them are well maintained. Without these artificial wooden ladders, you can imagine the physical exhaustion of Manabong Mountain in the early years. I walked steadily without stopping, breathing in an orderly manner for about 35 minutes to attack the top. Climbing to the top of invincible vision is God's reward. 109/11/04
陳玠廷 on Google

2022.3.12 ❌❌❌❌ 停車場沒開放了,建議不要開上來。可停第二停車場。
2022.3.12 ❌❌❌❌ The parking lot is not open, it is recommended not to open it. Second car park available.
歐乃 on Google

陡坡上來開到登山口發現已經沒有停車場了 登山客別再導航此處 還好登山口營區營主人很好借臨停 感恩?
I drove up the steep slope to the trailhead and found that there was no parking lot. Climbers stop navigating here Fortunately, the camp owner of the mountain pass camp is very good to stop by. Thank you ?
Calvin Su on Google

Nice view

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