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Contact 水雲餐廳溫泉民宿

地址 :

365, Taiwan, Miaoli County, Tai'an Township, 錦水村8鄰17號水雲餐廳溫泉民宿

電話 : 📞 +887978
網站 : http://www.dahu.com.tw/taian/
城市 : Tai'an Township
Description : Streamlined rooms in a low-key hot spring lodging featuring a restaurant & mountain views.

365, Taiwan, Miaoli County, Tai'an Township, 錦水村8鄰17號水雲餐廳溫泉民宿
劉宇倫 on Google

收費貴,設備老舊,房內濕氣相當重,打掃不乾靜地板走起來沙沙的,重點服務態度極差。 三個人住只給一瓶600cc的礦泉水,跟他要竟然還不爽給,過年期間收的錢都比較多了給不起礦泉水? 房內蚊蟲很多,因浴室沒窗戶可關只有紗窗,蚊蟲飛蛾都從紗窗縫狂鑽進來很恐怖,唉這種鬼地方千萬別來。
The cost is expensive, the equipment is old, the humidity in the room is quite heavy, and the clean and unclean floor is rustling, and the service attitude is extremely poor. The three people lived only for a bottle of 600cc of mineral water, and he was still unhappy with it. During the Chinese New Year, he received more money to give up mineral water. There are a lot of mosquitoes in the room. Because there are no windows in the bathroom, only the screens can be closed. It is terrible that the mosquito moths are smashing through the screens. Don’t come here.
李依純 on Google

The place is a bit hard to find, and it is horrible to go up the mountain at night. Here is good for bathing, the pool is large, but the water is too small to be kept for a long time, but it is actually good to have a TV and bed for two hours at a time. It is recommended not to come at night, because the semi-open air is full of horrors in the mountains, it should be fine in the morning, and the service attitude is not particularly bad.
郭恰咪 on Google

今天來泡湯屋的,三人兩小時900。 看其他評論都喊貴我真心覺得價格還好。 半露天可以享受山谷的微風和零星的楓紅還有溪谷流水聲,很美很靜,湯屋紗窗有兩隻土蜂,對長跑大自然的我們沒有很大影響。 設備簡單,價格平實我想這樣就可以了,唯覺礦泉水太少,只有一小瓶。真心建議闆闆,把這裡當泡湯跟兼賣簡餐泡麵專業經營可能比餐廳更適合。
Today, I came to the soup house, three people for two hours 900. Seeing other comments are yelling, I really feel that the price is ok. In the semi-open air, you can enjoy the breeze of the valley and the sporadic maple red and the sound of the river. It is very beautiful and quiet. There are two bumblebees in the soup house screen, which has no great influence on the nature of the long-distance running. The equipment is simple and the price is flat. I think this is fine. I only think that there is too little mineral water, only a small bottle. I really recommend slate, and it is more suitable than a restaurant to specialize in the business of simmering and selling instant noodles.
呂秀蘭 on Google

水雲山莊,超級舒適 放鬆,來泰安,就是 要到這一家體會泡湯 之美,光是外面那如 暴雨般潺潺溪水聲, 還有那一大片的山壁 就在湯池前方,虎頭 山就在頭上,這個世 外桃源,非你我他莫 屬囉 ! 更何況這湯讓 整個膚質滑不溜丟, 你怎能不來享受山中 世外桃源泡湯樂呢? 現在不來泡,更待何 時呢?記得喔!天黑 前到達,才能感受上 述景致樂趣喔!尤其 泡到傍晚,喜歡拍照 的正是美麗時分呢! 泡完再走出來欣賞寧 靜夜景,多好 ! 要住 宿不住宿都ok,趁著 晚風輕輕徐來,再在 黑夜當中開車出來, 一路上美不可言,你 瞧 ! 出礦坑夜色多迷 濛 ! 難道要錯過這麼 美好的渡假時光嗎? 如果,你真的都沒來 過此地,這湯屋是穿 透紗窗喔!因為前方 是壯闊山壁跟溪谷... ,除非有猴子,不會 有人偷窺。內行人看 門道,懂的就視如珍 寶,不懂的,不知此 地藏龍臥虎。
Shuiyun Villa, super comfortable Relax, come to Taian, that is Go to this place to experience the bath The beauty is just like outside The sound of gurgling streams like a rainstorm, And the big mountain wall Right in front of Tangchi, Tiger Head The mountain is above, this world Xanadu, it's you or me It's hello! Not to mention this soup The whole skin is slippery and not slippery, How can you not come and enjoy the mountains Where is Xanadu? If you don't come to soak now, what's more When? Remember! Dark Arrive before you can feel it It’s fun to describe the scenery! especially Soak till the evening, like taking pictures It's beautiful time too! Come out and appreciate Ning after soaking Quiet night scene, how nice! Want to live It’s ok to stay or not, take advantage of it The evening breeze comes gently, and again Drove out in the dark, Beautiful along the way, you Look! The night out of the mine is so fascinating Meng! Do you want to miss this Good vacation time? If you really didn't come Over here, this soup house is worn Through the screen window! Because ahead It's magnificent mountains and valleys... , Unless there are monkeys, no Someone is peeping. Insider look The doorway, the understanding is as precious Bao, don’t understand, don’t know this The Tibetan Dragon and Crouching Tiger.
52099 Chang on Google

In terms of hot springs alone, this place is great, with the best view of the landscape, and the price of 900 yuan for two hours is very cost-effective!
黃安平 on Google

獨衷警光山莊的溫泉水質,競登元旦假期住宿。 再度光顧谷底唯一而「尚可接受」的水雲餐廳,點了主菜白斬土雞的三菜一湯套餐。 看到主菜全是小玉米雞皮帶骨的後段雞腹,有點傻眼。接著上來了兩片雞脖子燜桂竹筍及一個對切鴨頭煮的酸菜湯,加上煮得黑黑的川七葉,都是溫溫的,感覺超像剩菜重溫,質量不到救國團各活動中心同價餐的1/3,感覺老闆超級呼嚨唯一的一對客人。原來山莊住宿客大都在交誼廳泡麵,是其來有自。 第一次費心寫下負評,只提供顧客參考,避免踩雷;更希望餐飲有 所成長。
Indulge in the hot spring water quality of Jingguang Villa and compete for the New Year’s holiday accommodation. I once again visited the only "acceptable" Shuiyun restaurant at the bottom of the valley, and ordered a three-course and one-soup set meal with the main dish, Bai Zhan Tu Ji. It was a bit dumbfounded to see that the main dish was all the belly of the small corn chicken belt bone. Then came two slices of chicken neck braised osmanthus bamboo shoots and a sauerkraut soup cooked with double-cut duck heads, plus the black-boiled Chuanqi leaves, which are all warm, it feels super like leftovers to relive, the quality is not enough to save the country 1/3 of the meal at the same price in each activity center of the group, I feel that the boss is super calling the only pair of guests. It turns out that most of the guests staying in the villa are instant noodles in the saloon. For the first time, I bothered to write down negative reviews and only provided customers' reference to avoid thundering. I hope that the catering will grow.
CH on Google

在找泡湯地點的時候被這裡的評分嚇到了,低的可以,但只有這邊還有位置泡湯硬著頭皮來了。 以附近一帶湯屋來講這邊價格非常親民,但地點稍嫌偏遠,一般人大概不會想去,2小時900有獨立房間和床,浴池以兩人來說算大,但進去要小心,浴缸蠻高而且沒有台階,不太好進。 然後有個致命大缺點就是浴室向外的窗戶居然只有紗窗沒有玻璃窗,雖然外面是樹林也不會有誰偷看但是晚上這樣真的好恐怖,感覺沒什麼隱私,然後不知道為何房間和浴室之間居然有很大的透明玻璃窗可以看到浴室(還沒簾子),超恐怖,晚上要過夜的話根本沒法睡欸,建議白天來,外面風景應該很不錯。 浴室因為過於通風所以其實冬天很冷,另外就是房間,很潮濕,而且房裡的除濕機房客無法使用,只有工作人員可以用(上面有貼標示) 水只有給一瓶、熱水壺無法使用很舊,房間電視訊號差爆? 床的部分就還算乾淨 如果只是想來泡湯又有預算限制,很可以來 給四顆星完全是因為價錢~~~(順便幫他們拉高一點評分) 服務的話老闆娘蠻親切的沒遇到什麼大問題。 下次如果有更好的選擇可能就不會選擇這裡啦畢竟設備還是蠻不足的 強烈建議不要過夜
When I was looking for a place to bathe, I was scared by the score here. The low one is OK, but there is only a place here for the bath to bite the bullet. In terms of nearby soup houses, the price here is very close to the people, but the location is a bit remote, and most people probably do n’t want to go. There are 2 separate rooms and beds for 900 hours. The bath is big for two people, but you have to be careful when entering. It's tall and there are no steps. Then there is a big fatal flaw is that the windows outside the bathroom only have screens and no glass windows. Although there is no wood peeking out of the woods, it ’s really scary at night. I do n’t know why the room and the bathroom There are actually large transparent glass windows that can see the bathroom (no curtains). It is super scary. If you want to spend the night at night, you can't sleep at all. It is recommended that you come during the day and the scenery outside should be very good. Because the bathroom is too ventilated, it is actually very cold in winter, and the room is very humid, and the dehumidifier in the room cannot be used by the tenants. Only the staff can use it (labeled on it) Only one bottle of water is available, the kettle cannot be used very old, the TV signal in the room is very bad. The part of the bed is pretty clean If you just want to come here and have budget restrictions, you can come I gave four stars because of the price. When serving, the boss was kind and did not encounter any major problems. Next time if there are better options, I may not choose here. After all, the equipment is still insufficient Highly recommended not to stay overnight
沈如瑩 on Google

The "new decoration" mentioned on the Internet seems to be many years ago. Although it is a Western-style decoration of the old house, it is not well maintained. It is inevitable to see insects in mountain B&Bs. There are some dead ants on the sheets and bedding, and insects are flying and crawling in the room. If you are very concerned, please think twice. The mountain is also inevitably humid, and there is a dehumidifier in the room but it is locked and cannot be used. The water quality of the hot spring in the room is very smooth, but the cleanliness of the soup pool is not good. Fortunately, the owner has put all the cleaning equipment in the bathroom. On the night of the visit, it was only 8 degrees Celsius. The room was very cold without heating. The quilt was too thin to keep out the cold. The whole family wore everything they could wear before falling asleep. The restaurant run by an old husband and wife has no business when visiting on weekdays. For dinner, you can buy a four-person set meal for 900 yuan. The dishes are very ordinary and very oily. For breakfast, there are only simple porridge and side dishes to warm the stomach and clear the heart. It is a very traditional homestay. The price of accommodation in Tai'an is generally expensive. Compared with Shuiyun Restaurant and B&B, it is very cheap. If you choose affordable accommodation as your accommodation choice, you cannot stay with the expectation of staying in high-end hotels and brand-new B&Bs. As soon as it comes, it is safe, and the beauty everywhere is priceless.

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