駿太電腦3C量販廣場 - Section 2

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Contact 駿太電腦3C量販廣場

地址 :

406, Taiwan, Taichung City, Beitun District, Section 2, Dalian Rd, 21號駿太電腦3C量販廣場

電話 : 📞 +887788
網站 : http://www.junty.com.tw/
城市 : Dalian Rd

406, Taiwan, Taichung City, Beitun District, Section 2, Dalian Rd, 21號駿太電腦3C量販廣場
lin simple on Google

此量販廣場只為了賺錢而賺錢! 工程師對監視器與 Nas 都沒有專業知識,客人詢問商品提供之服務一問三不知, 請工程師去詢問,拖了三四天也沒有答覆, 對客人答覆都說 原廠電話打不通!? 我打進線 5分鐘就打通了! 並未像業務工程師所說的打不通, 後續告知工程師回覆很敷衍, 沒有服務的熱誠, 這種量販廣場比外面出名量販廣場都還不如....公司還能營運這麼久! 不知哪裡來的客源.
This mass sales plaza is only for making money! The engineer has no professional knowledge about the monitor and Nas. The customer asks about the service provided by the product and asks three questions. Ask the engineer to ask. After three or four days, there is no answer. The factory phone can't get through!? I got through in 5 minutes! It didn't get through as the business engineer said. I told the engineer that the reply was very perfunctory, and there was no enthusiasm for the service. This kind of sales square is more expensive than the famous sales square outside Not as good as... The company can still operate for so long! I don't know where the customers come from.
李隆木 on Google

Today’s computer failure was sent for repair. Boss Peng and the engineer were very patient to explain the cause of the failure, and the parts that needed to be replaced were also explained carefully. It happened to be held to give free bananas to the villagers, to solve the plight of banana farmers, and to fulfill social responsibility. Praise.
Zhong Jie Liu on Google

量販廣場但是價格貴、裡面的服務人員又不熱忱、東西還少拿給我,還好我自己有發現,真搞不懂為啥還可以開那麼大間,這種品質效率還有人想配合完全不解 公司有一次買電腦配螢幕,GTX1660至少要接HDMI線,螢幕配了一台裡面附VGA線,我還得自己去買HDMI線,真的已經不知道該說甚麼。
The sales plaza is expensive, the service staff in it are not enthusiastic, and I don’t have anything to offer. Fortunately, I have discovered it myself. I really don’t understand why I can open such a large room. This kind of quality and efficiency is something that people want to cooperate with. solution The company once bought a computer with a monitor. The GTX1660 must be connected to at least an HDMI cable. The monitor is equipped with a VGA cable inside. I have to buy an HDMI cable myself. I really don’t know what to say.
田小洋 on Google

Pushing and pushing, don't know who to fix
蘇大港 on Google

Assembling the secret realm of computer players, you really don't need to go to NOVA
海豚 on Google

價格貴售服差!劇院組喇叭前年新買不到ㄧ個月就得送修 修完第一次用不到ㄧ天就又故障 第二次送修說測試沒問題 沒修又送回客人手中?第三次送修過年前送修已經三個月了 也沒下文!?
The price is expensive and the service is poor! The theater speakers had to be repaired if they could not be bought a month or so in the previous year. The first time they were repaired, they failed within a day. The second time they were repaired, they said there was no problem with the test. They were returned to the guests without repairs? It’s been three months since I was sent for repair for the third time before the Chinese New Year. ?
張凱娣 on Google

買了一台印表機、是瑕疵品買家同意補差價換其他貨品、貴公司人員因趕著下班不願意等待、 不願意配合換貨、要求買家回歸到平台處理退換貨,百般刁難、時間又過將近三個禮拜、公司賣家業者回覆為買家態度不好、 試問買家態度不好的話、為何同意補差價換貨品、現在推托理由為當初沒有鑒定為瑕疵品、 瑕疵品的鑒定必須由出貨元廠商鑒定、這不是刁難什麼才是刁難?經濟不景氣疫情當下、難道5000多快買到的東西為瑕疵品又不能夠換貨、推托啦是賣東西的公司態度嗎? 又推為指責是買家的態度不好? 買家態度不好為何同意補錢換到好的可以用的貨品、駿太電腦3C廣場、服務人員態度真的很傲慢、公理何在、買到壞的貨品自己要默默承受還被講的這麼難聽、第一次遇到、如此惡劣的賣家、ㄧ副要賴帳不處理、 錢是要買貨品、沒買到商品、推卸責任、還被傲慢指責、耍賴、公理何在!
Bought a printer, it is a defective product, the buyer agrees to make up the difference in exchange for other goods, your company personnel are unwilling to wait because they are rushing off work, Unwilling to cooperate with the exchange, ask the buyer to return to the platform to handle the return and exchange, make all kinds of difficulties, and the time has passed for nearly three weeks, the company's sellers and businesses reply that the buyer's attitude is not good, If the buyer’s attitude is not good, why agree to make up the difference in exchange for the goods? The identification of defective products must be identified by the original manufacturer. Isn't this making things difficult? What is making things difficult? In the current economic downturn and the epidemic, is it the attitude of the company that sells things because more than 5,000 items bought quickly are defective and cannot be exchanged? It is also blamed on the bad attitude of the buyer? Buyers have a bad attitude, why agree to make up money for good and usable goods, Juntai Computer 3C Plaza, the attitude of the service staff is really arrogant, what is the axiom, and you have to silently bear the bad goods, and it is so uncomfortable. , The first time I met, such a bad seller, ㄧ the deputy has to rely on the account not to deal with it, Money is to buy goods, fail to buy goods, shirk responsibility, be accused of arrogance, shame, and what is the axiom!
Chuck Johnston on Google

A good place to find 3C items at a reasonable price.

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