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[台中小吃][東區401] 忠孝路上低調無名肉圓仔,一碗麵才25元沒價目表也不擔心!(台中美食 台中旅遊) ~ 大家好我是電冰箱! 幹話文青的日常點滴... - Dtmsimon.com


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Contact 忠孝路肉圓仔

地址 :

401, Taiwan, Taichung City, East District, Zhongxiao Rd, 415號忠孝路肉圓仔

網站 : https://www.dtmsimon.com/2019/09/401-19911.html
城市 : Zhongxiao Rd

401, Taiwan, Taichung City, East District, Zhongxiao Rd, 415號忠孝路肉圓仔
張維鈞 on Google

Simple snacks, humble old shop, ordinary noodles, no stewed dishes, only stewed duck eggs, only sold for 10 yuan, the meatballs are glutinous rice balls salty, the taste is special, the filling pork is delicious and delicious, the decoration of the whole shop is simple , The rest is a snack bar full of human touch and conscience. Fresh ingredients, fewer vacations, to satisfy the taste buds of the guests, the proprietress is a caring star person.
Nica Wang on Google

The dried noodles and Yuanzi soup are super delicious!
Crystal Huang on Google

Many people order dry noodles, and they also give a lot of meatball dishes. The large egg is a duck egg.
Mei Mei Chen on Google

2021/7/6 看網友對肉圓仔的好評很高,期待也跟著高, 外出時冒著小雨特意繞到這攤買肉圓仔, 店位確實不太起眼,很容易被略過, 回家之後馬上試吃, 湯頭味道偏清爽不油膩還不錯有古早味, 40元的一碗湯裡有四顆肉圓仔, 肉餡很紮實也很好吃, 但皮的部分沒什麼咬勁與口感,挺失望的。 感覺是揉的力道不足導致皮就是軟軟爛爛的而已。 食物味道上約3.5星,如果皮能再Q一點會更高, 有點麻煩的是攤位上沒有價格表, 還得問老闆娘東西的價格。 但最介意的是發現防疫期間店家沒有放置QR CODE也沒有給人手寫的實名制部分,攤位還有個阿嬤會在裡面走動吃東西,是一個防疫隱憂。 防疫部分很不佳,影響到觀感, 也影響到之後是否會再想購買的意願,所以只給一個星。
2021/7/6 Seeing netizens’ praise for Rouyuanzi is very high, and expectations are also high. When I went out in the light of rain, I deliberately went to this stall to buy meatballs. The location of the store is indeed not very eye-catching, and it is easy to be skipped. Try it immediately after returning home, The soup tastes refreshing and not greasy, but it has a good old taste, There are four meatballs in a bowl of soup for 40 yuan, The meat filling is solid and delicious, But the skin part doesn't have any bite and taste, which is quite disappointing. It feels that the lack of kneading force causes the skin to be soft and rotten. The food tastes about 3.5 stars, if the skin can be a little more Q, it will be higher. The trouble is that there is no price list on the stall. I have to ask the proprietress about the price of things. But the thing that minds the most is discovering that the store did not place QR CODE during the epidemic prevention period and did not give people the handwritten real-name part. There is also a grandma in the stall who will walk around and eat, which is a hidden worry for epidemic prevention. The epidemic prevention part is very poor, which affects the perception, It also affects whether you will want to buy again in the future, so only one star is given.
Sally Lin on Google

At first I thought it was selling meatballs. It turned out to be fresh meat dumplings. The skin Q fillings are more flavorful. They are cooked now and the soup is refreshing and not greasy. However, it can make people sweat in the summer.
Szjin on Google

Old style meat dumplings $40 is good
Blake Lai on Google

非常傳統的良心小吃攤 粄條味道簡單卻令人懷念
Very traditional food stall of conscience, simple but nostalgic
Jerry Chien on Google

本來想去吃控肉飯,因為路邊停車位在旁邊而臨時改變主意。在路上看到招牌時,我以為賣的是肉圓(丸),殊不知是鹹湯圓。一碗四顆40元,很大顆的滷鴨蛋15元。湯圓皮很Q ,湯頭我倒覺得一般般。滷鴨蛋滷的剛剛好,蛋黃很香,有鴨蛋的味道。
Originally wanted to go to control meat rice, but temporarily changed my mind because the roadside parking space was nearby. When I saw the sign on the road, I thought it was selling meat balls (balls), but I didn't know it was salty dumplings. A bowl of four pieces is 40 yuan, and a large braised duck egg is 15 yuan. The glutinous rice balls are very Q, and I think the soup is just so-so. The marinated duck egg is just right, the egg yolk is very fragrant and has the taste of duck egg.

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