松果蔬食 - West District

4.7/5 基於 8 評論

Contact 松果蔬食

地址 :

403, Taiwan, Taichung City, West District, Wuquan West 4th St, 136號松果蔬食

電話 : 📞 +8879
Postal code : 4
城市 : th St

403, Taiwan, Taichung City, West District, Wuquan West 4th St, 136號松果蔬食
Regal Chen on Google

The exclusive stinky tofu is super delicious, not to mention the braised stinky tofu that does not feel like a vegetarian, and the popular triple Hericium is also very delicious! There are also many guests at noon on holidays! Compared with the restaurants next door, they are all being remodeled. It is considered to be one of the few shops that can maintain the number of guests under the epidemic.
周書聖 on Google

The meals are ok, the price is medium to high, and the service experience is a little lacking.
Eunice.K on Google

The environment is very elegant, the reception tea smells like vanilla, the simple meal is also delicious, the papaya milk is also very smooth, the staff is friendly, and the parking lot is a great boon for those who drive~
San_Chuan Tsai on Google

素獅子頭味濃香醇,很令人驚艷,另一道咖哩的醬汁濃郁,二樣定食一定要配白飯,如果口味不重,可以吩咐淡一點點。 很滿意,又有專用停車位,方便很多。
The vegetarian lion head has a rich and mellow flavor, which is amazing. The other curry has a rich sauce. The second set meal must be served with white rice. If the taste is not strong, you can order it to be lighter. Very satisfied, and there is a dedicated parking space, which is much more convenient.
王媛嬿 on Google

The dining atmosphere is very good. The staff seem to be very unfamiliar, but they have a good attitude. They provide special maple leaf tea, which is in the same system as the Duobaoge next door. They sell Buddhist supplies, incense, incense sticks, and altar incense. , beads, etc.
Paul on Google

第一次來,幾個人在這兒用餐?防疫期人客少之又少? 入門版主食時蔬炒飯、梅干苦瓜、咖哩G排、藥膳養生麵、臭豆腐王子麵?配菜天香翡翠捲、神秘黃金包、黃金泡菜、花生豆腐腦、地瓜葉,副餐飲料咖啡。還不錯吃滴。 隔壁是淨土院,梵音深妙。 淨土院簡介(摘錄網頁內容) 本院創辦人自誠法師為了成就眾生、護念眾生,方便眾生有個共修精進的地點,於二〇一二年在台北成立淨土院,強調修行不僅止於「自淨其意」,更需以「菩提心為因,大悲心為上首」,行菩薩道,以方便善巧之方法,努力行善、成就眾生。 在《維摩詰經》佛國品中,世尊對寶積菩薩說:「若菩薩欲得淨土,當淨其心,隨其心淨,則佛土淨。」法師為清淨國土,成立淨土院,期望用佛法的觀念,來淨化人心,用佛教的戒律淨化社會,藉由學習佛法,修持佛法,認識內心,只要我們內心清淨,所見的世界便是佛國,只要我們內心平安,生活的環境也能平安。 多數人念佛,一心追求往生淨土,卻忽略了往生淨因中的自我淨化,即是去除無始以來的習氣,修善去惡,從內心裡去淨化,從人格上去昇華。太虛大師曾說:「仰止唯佛陀,完成在人格,人成即佛成,是名真現實。」法師認為,追求往生淨土,更應重視淨化個人的內心世界,去除貪瞋癡三毒,做個自度度人的萬行菩薩。 佛陀在經中常說:「萬法唯心造。」因此,要想我們的國土清淨,就要先淨化我們的心靈,只有心地善良,行持善法,把菩薩自利利他的精神落實在人世間,才會讓世界更美好。
First time here, a few people dine here?There are very few customers during the epidemic prevention period? The entry-level staples include fried rice with vegetables, dried umeboshi, curry G row, medicated health noodles, stinky tofu prince noodles? side dishes, Tianxiang jade roll, mysterious golden bag, golden pickles, peanut tofu brain, sweet potato leaves, non-dinner drink coffee. Not bad to eat. Next door is the Pure Land Temple, which has a profound and wonderful Sanskrit sound. Introduction to Jodo-in (excerpt from the website) The founder of this institute, Venerable Zicheng, established the Pure Land Institute in Taipei in 2012 in order to achieve and protect all living beings, and to facilitate all living beings to have a place for common practice and diligence. With "Bodhicitta as the cause, and great compassion as the foremost", practice the Bodhisattva Way, use convenient and skillful methods, and strive to do good and achieve sentient beings. In the "Vimalakirti Sutra", the World-Honored One said to Baoji Bodhisattva, "If a bodhisattva wishes to attain a pure land, he should purify his mind and follow his own mind, and the Buddha's land will be pure." Use Buddhist concepts to purify people's minds, and use Buddhist precepts to purify society. By learning and practicing Buddhism, we can understand our hearts. As long as our hearts are pure, the world we see is a Buddha country. Can be peaceful. Most people recite the Buddha's name, and wholeheartedly pursue rebirth in the Pure Land, but they ignore the self-purification in the pure cause of rebirth, that is, to remove the habit from beginningless time, to cultivate good and to eliminate evil, to purify from the heart, and to elevate from the personality. Master Taixu once said: "Looking up to the Buddha is the only one that is completed in the personality. When a person becomes a Buddha, it is called true reality." The Master believes that in pursuit of rebirth in the Pure Land, more attention should be paid to purifying one's inner world and eliminating the three poisons of greed, hatred, and delusion. , to be a Bodhisattva of Wanxing who saves people by himself. The Buddha often said in his sutras: "All dharmas are created only by the mind." Therefore, if we want our country to be pure, we must first purify our minds. Only by being kind-hearted, practicing good dharmas, and implementing the spirit of the Bodhisattva for self-interest and altruism in the human world, will make the world a better place.
凡事感恩赤子心 on Google

餐點好吃、價格平價、楓葉茶很香、環境讓人很放鬆, 店長非常親切,還帶我們上2樓參觀、禮佛, 這裡還有愛心便當跟需要的大眾結緣,另有一些免費課程可以學習。
The food is delicious, the price is affordable, the maple leaf tea is very fragrant, and the environment is very relaxing. The shop manager was very kind and took us up to the 2nd floor to visit and worship the Buddha. There are also loving bento to connect with the people in need, and there are some free courses to learn.
Claire Chao on Google

無意間發現這一間素食餐廳,因為沒有機會內用,所以先點外帶! 這次點咖喱烏龍炒麵、三杯杏鮑菇,炒青菜!覺得最好吃的是咖喱烏龍炒麵,料好實在,只是味道有一點重,下次有機會會想再去實體餐廳嘗試其他不同的菜色。 取餐時店員服務很親切,除了跟我們介紹隔壁的佛堂,也告訴我們餐廳設有包廂,有獨立空間可以接待較大的團體。
I stumbled upon this vegetarian restaurant by accident, because I didn't have the opportunity to use it in, so I ordered takeaway first! This time, I ordered curry oolong fried noodles, three cups of king oyster mushrooms, and fried vegetables! I think the most delicious is the curry oolong fried noodles. When picking up the meal, the clerk was very kind. In addition to introducing us to the Buddhist temple next door, he also told us that the restaurant has a private room, and there is an independent space to accommodate larger groups.

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