達康診所 - West District

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Contact 達康診所

地址 :

403, Taiwan, Taichung City, West District, Yingcai Rd, 509號達康診所

電話 : 📞 +88899
網站 : http://www.5791.net/
Opening hours :
Wednesday 9–11:50AM
Thursday 6:30–9:30PM
Friday 9–11:50AM
Saturday 9–11:45AM
Sunday Closed
Monday 9–11:50AM
Tuesday 3–6PM
城市 : Yingcai Rd

403, Taiwan, Taichung City, West District, Yingcai Rd, 509號達康診所
yu wen hsu on Google

The sciatic nerve was compressed by the herniated lumbar intervertebral disc, and I had pain for half a year. After searching the Internet for a long time, I saw that many people recommended Dakang Clinic, so I decided to take the MRI results from Kaohsiung to Dr. Chen for evaluation. The doctor was very professional, and his explanation was concise and to the point, which made me very relieved, so I decided to perform surgery. ! Dr. Chen's skills are really nothing to say. After the operation, you can get out of bed, the pain is gone, the wound is small and the recovery time is fast. I really thank Dr. Chen and his team, and I recommend it to those who have the same problem~
林國平 on Google

Hsi-Tang Wang on Google

經歷三個多月的跛行 小腿走路劇痛 大腿整日酸麻 臀部也無法久坐 坐立難安痛苦不堪 還有好心朋友送拐杖助行 看了多次復健科、神經外科、骨科醫院診所 做了無數次的復健治療 吃了止痛消炎藥和打針 但還是效果不彰 直到帶著MRI光碟找上陳醫師 做了腰椎間盤突出L4~5內視鏡切除手術 做完手術所有症狀立馬完全改善(絕不誇張) 慶幸自己做了正確的決定 也非常推薦給跟我有一樣困擾的朋友 達康診所新穎的設備與陳醫師精湛的醫術 是值得信任的? 衷心的感謝陳醫師的治療解除我身上的痛苦 護士們非常細心的叮嚀注意事項與衛教也都銘記在心 祝福你們身體健康!!事事順心!!
After more than three months of limp Severe pain in calf walking Thigh numb all day long Can't sit for a long time on the hips Restless and painful And kind friends give crutches to help I have seen rehabilitation, neurosurgery, and orthopedic hospital clinics many times Have done countless rehabilitation treatments I took painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs and injections But still not effective Until I brought the MRI disc to Dr. Chen Underwent endoscopic resection of lumbar disc herniation L4~5 All symptoms are completely improved immediately after the operation (no exaggeration) I'm glad I made the right decision It is also highly recommended to friends who have the same troubles as me Dakang Clinic's novel equipment and Dr. Chen's superb medical skills Is trustworthy ? My heartfelt thanks to Dr. Chen for his treatment to relieve my pain The nurses are very careful to remind the precautions and the health education are also in mind I wish you good health! ! Everything goes well! !
Joe Lai (joye1088) on Google

幾年前因為長期姿勢不良,手痛到舉不起來 排了幾個小時的隊來看,結果醫生摸了兩下 :「這不嚴重啦」「休息一下就好啦」「我開消炎藥給你,回家休息就好」 不到10分鐘就打發走我,我已經痛兩年了 休息會好才有鬼== 當下自己也氣到放棄了,決定以後手的問題都不看醫生 直到今年年初去看了物理治療 只花了兩個禮拜就把我的手弄好了== 白白痛五年,看到評論的自己參考一下 需要哪一類的治療。 以前一直認為可以完全相信醫生 可能我是沒時間天天來回診的年輕人,醫生比較不待見? 我的手包了五年的護腕,手腕已經有點變形了 能弄好我真的超意外的 只是我一點都不感謝這個診所?
林虹汎 on Google

因工作因素導致腰椎間盤突出兩年之久 2021/11/29下班當天 大小腿走路劇痛、腳踝、腳背、腳底麻,突然間就癱軟倒地 兩年內跑了中醫、復健科、骨科醫院診所、親朋好友介紹的推拿整骨 做了無數次的復健、整骨治療、固本丸、打消炎針 一天過了一天,也無法上班賺錢養家 直到2022年01/03晚間病情更加嚴重,已痛到直衝腦門 想起同事有提起達康陳醫師,立馬搭計程車找陳醫師 馬上替我安排做了MRI,討論是否緊急開刀 2022/01/10做了腰椎間盤突出L4~5內視鏡切除手術 做完手術後,我終於可以正常走路了~~~~~ 真的非常感謝陳醫師跟他的護士團隊幫了我一個忙 我還年輕,但真的不能因為年輕就肆意忘為把身體搞差,賺再多的錢,就怕找不回健康。 也非常推薦給跟我有一樣困擾的朋友
Lumbar intervertebral disc herniation for two years due to work factors 2021/11/29 On the day after get off work Severe pain in the lower leg when walking, numbness in the ankle, instep, and sole, and suddenly collapsed to the ground Within two years, I went to Chinese medicine, rehabilitation department, orthopaedic hospital clinic, and massage and osteopathy introduced by relatives and friends. I have done countless rehabilitation, osteopathic treatment, Guben pills, and anti-inflammatory injections. Day by day, I can't go to work and earn money to support my family Until the evening of 01/03, 2022, the condition became more serious, and the pain was reaching the forehead Remembering that my colleague mentioned Dr. Dakang Chen, I immediately took a taxi to find Dr. Chen Immediately arranged an MRI for me to discuss urgent surgery 2022/01/10 underwent lumbar disc herniation L4~5 endoscopic resection After the surgery, I can finally walk normally~~~~~ Really grateful to Dr. Chen and his team of nurses for doing me a favor I'm still young, but I really can't just because I'm young and want to forget about my health. No matter how much money I make, I'm afraid I won't be able to get my health back. I also highly recommend it to friends who have the same problem as me
胡汶佑 on Google

先前因L4~S1椎間盤突出,下背酸痛難耐,右腳也有麻痹問題(踢到石頭流血沒感覺的程度)導致肌肉萎縮,受友人推薦,至達康診所找陳醫師看診,並於今年1/18日接受內視鏡切除手術,至今已滿三個月,下背酸痛及腳麻症狀已有明顯改善(觸摸腳趾會有點感覺),尤其肌肉開始能控制之改善最為明顯。 雖然久站久坐還是會酸痛,騎乘機車時間也不能太長,大約20~30分鐘會逐漸不舒服,但已經好轉很多,有別於其他手術方式,臥床休息時間較長,且後遺症可能比較多。 去高雄榮總兵役複檢,醫師也說我找到良醫。 綜上所述,陳醫師仁心仁術,非常值得推薦!
Previously, due to L4~S1 intervertebral disc herniation, the lower back was sore and unbearable, and the right foot was also paralyzed (to the extent of kicking a stone and bleeding without feeling), which led to muscle atrophy. After being recommended by a friend, I went to Dakang Clinic to see Dr. Chen. / Received endoscopic resection on the 18th. It has been three months since then. The symptoms of lower back pain and numbness in the feet have been significantly improved (touching the toes will feel a little), especially the improvement of muscle control is the most obvious. Although standing and sitting for a long time will still cause pain, and riding a motorcycle should not be too long, about 20 to 30 minutes will gradually become uncomfortable, but it has improved a lot. many. When I went to Kaohsiung for a military service re-examination, the doctor also said that I found a good doctor. To sum up, Dr. Chen is benevolent and kind, and it is highly recommended!
Joe Lin on Google

The best doctor I have ever seen, Dr. Chen had treated my intervertebral disk problem which bothering me for years. Much appreciated, Dr.Chen
Robert Macias on Google

Dr. Chen was highly recommended and I can see why. He did a microdiscectomy. Had back pain for over 20 years and it’s gone! I was relieved of the pain immediately! Very quick and I was discharged the day after. He said I could stay up to 3 days or leave right away! Also prescribed a back brace and was very thorough on his assessment and recovery methods. I have recommended him to 3 other friends already. I was walking the day after and it was amazing! Thank you Dr. Chen.

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