犬山日語教室 - West District

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Contact 犬山日語教室

地址 :

403, Taiwan, Taichung City, West District, Zhongmei St, 647號No 犬山日語教室

電話 : 📞 +888
網站 : https://www.inuyamatw.com/
城市 : Zhongmei St

403, Taiwan, Taichung City, West District, Zhongmei St, 647號No 犬山日語教室
倪志榮 on Google

Pushing Iwai Takeshi's daily inspection course, it's hard to fail ?
liu zawell on Google

我上的是週末木村老師的初級二班(目前進度已經到進階一)。木村老師總是準備許多教材和資料(感覺應該花了很多時間),他也很注重學生對單字重音和音調的發音。就算老師中文可能沒那麼好,不過來這裡學日文選擇日籍老師,當然就不是來跟老師用中文哈拉~~而且老師很親切,也常讓上課的氣氛變得很活潑有趣。 想學日文的同學真的可以來試聽看看喔~~~
I'm in Junior Class 2 of Teacher Kimura on the weekend (currently the progress has reached advanced one). Mr. Kimura always prepares a lot of teaching materials and materials (it feels like it should have taken a lot of time), and he also pays attention to students' pronunciation of single word accents and tones. Even if the teacher's Chinese may not be so good, but to come here to learn Japanese and choose a Japanese teacher, of course, it is not to use Chinese Halla with the teacher~~ The teacher is very kind and often makes the atmosphere of the class very lively and interesting. Students who want to learn Japanese can really come and listen to it~~~
sherry wang on Google

我在2020年六月初加入犬山老師的初級一課程,到2021年二月因為時間無法配合,轉到結城老師的週末班級,兩位都是很棒的老師❤️ 很幸運能跟著犬山老師學習日語,老師從五十音一筆一劃帶著我們寫,文法的解釋、例文的練習、到後面的口語速度的訓練,我很訝異在初級的程度老師就著重口語訓練,可能是日本人講話真的蠻快的,這也是找日籍老師的最大優勢??如果你有追蹤教室的粉絲團,看到老師更新的諺語繪圖,加上假日這麼努力整理教室,真的十分感動!上課感覺會更有精神! 結城老師很溫和,雖然我才剛轉過來還在適應中,在文法的解釋上,結城老師講解的淺顯易懂,雖然一週只有一堂課,老師可能怕我們忘記文法,會發作業讓我們練習,希望一直跟著這麼優秀的老師們努力學習,老師們辛苦了☺️
I joined Teacher Inuyama’s elementary one course at the beginning of June 2020. By February 2021, due to the lack of time, I transferred to the weekend class of Teacher Yucheng. Both of them are great teachers. ❤️ I am very lucky to be able to learn Japanese with Teacher Inuyama. The teacher led us to write from the Japanese syllabic strokes, grammar explanation, example practice, and later speaking speed training. I was surprised that at the elementary level the teacher focused on speaking. Training may be that Japanese people speak really fast, which is also the biggest advantage of finding Japanese teachers ?? If you have a fan group following the classroom, see the teacher’s updated proverb drawing, plus the hard work of organizing the classroom on holidays, it’s true. I'm very touched! I feel more energetic in class! Teacher Yuki is very gentle, although I have just turned around and I am still adapting, the explanation of the grammar is easy to understand. Although there is only one class a week, the teacher may be afraid that we will forget the grammar and will send homework for us to practice. Hope I have been studying hard with such excellent teachers, the teachers have worked hard ☺️
Huang Aima on Google

In mid-June 2020 last year, I joined the Japanese syllabary class of Teacher Inuyama. Before that, I taught myself the kana syllabary from Youtube. After coming to listen to teacher Inuyama's class, I felt that I must continue the class because the teacher will correct the pronunciation very carefully. The current class is up to the 20th lesson of "Everybody's Japanese". In addition to paying attention to pronunciation, the teacher also requires the speed of speaking. Perhaps because Japanese people speak very fast, Teacher Inuyama also hopes that students can speak Japanese at a certain speed. Teacher Inuyama prepares every lesson very carefully. The teaching content will add many changes in line with the textbook, so that students can use the same sentence pattern, change various content, and review important sentence patterns that I have taught from time to time. Apart from busy work, I can still make progress efficiently. Teacher Inuyama is said to have more than 20 years of teaching experience in Taiwan, but the teacher in each class is still very energetic and full of enthusiasm for teaching, which makes me feel very happy and positive in learning! I am very grateful to the teacher for making me and my peers have improved a lot in Japanese! ?⭐️
John Lee on Google

已經在這學習2年的時間 即使不能出國也能因此與日本靠近一些 犬山老師幽默的上課方式 輕鬆學習沒有壓力 (有一點點壓力就是輪到發言時會緊張) 每週還會有當季新鮮的單字與諺語 因為疫情不能出國 就趁機學習語言投資自己 未來日本暢快自由行絕對不是問題!
Have been studying here for 2 years Even if you can’t go abroad, you can get closer to Japan. Teacher Inuyama's humorous way of class Easy to learn without pressure (A little bit of pressure is that you will be nervous when it is your turn to speak) There will also be seasonal words and proverbs every week Can't go abroad because of the epidemic Take the opportunity to learn language and invest in yourself In the future, free travel in Japan will definitely not be a problem!
曾雅婷 on Google

來教室已經快一年半了!真的要給自己掌聲鼓勵!但是!若是沒有一級棒的老師與上課氛圍,應該上完一期或者是試聽結束就落跑了吧? 犬山老師每堂課會先帶口語、複習加補充的單字跟俚語,每次上課都會再加強上回學過的文法,內容都是不厭其煩地讓大家能加強印象~ 雖然上課一直輪迴地問問題有點刺激,但是老師人很好啦!會打ㄆㄚ斯? 想學日文的大家可以來試聽?
It's been almost a year and a half since I came to the classroom! I really want to give myself applause and encouragement! but! If you don’t have a great teacher and class atmosphere, you should leave after the first period or after the audition ? Teacher Inuyama will first bring spoken words, review and supplementary words and slang in every class, and will strengthen the grammar learned last time every time. Although it’s a bit exciting to ask questions repeatedly in class, the teachers are very nice! Know how to fight If you want to learn Japanese, you can come and listen to it?
Dan on Google

網路上和官網評論完全符合! 用生命燃燒的老師,此話不假。 課程收據誠實申報,還有貼印花,讓人非常放心。 雖然是20幾人的大班制,但由於節奏很快,整堂課每個人都有和老師練習到。 下雨天能喝到熱的薑茶,很令人感動!每次去上課喝杯茶聽聽課、長智慧,感覺當週壓力都沒了。 雖然日語還沒學的特別好,但是現場聽課幾次就背起來了。 果然是用聽的語言呀! 謝謝王小姐和犬山老師~
The reviews on the Internet and the official website are completely consistent! The teacher who burns with life is true. The course receipts are honestly declared and stamped, which makes people very reassuring. Although it is a large class system of more than 20 people, due to the fast pace, everyone in the whole class has practiced with the teacher. It is very touching to drink hot ginger tea on a rainy day! Every time I go to class, have a cup of tea, listen to the lectures and gain wisdom, I feel that the stress of the week is gone. Although I haven't learned Japanese very well yet, I learned it after listening to the class a few times. It really is the language of listening! Thank you Miss Wang and Teacher Inuyama~
林心澄 on Google

我是在去年六月加入犬山日語初級班~ 犬山老師教學熱忱活潑、上課生動的表情加上比手劃腳,常常讓大家捧腹大笑,除了大家的日本語課本之外,老師還會補充非常多資料,結合生活應用。 上課時會使用大量字卡,結合圖像,而且在每堂課上課前幫我們複習上次所學的內容,老師運用學習記憶法,不斷加深我們的印象和反應,所以「今日的複習」都讓我們緊張又刺激,也因此一遍遍加深記憶。 口語訓練方面,一開始老師帶領大家朗誦,注意日文的音調,接下來每個人都要輪流對話,以及進行小組練習,讓我們對「說」增加自信,大聲練習也漸漸加快速度和熟練度。 最感動的是,老師上課時眼神散發出的光芒、充滿熱情的笑容,非常盡心盡力地把我們教會,如果我們回答錯誤,老師懊惱的表情比我們還難過?,感受到老師的用心良苦。 老師頭腦聰明又兼具人文素養,上課時常分享有關繪畫、音樂、歷史方面的知識,讓我們大開眼界,驚呼連連呢!積極度連下課休息10分鐘也在電腦前回覆日文相關問題,一刻不停歇,可以感受到犬山老師是用生命在教學,一生懸命來形容啊! 非常感謝犬山日語,很幸運自己能夠遇到好老師,也結識了同班愛好日文的好朋友們。
I joined Inuyama Japanese Elementary Class in June last year~ Teacher Inuyama's enthusiasm for teaching, lively expressions in class, and gestures often make everyone laugh. In addition to everyone's Japanese textbooks, the teacher will also add a lot of information, combined with daily applications. A large number of word cards are used in class, combined with images, and before each class to help us review what we have learned last time, the teacher uses learning and memory methods to continuously deepen our impressions and reactions, so "today's review" is all It makes us nervous and exciting, and it deepens our memory over and over again. In terms of oral training, the teacher led everyone to recite at first, paying attention to the tones of Japanese, and then everyone had to take turns in conversations and group exercises to increase our confidence in "speaking". Practice loudly also gradually increased the speed and proficiency. The most touching thing is that the teacher's eyes glow and enthusiastic smile during the class, he is very dedicated to teach us, if we answer the wrong, the teacher's annoyed expression is even sadder than us ?, I feel the teacher's good intentions. The teachers are both smart and humanistic. They often share knowledge about painting, music, and history in class, which opened our eyes and exclaimed again and again! Enthusiasm Even after a 10-minute break from class, I also responded to Japanese-related questions in front of the computer. Without stopping, I can feel that Teacher Inuyama is teaching with his life, and his life is suspended! Thank you very much Inuyama Japanese. I am very fortunate to have met a good teacher and also met good friends in the class who love Japanese.

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