億芳塩酥雞 - North District

3.8/5 基於 8 評論

Contact 億芳塩酥雞

地址 :

404, Taiwan, Taichung City, North District, Yongxing St, 151號億芳塩酥雞

電話 : 📞 +88
城市 : Yongxing St

404, Taiwan, Taichung City, North District, Yongxing St, 151號億芳塩酥雞
Irisa Ooo (Mojopaco) on Google

The proprietress is very kind, fried tofu is really delicious! Full of garlic, original! The tofu is fried in crispy gold, and there is no oil to squirt it. This method is especially different. The taste of the fried food is especially refreshing. Unlike other oily stores, each dish looks fresh. It seems that there is no overnight feeling! Great! Give full marks!
yu-jia chen on Google

鹹酥雞甜不辣百頁都好吃 杏鮑菇也不錯 米血比較普通
The salty and crispy chicken is delicious whether it is sweet or spicy. The king oyster mushroom is also good. The rice blood is relatively common.
張芳榮 on Google

The best salty crispy chicken in Yongxing Street with the highest cp value
朱JuLian 주개승 on Google

好吃?香雞排才65元 有我喜歡的味道別間ㄔ不到的?
Delicious ? Fragrant chicken chop is only 65 yuan There is a taste that I like that I can't find anywhere else ?
Faith Shih on Google

百頁豆腐炸得很酥 但是粉灑太多很鹹 魷魚和雞排都非常乾硬!甚至雞排還有不新鮮的臭味⋯咬一口覺得不對勁就整塊丟了,明明生意不錯食材新鮮度卻是這樣,非常傻眼?
Hundred pages of tofu is fried very crispy The squid and chicken steak are very dry and hard! Even the chicken chops still have a stale smell...it feels something wrong with one bite and the whole piece is lost. It's clear that the business is good, but the freshness of the ingredients is like this, very dumbfounded?
Ming Ming on Google

Every time I pass by, I see that there is a queue. Today, there is no one to buy it quickly, but it hurts if I look forward to it too much. The squid is too sour, and the mouth is very sour when I eat it. The salty crisp chicken and rice intestines can be compared The store tastes similar. As for the chicken skin, it is thunder, the red one tastes too greasy. The store is worthy of praise for giving a lot of garlic, which is more fragrant when fried.
王思薇 on Google

有段時間沒有回購 今天突然想吃 就去買了 等待時 有位阿伯口罩拉到嘴巴下方 一直在應該防疫的環境裡 大聲聊天 大剌剌的靠近 店家暫放食材的區域 甚至用手拿著 兩串雞心把玩又放回去 看起來是跟店家很熟的人 明明應該戴好口罩、遵守防疫措施 胃口瞬間降到-100 但已經炸到一半又不能取消。 這次吃的心得 雞皮 $30 一如往常 馬鈴薯 小份 $30 一如往常 甜不辣 小份 $30 感覺份量沒有之前多 甘梅地瓜 小份 $30 沒有那麼香甜了 雞排 $65 肉薄、乾..... 調味 胡椒不夠香~ 蒜頭和辣椒粉不錯~
綿綿 on Google

鹹到洗腎的那種 而且老闆娘態度差的很想巴下去 點完後續還想要再點 老闆娘直接喊來不及 人直接走掉 完全不給我點 拜託 大家 不要來這間店!!真的爛!!
The kind that is salty to the point of dialysis And the proprietress has a bad attitude and wants to go down After clicking, I want to click again The proprietress shouted that it was too late, and the people left immediately give me no points at all Please don't come to this store! ! really sucks! !

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