合立德木@超耐磨地板 [參觀請事先預約]

4.8/5 基於 8 評論

Contact 合立德木@超耐磨地板 [參觀請事先預約]

地址 :

406, Taiwan, Taichung City, Beitun District, Junfu 11th Rd, 18-38號合立德木@超耐磨地板 [參觀請事先預約]

電話 : 📞 +88989898
網站 : http://www.hyfloorpro.com/
城市 : th Rd

406, Taiwan, Taichung City, Beitun District, Junfu 11th Rd, 18-38號合立德木@超耐磨地板 [參觀請事先預約]
Happy Huang on Google

規劃專業,工班很細心,不用去現場監工也很放心,離開的時候,還幫忙打掃得很乾淨才離開!?? 價格實惠公道,非常適合預算不多的小資族? 個人很喜歡木材的質感,地板舖完後,整個空間的感覺好溫暖。用過覺得很讚,推薦給大家囉~
The planning is professional, the work shift is very attentive, and there is no need to go to the site to supervise the work, and I am relieved. When I leave, I also help to clean up before leaving! ?? The price is affordable and fair, very suitable for petty bourgeois with a small budget? I personally like the texture of wood. After the floor is paved, the whole space feels so warm. I think it’s great after using it, and I recommend it to everyone~

I don’t know much about wood flooring, but the boss explained it concisely and clearly. From Google search to Heli Demu, reasonable budget, super high quality, looking forward to the completion of the construction, super wear-resistant and waterproof high CP value, the husband is sharing the finished product after the construction, Encounter Heli Demu earned a happy home.
許脆迪 on Google

舖起來的質感真的很棒! 感覺比建商自舖的品質更好! 師傅施作也非常細心~令人放心☺ 很高興找對木地板商家?? 推薦!推薦! !!
The texture of the paving is really great! It feels better than the quality of Jianshang's own shop! The master Shizuo is also very attentive ~ reassuring ☺ I am very happy to find the right wooden flooring merchant?? recommend! recommend! ! !
美美侯 on Google

This is the second time I have ordered a wooden floor with Heli Demu. It is really comfortable to step on. The installation master is very fast and professional, and it will be more warm after laying.
陳怡均 on Google

從以前就很不喜歡冰涼的地板,所以都習慣穿室內拖,後來因親戚家裡有 裝修地板,舖上溫潤觸感的木地板,讓我幾乎一踏到就愛上!自此內心 便有一種「以後我自己的家也一定要擁有木地板!」的決心! 上網看了很多各式各樣的木地板材質介紹及施作方式,老實說,還是有點 霧煞煞,畢竟這要由專業來評估,這個時候出現了很多店家,每家都感覺 很專業很優秀~~~還真不知道要找哪一家@__@ 於是我決定選擇自家附近的店家為主,挑選了兩間作為參考;並關注這兩間 的所有作品及產品一切!結果,我覺得合立德木所呈現出來的質感是我最喜歡的。 我還把我喜歡的(參考用)條紋顏色一張一張存檔下來,想說有機會去門市至少 有個東西給人家看我喜歡的是什麼。 後來因緣際會老房子要裝修,心中暗自決定,這次我要在把木地板全舖在2樓! 合立德木採預約制,這點我覺得很好,因這樣才有辦法全心全意聽客戶的要求及 意見,雙方才不會被其他人事物干擾。 我本身對木地板就很喜愛,直言就是要來舖木地板!老闆也很阿殺力為我仔細介紹, 解說卡扣方面及材質種類價錢等等...。我有我的預算,我跟老闆說我10萬以內都OK! 我也事先丈量好房子房間的距離及不同角度的照片給老闆看,總之,事前功課我能作足 就儘量去完成,一心只想趕快擁有木地板。因為不是馬上就要住進去的房子,也不用太趕。 老闆也找了時間來現場勘景,了解屋況,我順勢要求幫忙我把房門全換掉,因為都是老舊的門了; 老闆說沒問題,會幫我安排師傅過來安裝,甚至我還要求裝水平鎖。重點的是, 我覺得可以解決我的困擾,這一點合立德木都幫我完成了!他們是一支環環相扣的工作團隊, 緊密且讓人可以信任的。 再來,施工時間約一約,結果不用一天就可以完成了!(果然還是要由專業的師傅才有辦法這樣) 而且不由得不稱讚一下,師傅個個都很準時來施工,完畢後也幫忙清理場地,垃圾也幫我 分類好了!呵~ 還有最後牆四周矽利康也幫我弄的很溧亮,看了就很開心。 我的房間門也換的很滿意喲! 老闆在後面的報價單上還是有優待我的部分~~好感動也很感謝!^^ 同事們看到家裡完工後的照片,都大讚「哇~妳家升級了!簡直變新家了,視覺效果差好多喔!」 (以前地板是磨石子地板,我超不喜歡,是那種任何家具擺上去呈現就是醜,就是不搭啊!) 只能說,緣份讓我遇到了合立德木,一切都在巧合之中。 在剛好的時機遇到對的人事物,溝通的,所有的,都進行得很順利。 謝謝合立德木的師傅們及工作團隊還有在背後默默盡心盡力的老闆,(打擾了這段時間忍受我的囉嗦~) 可惜,google 沒有六顆星,不然我是一定給★★★★★★的啦!
I did n’t like the cold floor before, so I used to wear indoor mop. Renovating the floor and laying it on a wooden floor with a gentle touch made me fall in love almost as soon as I set foot! Since then There is a determination that "my own home must have wooden floors in the future!" I have read a lot of various wooden floor material introductions and application methods on the Internet. To be honest, it is still a bit Wushasha, after all, it must be evaluated by professionals. At this time, many stores appeared, and each one felt Very professional and excellent ~~~ I really don't know which one to look for @ __ @ So I decided to choose mainly the stores near my home, and selected two as a reference; and paid attention to these two All works and products of all! As a result, I think the texture presented by Hollywood is my favorite. I also archived the stripe colors I like (for reference) one by one, I want to say that I have the opportunity to go to the store at least There is something to show others what I like. Later, because of the old house to be renovated, I secretly decided that this time I will spread the wooden floor on the second floor! I think it ’s good that Heli Demucai has an appointment system, because this way I can listen to the customer ’s request and Opinions, the two sides will not be disturbed by other people and things. I like wood flooring very much, and frankly I want to lay it! The boss was also very lethal to introduce me carefully, Explain the buckle, the type of material, the price, etc ... I have my budget and I told the boss that I was OK within 100,000! I also measured the distance of the house room and the photos from different angles in advance to show it to the boss. In short, I can do my homework beforehand. Just try to complete it, all you want is to have a wooden floor. Because it's not a house you're going to live in immediately, and you don't have to hurry. The boss also found time to survey the scene and understand the condition of the house. I asked for help to replace all the doors because they were all old doors; The boss said no problem, he would help me arrange a master to install it, and I even asked for a level lock. The point is, I think it can solve my problem, and He Li Demu has helped me complete it! They are an interlocking work team, Close and trustworthy. Again, the construction time is about an appointment, and the result can be completed in one day! (Sure enough, a professional master is the only way to do this.) And I couldn't help but praise it. The masters all came to work on time. After the completion, they helped clean up the site and the garbage helped me. The classification is good! Oh ~ And Silicang also helped me to make it very bright around the last wall. I was very happy when I saw it. My room door is also very satisfied! The boss still gives me a preferential treatment in the quotation list ~~ Thank you so much! ^^ When colleagues saw the photos after the home was completed, they all praised, "Wow ~ Your home has been upgraded! It has become a new home, and the visual effects are much worse!" (In the past, the floor was a terrazzo floor. I do n’t like it. It ’s ugly to show any kind of furniture. It just does n’t work!) All I can say is that fate has brought me to Heli Demu, and everything is in coincidence. At the right time, I met the right people, everything, communication, and everything went smoothly. Thank you to the teachers and working team of Heli Demu, as well as the boss who silently worked hard behind the scenes. Unfortunately, Google does not have six stars, otherwise I will definitely give it to ★★★★★★!
芊汝陳 on Google

Very satisfied one-time consumption, no matter from contact to construction! All make people feel very professional and very satisfied, not just a satisfaction of 100 points is a satisfaction of 120 points or more!
鄧得運erwin on Google

只能給5星。因為沒有6星可以給??.. 再也不用擔心老公和小孩的不穿室內鞋習慣了。非常滿意。家人也很喜歡。
Can only give 5 stars. Because there is no 6 stars to give ??... Never worry about the habit of not wearing indoor shoes for your husband and children anymore. Very satisfied. My family likes it too.
陳俞妃 on Google

I have been looking for dark wood floors for a long time, looking for products in several rooms, and I have seen a lot of picture comparisons on the Internet, and finally came to the exhibition room of Heli Demu, which is also the boss's home. What about the bag! After the professional introduction and in-depth analysis by the boss, we were still considering another short wood chip style. Later, we still lost the 200 cm thick and 1 cm super warm dark wood floor on the living room floor! It was really love at first sight?Although it is a lot more noble than the original style, but I am very grateful to the boss for your success?In addition to giving us a good discount, the entire construction process and time communication are handled perfectly! Really a very good decorating experience! The masters who lay the floors and the masters of Silicang are very professional and beautiful, and the construction is perfect ❤️‍?❤️‍?❤️‍?I really recommend everyone who needs to find wooden floors to visit!

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