和平里福德祠 - Beitun District

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Contact 和平里福德祠

地址 :

406, Taiwan, Taichung City, Beitun District, Junhe St, 373號和平里福德祠

城市 : Junhe St

406, Taiwan, Taichung City, Beitun District, Junhe St, 373號和平里福德祠
Josh on Google

賴甦民(Aristo -lai) on Google

賴建宏 on Google

I hope to make a big difference!!
Oliver Fan on Google

The land public guarantees the new year smoothly
Frank Lee on Google

原為石棚土地公,屬庄內水頭土地公。舊址在今東山路加油站上方,名為軍功祠。民國27年(1938) 因整治大水溝,才遷移到現址。祠的左前方大石頭,是軍功祠建造設立紀念碑,記載著「昭和13年(1924) 冬月遷來 獻納人賴呆、賴林氏富」字樣。軍功祠收藏有2座石材不同的古董香爐,是鎮殿之寶。其中一只刻有「福」字、被香火燻黑,寬23.6、深17.8、高18公分、耳距27公分。另一只保持原石貌,寬18.5、深18、高20.5公分、耳距28.5公分。
It was originally the Shedeng Land Company, which belonged to Shuitou Land Company in Zhuangnei. The old site is above the gas station on Dongshan Road today, and is called the Military Ancestral Hall. In the 27th year of the Republic of China (1938), it was relocated to the current site due to the renovation of the big ditch. The large stone on the left front of the temple is the monument for the construction of the Military Ancestral Hall. It records the words "Moving to the Winter Moon in the Showa 13 (1924), Lai Dai, Lai Lin's Rich" The Military Ancestral Hall has two antique incense burners with different stones, which is the treasure of the town hall. One of them is engraved with the word "Fu", blackened by incense, 23.6 wide, 17.8 deep, 18 cm high, and 27 cm ear distance. The other maintains the original stone appearance, with a width of 18.5, a depth of 18, a height of 20.5 cm, and an ear distance of 28.5 cm.
Lai Lai on Google

和平福德祠位於和平社區庄內核心 環境清幽~和平老社區的信仰中心 福德祠前方有和順公園可以休憩~ 也有設立Ubike2.0可以租借公共自行車可以騎 逛逛和平社區的寧靜~老巷道錯綜複雜很適合深度旅遊! 軍功寮的核心位置! 香火鼎盛~純樸的土地公廟!
Hepingfu Temple is located in the core of Zhuangnei, Heping Community Quiet environment ~ the faith center of the peaceful old community There is Heshun Park in front of Fude Temple where you can rest~ There is also the establishment of Ubike2.0 to rent public bicycles to ride The tranquility of strolling around the peaceful community ~ the intricate old alleys are suitable for in-depth tourism! The core location of the military camp! The incense is at its peak ~ the simple earth temple!
Eric Yan Lai on Google

From childhood to childhood, the roof of Jiao Zhi Tao is full of touching and true stories! I like to come here to pray for safety and health
YU-YUN CHANG on Google

111.03.07 搬來北屯剛好滿一年多,久久會來拜拜? 夜晚的土地公廟,經由燈光的照射下顯得更莊嚴?
111.03.07 It's just over a year since I moved to Beitun, I will come to say goodbye for a long time?? The earth temple at night looks more solemn under the illumination of the lights?

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