輕之茶-台中北屯北平店 - Section 3

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Contact 輕之茶-台中北屯北平店

地址 :

40666, Taiwan, Taichung City, Beitun District, Section 3, Beiping Rd, 75之7號輕之茶-台中北屯北平店

電話 : 📞 +887979
網站 : https://www.facebook.com/drinkatea.beiping/
城市 : Beiping Rd

40666, Taiwan, Taichung City, Beitun District, Section 3, Beiping Rd, 75之7號輕之茶-台中北屯北平店
張雅晴 on Google

外送點蜂蜜蘆薈 送來的是小吸管 怎麼喝 用湯匙挖嗎?
I sent some honey and aloe vera, and I sent a small straw. How to drink it? Do you dig it with a spoon?
JUJUC on Google

The ancient black tea is very rich and delicious!
Hsiu on Google

Calpis Oolong is super unpleasant to drink. When I get it, the color is very wrong. After taking a sip, it is super incongruous.==
ivy ivy on Google

老闆很可愛 蜂蜜檸檬好好喝? 半夜的好選擇
The boss is very cute, honey lemon is delicious ? Good choice in the middle of the night
Hao on Google

除夕當天晚上去的,店員非常沒有水準,只是單純問個是否能接受電子支付,泡茶的直接以很差的口氣大聲喊到:這邊就是只能付現金啦! 笑死,如果要這樣子對待客人就乾脆別開了吧,md也不是要求要什麼客製化飲品還是要你跪下服務,莫名其妙,如果想要有個喝飲料的好心情建議路口旁邊轉五十嵐清心都比這個推?
On the night of New Year's Eve, the clerk was very unprofessional, and just asked if they could accept electronic payment. The tea maker shouted in a very bad tone: This is where you can only pay in cash! Die of laughter, if you want to treat customers like this, just don't open it. MD doesn't ask for any customized drinks or you need to kneel down to serve it. It's inexplicable. If you want to have a good mood for a drink, I suggest turning to Igarashi next to the intersection. Qingxin is better than this push ?
陳P on Google

很方便 很晚都還有開 晚上的店員都還不錯 還是希望晚班男生比較高的、跟女店員口罩可以戴好 疫情期間保護好大家?
IG_胖拿吃喫 on Google

#Foodpanda外送 很難得喝到那麼難喝的茶 老實說不值這種價格 不會再回購 唯一優點是營業到滿晚的 如果你半夜很想喝飲料 可以勉強點餐過個癮
#Foodpanda Delivery It’s hard to drink such a horrible tea Honestly not worth the price Will not repurchase The only advantage is that it's open until late If you want a drink in the middle of the night Can barely order food for an addiction
陳黑黑 on Google

雖然我曾經修過通識課-茶的藝術,但顯然我當初實在是翹課太猖狂,抑或是所學都還給通識老師(或是根本沒學到任何知識過但我還是過了謝謝老師我愛老師聰明睿智心地善良手下留學分) 我對茶的知識已失去闡述能力望眾知,但我能用我的body跟大家掛保證,這家茶是真的,真的能讓我失眠整晚並ㄅㄧㄤˋ通宵不會倒,沒錯我就是一點點咖啡因都不能忍受的脆弱少女~ 十杯shot我都不一定會倒! (但可能會在路邊吐) 但輕之茶的高山青茶只要不到半杯就能讓我通宵嗨整晚! ?高山青茶 $30 我點了無糖微冰中杯,本來要點大杯,但店員提醒了我他們的大杯是胖胖杯,中杯才是我們平常喝手搖的大杯,感謝天公北感謝心地善良認真工作的店員感謝咪咪(咪咪是我朋友的貓),不然我真的會喝不完,好的回歸正題,青茶部分就是茶,大家董嗎?我不會評價因為我修茶藝課是為了混通識學分湊畢業門檻,但我可以說,除了提神效果宇宙無敵霹靂厲害外,這杯茶不會過於苦澀,回甘效果甚好!大致如此。 順帶一提,隔壁的尚好台南口味鹹酥雞店門口有這家飲料店的5元折價卷,大家可以前往拿取使用,我是沒有用到,為什麼呢? 因為我點完鹹酥雞後,沒看到折價卷我就走過去買飲料了,回來拿鹹酥雞才發現有折價卷,雖然只是五塊錢,但我可以拿來買二分之一顆茶葉蛋,心好痛,天公北啊...我只是...一個...古意人...而已... 不過大家別擔心我,我現在釋懷了!我原諒我自己!因為我知道,離開我一去不回頭的五塊錢雖然讓我失去二分之一顆茶葉蛋,但我讓輕之茶北平店那天業績增加五塊錢,讓台灣經濟增加五塊錢的流動,讓這個世界多了五塊錢的公平交易,我知道我很棒,看完我整篇評論的你各位更是,超棒!
Although I have taken a general education class - The Art of Tea, it is clear that I skipped classes too wildly at the time, or I returned everything I learned to the general education teacher (or did not learn anything at all, but I passed it anyway. Thank you I love the teacher, the teacher is smart, wise, kind-hearted, and subordinate to study abroad) I have lost the ability to explain my knowledge of tea, but I can use my body to assure everyone that this tea is real, it can really make me sleepless all night and won't pour all night, That's right, I'm a fragile girl who can't stand a little caffeine~ I won't necessarily pour ten shots! (but may vomit on the side of the road) But Qingzhicha's high mountain green tea can keep me entertained all night with less than half a cup! ?Alpine Green Tea $30 I ordered a sugar-free micro-ice medium cup. I originally ordered a large cup, but the clerk reminded me that their big cup is a fat cup, and the medium cup is the big cup we usually drink by hand. Thank you Tiangongbei for your kind-hearted and serious work The store clerk thanked Mimi (Mimi is my friend's cat), otherwise I would really not finish it. Okay, back to the topic, the green tea part is tea, everyone, Dong? I won't comment because I took the tea art class in order to combine the general knowledge credits to make up the graduation threshold, but I can say that, in addition to the refreshing effect, the universe is invincible and the thunderbolt is powerful, this cup of tea will not be too bitter, and the rejuvenating effect is very good! Roughly so. By the way, there is a 5 yuan discount coupon from this beverage shop at the door of Shanghao Tainan Taste Salted Crispy Chicken Shop next door. You can go to get it and use it. I didn't use it, why? Because after I ordered the salted crispy chicken, I didn't see the discount roll, so I went over to buy a drink, and when I came back to get the salty crispy chicken, I found that there was a discount roll. Although it was only five yuan, I could use it to buy half of one. Tea eggs, my heart hurts, Tiangongbei...I'm just...an...ancient person...just... But don't worry about me, I'm relieved now! I forgive myself! Because I know that the five dollars that left me and never looked back made me lose half of a tea egg, but I increased the performance of Qingzhicha Peiping store by five dollars that day, and increased the flow of Taiwan's economy by five dollars. , let the world add five dollars to a fair deal, I know I am great, and you who read my entire review are even more awesome!

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