長壽石鍋拌飯(新光三越店) - 407

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Contact 長壽石鍋拌飯(新光三越店)

地址 :

407, Taiwan, 台中市西屯區台中港路二段111號12樓長壽石鍋拌飯(新光三越店)

電話 : 📞 +889
網站 : https://rsv.skm.com.tw/groups/skm-taichung/companies/-LQ9Bad2tom8YHd7KBZa:inline-live-2a466/restaurants/-LQ9BafqDcGqXUIz3XVI/waiting%3Fdate%3D2021-11-10%26groupSize%3D2
城市 : Taiwan

407, Taiwan, 台中市西屯區台中港路二段111號12樓長壽石鍋拌飯(新光三越店)
劉依庭 on Google

個人很推“韓式牛肉鍋”,有別於一般的鍋物裡的牛肉都是肉片,這個則是用肉塊,沒錯,就是肉塊!而且肉質不柴、很軟嫩。是百貨美食街難得的佛心鍋物,吃完超有飽足感的。 另外也很推“韓式部隊鍋”,裡面的泡麵不像一般的泡麵很容易變爛,使用的好像是Q彈拉麵,很有嚼勁口感,久放也不會很爛。喜歡吃肉的可以點“燒肉部隊鍋”,吃起來就很豐盛很有飽足感。 鍋類的湯頭都很濃郁好喝,一點都不含糊。
Personally I push the "Korean beef pot". The beef in the pot is different from ordinary pots. This one uses meat pieces, yes, it is meat pieces! And the meat is not firewood and very tender. It is a rare Buddha heart pot in the food court of the department store. In addition, the "Korean Army Pot" is also very popular. The instant noodles inside are not easy to rot like ordinary instant noodles. The Q-shaped ramen is used. It has a chewy texture and will not rotten for a long time. If you like to eat meat, you can order "Roast Pork", it will be rich and full. The soup in the pot is very rich and delicious, and it is not ambiguous at all.
翠果打爛她的嘴 on Google

之前吃部隊鍋是料超級多 吃完肚子很撐 覺得cp值很高 今天想說好久沒吃部隊鍋 想說點一下 結果拿到餐點直接傻眼 以前的部隊鍋是表面可以看到滿滿的料 今天的部隊鍋2/3都是湯 上面也沒起司 泡菜給一小片 泡菜一小片是啥小啦 沒有泡菜跟起司叫部隊鍋 沒給起司我真的氣死 是在喂螞蟻還是小鳥 湯頭完全沒味道…… 我以為我在喝泡菜水 之前都大力推薦朋友吃這家部隊鍋 今天吃到看到沒啥料 料直接縮水一半喔 是想騙第一次消費的顧客嗎 我已經吃4年的部隊鍋 也推薦很多人點 之前買的 朋友也吃的很開心 今年剛好趁新光週年慶去買東西順便吃 結果跟之前不一樣 大縮水!!!!! 真的好棒喔!!!!!!!!!!! 再也不會吃這家!!!!!! 也不會向任何朋友推薦~~~~~ 第一次在新光吃東西吃到火大????
I had a lot of ingredients to eat army pot before I feel very supportive after eating, I think the cp value is high Today I want to say that I haven't eaten army pot for a long time Want to say something I was dumbfounded when I got the meal The previous troop pot was full of material on the surface Today's army pot 2/3 is soup There is no cheese on it. Give a small piece of kimchi What a small piece of kimchi No kimchi or cheese called army pot I'm really angry for not giving cheese Are you feeding ants or birds The soup is completely tasteless... I thought I was drinking kimchi water I strongly recommended my friends to eat this army pot before Today, I saw nothing but the material shrank by half. Are you trying to deceive a customer who is buying for the first time? I have eaten army pot for 4 years and I recommend it to many people I bought it before, and my friends ate very happily This year happened to take advantage of Shin Kong’s anniversary to go shopping and eat by the way The result is not the same as before. ! ! ! ! It's really great! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Never eat this again! ! ! ! ! ! I would not recommend it to any friends~~~~~ It’s the first time I ate in Xinguang and it was so hot.
劉芷君 on Google

湯夠鹹但也不會過膩 年糕軟Q適當 點泡菜部隊鍋還有泡麵+白飯 飽足感很夠
The soup is salty but not too greasy Order kimchi army pot and instant noodles + rice
Chloe 22 on Google

I ordered the army pot.. But what I had was the instant noodle pot in Taiwan! Why replace Korean instant noodles with Taiwan instant noodles! It's not a troop pot, there is nothing to expect! Very disappointed.. 180 yuan is really too expensive!
張兆緯 on Google

Meals weight okay, taste is acceptable.
Winnie Hou on Google

泡菜牛肉鍋-肉厚軟嫩 免費辣蘿蔔入味不嗆辣
Kimchi beef pot-thick and tender meat Free spicy radish
張廣順 on Google

Bibimbap looks ok. For other people's own experience, the side dishes can be picked from spicy radish and pickled radish at the counter. This is sincere!
Lena Oops on Google

美食街內比較愛的老店,豆腐鍋湯頭很棒很好喝,尤其是把雞蛋搗碎再和泡菜+冬粉一起拌湯喝很享受,石鍋拌飯還不錯,可惜沒附飲料。 但這個美食街一直都在漲價,這家算漲幅沒那麼高的。 旁邊還有一家韓式,個人覺得料比較少湯頭也沒那麼好,而且還比較貴...
A favorite old shop in the food court, the tofu pot soup is great and delicious, especially when you mash the egg and mix it with kimchi + winter noodles, it is enjoyable. Bibimbap is not bad, but it doesn't come with a drink. But this food court has been increasing prices, this one is not so high. There is also a Korean restaurant next to it. I personally think that the soup is not so good with less ingredients, and it is more expensive...

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