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Contact 采庭建設有限公司

地址 :

407, Taiwan, Taichung City, Xitun District, Anlin Rd, 77-9號采庭建設有限公司

電話 : 📞 +88
城市 : Anlin Rd

407, Taiwan, Taichung City, Xitun District, Anlin Rd, 77-9號采庭建設有限公司
王冠庭 on Google

The Cp value is high, the sun on the cloud wins my heart
A D on Google

問問不用錢,問一下他們的鄰居喔。 網路搜尋小小的建設公司竟然弄了三個檔案,采庭建設一個,采庭建設有限公司兩個一個搞臭了再開啟一個嗎?怎麼弄的阿?難道找不到重視信譽的嗎?這種建商也可以生存?
Ask for no money, just ask their neighbors. A small construction company searched the Internet and found three files, one for Caiting Construction, and one for Caiting Construction Co., Ltd. if they messed up two of them, and then opened another? How did you do it? Can't you find anyone who values ​​credibility? Can this kind of builders survive?
XUAN LAI on Google

I have bought their case, the service is very good, and any problems are dealt with for us as soon as possible. Maybe our requests are also reasonable. I bought it once I saw it, the lighting vision is very good, and it is comfortable to enter. Feeling, and the price is very good value. I really bought it very good value. Because the store owner said that someone deliberately scammed their company and deliberately wrote a review (but the text has been removed), so I rectified it for them.
sylvia chen on Google

買房子就像找對象,找個愛惜羽毛的,最多只是計較付出比較多或者比較少。遇到了下三濫還指望他良心發現對妳比較好,那就準備好要面對數不盡的後悔。 這種建設公司實在該被禁止銷售房子,人家說有憑有據
Buying a house is like looking for an object, looking for a cherished feather, at most, it is only paying more or less. In the next three years, I also hope that his conscience will find that he is better off, so he is ready to face countless regrets. This kind of construction company should be banned from selling houses, and people say that there is evidence.
許麗香 on Google

匯款轉帳了受害者千萬別怪自己笨,別自認倒楣。別縱容這樣行徑的建商。 果然恬不知叉,什麼話都敢講。明明2570萬元的買賣糾紛勝訴(106年度重訴字第560號)。看人家寵物名貴可愛就擄走,也連著地院高院都敗訴,(106年度中簡字第2252號,107年度簡上字第19號)判決確定了還想窩藏抵賴,非得要拖到法院命令限期交還。此建商也敢說人家敗訴,由此更可見其他於一般。除非勝訴,法院是不會寄判決確定證明給敗訴人的。 哪天此建商如果說他們也是人生父母養的,講信用、重品質、會負責、不找黑道不像鼠輩搞小動作欺負有糾紛的購買者,呵呵!我們都不會有一點訝異。 該負責人隨時都有有幾個案件被告(之前的恐怕不可勝數),最近會再增加刑事詐欺官司,上當吃虧過的購買者也應該站出來討回公道。我們不該讓這奇葩集團以為這樣搞比正派經營有賺頭。 有詳細看傳喚該集團成員推諉卸責的文件,意思說曾因為此集團另外案子在法庭被訓斥,身心受創,一方面因為還在其中任職,就算到庭也不敢說真話。奇怪了!大夥分錢的時候怎麼說? 買 在該集團機房所在的住戶確實倒霉,常常要看到他們窩藏在那。如有修繕問題甚至要忍受恐嚇威脅辱罵的惡行惡狀,就這點集團首腦都該退人家幾成房價。
Don’t blame the victims for remittance transfer, don’t confess. Don't condone the construction of such a way. Sure enough, I don’t know the fork, I dare to speak anything. A clear sale and purchase dispute of 25.7 million yuan was won (106 Re-appeal No. 560). Seeing that the pets are expensive and cute, they are also lost, and even the high courts in the grounds have lost the case. (106 Chinese Characters No. 2252, 107 Jane Shangzi No. 19) The verdict has determined that it still wants to hide the refusal. The court ordered the deadline to be returned. This builder also dared to say that people lost the case, which is more visible to the general. Unless the case is won, the court will not send a judgment to the loser. If this day, if the builders say that they are also raised by their parents, they will be creditworthy, quality, responsible, and not looking for gangsters, not like the rats who make small gestures and bully disputes, hehe! We are not surprised at all. The responsible person has several cases of accused at any time (previously it is innumerable), and he will increase criminal fraud cases in the near future. Buyers who have suffered losses should also stand up and seek justice. We shouldn’t let this wonderful group think that it is more profitable than doing business. There are detailed documents that summon the members of the group to blame and blame. It means that because the other case of the group was reprimanded in the court, the body and mind were traumatized. On the one hand, because they were still in office, they did not dare to tell the truth. It’s weird! What do you say when everyone divides money? buy The residents in the group's computer room are really unlucky, and they often see them hiding there. If there are problems with repairs and even endure the evils that threaten insults and threaten insults, then the heads of the group should retreat to the house.
管中 on Google

This kind of builders can also survive. It is really necessary to ask clearly what methods they will use to deal with the purchase if they encounter problems with the purchase. Ask the buyers that the builders dare to say anything, and fight with consumers all day long. It’s amazing to dare to say that you deal with buyers with despicable little moves all day long, and to say that you are 90% satisfied.
Sophia on Google

以前剛推出就弄過完售過不是嗎?又來完售那一套,據他們內部的人透露,明明就是賣不掉通通便宜出租 惡劣的集團,連磁磚的貨款也要抵賴。請至錢錢公主城堡瀏覽此見傷部份法院文書。 一堆此建商的敗訴判決,法院裁判查詢竟然未公告? 以下節錄自告訴采庭建設的部份理由: 被告 采庭建設有限公司 法定代理人 林叉差 住台中市西屯區 原告為上列請求損害賠償事件補呈理由: 一、被告云道:彼等持假契約,偽植原告為債務人,欺騙貴院而玩弄司法發動假扣押,再以同樣不法手段取得的本票強制拍賣執行,此行徑確為法所認可大嘉讚許,是約定俗成的良善舉措,是正當得利不需歸還。恬不知恥如此,原告實感駭然。 二、若依被告一向以來在民事執行處以及提供至貴院的書證中為例,除了其親屬的排洩器口未見拿出來賭咒之外,能不能說的被告皆信誓旦旦將假契約講的比真的還要真。則原告應要奮勇搏取白癡名,覺得外子2050萬跟這種建商簽購房屋仍不夠蠢,非得加碼奉送520萬予對方,還不見得能交屋入住。在得悉被告以違法方式辦理申貸作業時,更應全力配合其不法,完成犯罪而坐實詐欺幫助犯。 被告稱該筆不動產買賣已依約履行過戶予原告云云。事實上是原告外子揭穿被告謊言之後,在過戶未完成之際急切以各種管道,甚至委託代書聯繫被告,對方均閃躲不回應不出面,反倒偷摸摸私下運作加速過戶作業,以圖貸款核撥後造成既成事實(詳貴院106年度重訴字第560號案,原告所呈聯繫證據以及電話錄音譯文,和代書證詞。當日被告同夥說仍在該集團任職不便作對被告不利證辭,更會身心受創而不敢到庭)。 三、被告向來擅長施展胡說八道、倒果為因、混淆事實、烏賊噴屎來對應連綿不絕的買賣糾紛,尤沾沾得意於關係從來良好伎倆偶爾奏效。 此案被告自始誘騙原告簽署假買賣契約及本票,謊稱係送辦貸款所需且合法時即深存詐欺犯意。被告持此份假契約,將原告詭植為該筆不動產之簽約人而發動假扣押,待計謀得逞時再以同樣方式取得之本票進行強制執行。其詐欺犯行既遂已然得利。渠等見獵心喜更試圖持假契約將此買賣糾紛的債權標的憑空加增了520萬元(新台幣,以下亦同)的需索空間。業經貴院106年重訴字第560號判決確定此契約為假(此案案由係返還價金等,含確認買賣關係不存在)。今又冒出了莫名金額新台幣2130萬的價款?莫非是索求2570萬的假契約敗訴,被告仍死不悔改,再以一貫伎倆製作了第三份的假約待接續犯案? 四、此案緣起,被告非以給付票款發動強制執行,而是強鑽法律漏洞,持假買賣契約、虛構債務人身份發動假扣押,再持非法手段取得之本票強制拍賣執行。 既然已有確定判決拆穿被告手段不法,被告當日發動假扣押的基礎盡失。 不需退一萬步,被告要說合法,就將一切回復原狀,將原告損失全數歸還並賠償原告含造成不便等損失,重頭來過。若果,則原告必當冷飯佐殘羹閒適以待。 在此並懇請 鈞院詳加查審後,是否對被告取得之債權憑證,作出無效的強制處分。 五、被告稱車輛賤價拍賣只得若干。眾所周知欲認購法院拍賣車輛,非得具超乎尋常低價甚多方會購入。且購買者幾為車商,更需預留相當利潤空間。此由案其中的三葉重型125cc機車,原告購入方只一個月,里程未達500公里竟讓被告以39000出賣可見一般,volvo大型休旅車更是冷門車輛,購者愈需高昂利潤以待出售(中古車商行話叫作「有縫」,台語:謂高額利益)。彼時被告既然堅持胡作非為,今日不必承擔責任? 六、當日被告且把原告視同家屬,正在客廳閒聊天、嗑瓜子、看電視的兩隻藍眼鳳頭巴丹鸚鵡可愛,竟強行扣擄當為脅迫手段。並要求原告配偶,必須接受其開所有條件,並另交付贖金新台幣50萬元,才會將肉票歸還(依將平日備受呵護,除就寢不進籠的寶貝倆囚禁在暗無天日、狹小不堪、骯髒齷齪的犬豬環境。無符合標準的設備、照護、營養)待外子勝訴再三催促,甚及至法院公函命令限時歸還後,彼等才將奄奄一息,羽色殘損污穢、體重僅存一半的她倆以紙箱,像裝堆疊菜肉似的丟交回。至此原告方才發現家寶貝已性情丕變不時鳴吼顫抖。研判受擄其間必是飽嚐非鳥待遇,罹患了憂鬱併躁鬱症、恐慌症、間歇失智症、以激烈方式表達症。現原告僅稍列舉該犯嫌諸多卑鄙行徑之萬一,即彌足徵證其惡劣犯行。簡直是水滸傳裡情節,教曾聞聽者莫不驚懼撫胸而咬牙頓足恨不良搖頭嘆息示心傷。 (以上。當天打到愛睏,草草結尾) 改天如果為了躲敗訴的賠償債務,像偷偷改建案名稱一樣的把負責人跟公司也改了,怕買了房子的受災戶求償無門,不知道會不會影響房價? 貨款不付,怪不得有修繕問題無法處理,要耍卑劣手段。 簽約之前說的都很好聽,簽約之後完全不一樣。一天到晚就跟購買者打官司,集團中的人打官司也使出規避出庭的各種手段,還說出庭作證身心受創,這麼敢了還受什麼創?他們更深怕被錄下的作為被公開於世,真是奇葩公司。應該是這樣比規規矩矩的賣房子好賺。這樣紀錄的公司推案,至少要依行情打對折吧?
It’s been sold out when it was first launched, right? The set sold out again. According to their insider, they obviously couldn’t sell it and rent them out for cheap. The bad group has to deny even the price of the tiles. Please go to the Qianqian Princess Castle to browse some court documents. A bunch of this construction company’s losing verdicts, the court ruling inquiry has not been announced? The following excerpts are from some of the reasons for telling the construction of the court: Defendant Cai Ting Construction Co., Ltd. Legal Agent Lin Chachai Lives in Xitun District, Taichung City The plaintiff submitted the reasons for the above claims for damages: 1. The defendant said: They held a false contract, planted the plaintiff as the debtor, deceived your court and used the judicial system to initiate false seizures, and then used the same illegal means to obtain promissory notes for compulsory auction execution. This act is indeed recognized by the law. Approval is a good measure made by convention, and it is a legitimate benefit that does not need to be returned. Shamelessly so, the plaintiff was really shocked. 2. If the defendant has always used the civil enforcement office and the documentary evidence provided to your court as an example, apart from the fact that the excretory mouth of his relatives has not been exposed to gambling, all the defendants who can say are vowed to compare the false contract It really is. The plaintiff should bravely fight for the name of an idiot. He felt that it was not stupid enough to sign a house with this kind of builder for 20.5 million yuan. He had to give an extra 5.2 million to the other party, and he might not be able to hand in the house. When it is learned that the defendant has handled the loan application in an illegal manner, he should fully cooperate with him to complete the crime and help the perpetrator in fraud. The defendant claimed that the real estate transaction had been transferred to the plaintiff Yunyun as agreed. In fact, it was the plaintiff’s ex-boy who exposed the defendant’s lies and eagerly contacted the defendant through various channels and even a power of attorney before the transfer was completed. The other party evaded and did not respond. Instead, he secretly operated secretly to speed up the transfer process in order to approve the loan. Later, a fait accompli (detailed in Guiyuan's 106th Repetition No. 560), the contact evidence submitted by the plaintiff, the telephone recording translation, and the testimony on behalf of the plaintiff. On the same day, the defendant's associates said that it was inconvenient to testify against the defendant while still serving in the group. The body and mind are injured and dare not go to court). 3. The defendant has always been good at using nonsense, perverting the results, confusing the facts, and spitting squid to deal with the continuous transaction disputes. Especially since the relationship has never been good, the tricks sometimes work. In this case, the defendant has been tempted to deceive the plaintiff from the beginning to sign a fake sales contract and a promissory note, falsely claiming that it was necessary for the loan and it was legal. The defendant held this false contract, planted the plaintiff as the signatory of the real estate and initiated false seizure, and then enforced the promissory note obtained in the same way when the scheme was successful. Its fraudulent actions have already benefited. He et al. Jian Lie Xinxi even tried to use a fake contract to add 5.2 million yuan (NTD, the same below) the demand for the creditor's rights of this transaction dispute out of thin air. It was determined by your court’s 106th Resuit Zi No. 560 Judgment that this contract was false (this case was based on the refund of the price, including confirmation that the sales relationship did not exist). Today, an inexplicable amount of NT$21.3 million came out? Could it be that the claim for a false contract of 25.7 million yuan was lost, the defendant still did not repent, and then made a third false contract with the usual trick to commit the crime? 4. The origin of this case was that the defendant did not initiate enforcement with payment of tickets, but instead exploited legal loopholes, initiated false seizures with false sales contracts, fictitious debtor status, and forced the auction of promissory notes obtained illegally. Since it has been determined that the method of dismantling the defendant is illegal, the basis for the defendant to initiate a false seizure on that day has been lost. There is no need to retreat 10,000 steps. If the defendant wants to say that it is legal, he will restore everything to the original state, return the plaintiff's losses in full and compensate the plaintiff for the inconvenience and other losses, and start over. If it succeeds, the plaintiff must treat it as a cold meal with leftovers. I hereby implore the Junyuan Court to make a detailed investigation, whether to invalidate the debt certificate obtained by the defendant. 5. The defendant claimed that only a few vehicles were auctioned at a low price. It is well known that if you want to subscribe for a court auction vehicle, many people will buy it unless you have an unusually low price. Moreover, the buyers are almost car dealers, and they need to reserve considerable profit margins. The Sanye heavy-duty 125cc locomotive in this case was purchased by the plaintiff for only one month, and the mileage was less than 500 kilometers, so that the defendant sold it for 39,000. The volvo large SUV is even less popular, and the buyer needs higher profits. For sale (in the jargon of middle-aged car dealers it is called "seam", in Taiwanese: it means high profit). Since the defendant insisted on doing nonsense at that time, he does not have to bear the responsibility today? 6. On that day, the defendant treated the plaintiff as a family member, chatting, eating melon seeds, and watching TV in the living room. The two blue-eyed crested badan parrots were so cute that they forcibly detained them as a means of coercion. He also asked the spouse of the plaintiff to accept all the conditions and pay a ransom of NT$500,000 before returning the meat ticket. (I will be cared for on weekdays, except for the two babies who cannot go to bed. They are imprisoned in the dark, small and cramped. Dirty and dirty environment for dogs and pigs. There are no equipment, care, and nutrition that meet the standards.) After the ex-child wins the lawsuit and repeatedly urged, and even after the official letter of the court ordered the return within a time limit, they will be dying. The feathers are damaged and dirty, and they only have half their weight. The two of them threw them back in cardboard boxes like stacked vegetables. So far, the plaintiff discovered that the baby's temperament had changed, and his temperament had changed from time to time. It is judged that during the captivity, he must have experienced non-bird treatment, suffering from depression and bipolar disorder, panic disorder, intermittent dementia, and expressing symptoms in a violent manner. Now the plaintiff only briefly listed the case in which the criminal suspected many despicable acts, that is enough to prove his bad crimes. It is simply the plot in the Water Margin. Those who have heard of it are not afraid of stroking their chests and gritting their teeth, shaking their heads and sighing to show their heartache. (Above. I hit sleepy that day and ended in a hurry) In the next day, in order to avoid losing the compensation debt, the person in charge and the company are changed like the name of the secret rebuilding case. I am afraid that the affected households who bought the house will have nowhere to claim compensation. I wonder if it will affect the house price? If the payment is not paid, no wonder there are repair problems that cannot be dealt with, and despicable means are required. What I said before the signing was very good, but it was completely different after the signing. They have litigated with buyers all day long. People in the group also resorted to various methods to avoid appearing in court. They also said that they were injured physically and mentally when they appeared in court to testify. How could they suffer if they were so daring? They are even more afraid that the recorded actions will be made public. It is a wonderful company. It should be more profitable than selling a house properly. A company with such a record must at least discount it according to market conditions, right?
Alvin Kuan on Google

此建商詐欺犯行,經由洪什麼佳業的檢察官認證,接著,一堆詐欺既遂案件不怕這建商跑掉。 此建商負責人,已被台中地檢署108年度偵字第28836號,以加重詐欺罪主嫌起訴,後頭還有好菜等著。 曾上當,被以各種卑劣伎倆欺弄過的購買者,歡迎與我臉書檔案聯繫,或:錢錢公主的城堡 粉絲頁傳訊
This construction company's fraudster was certified by Hong Yijiaye's prosecutor. After that, a bunch of fraud cases were completed without fear that the construction company would run away. The person in charge of this construction company has been prosecuted by the Taichung District Prosecutor's Office in 108th Investigation No. 28836 for aggravating the crime of fraud, and there are good dishes waiting behind. Buyers who have been fooled by various despicable tricks, welcome to contact my Facebook profile, or: Princess Qianqian’s castle Fan page messaging

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