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[台中小吃/爌肉飯][北屯406] 中國城爌肉飯 since 1979(台中美食 台中旅遊 大家來吃便當) ~ 大家好我是電冰箱! 幹話文青的日常點滴... -


20120829 中視數位新聞快樂生活王545集專訪
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20130301 No.11 平民便當封面故事專欄共筆

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2015 Taichung Walker 數期在地店家推薦

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Contact 中國城爌肉飯

地址 :

407, Taiwan, Taichung City, Xitun District, Lane 1250,Section 2,Zhongqing Rd, 1-5號中國城爌肉飯

網站 :
城市 : Zhongqing Rd

407, Taiwan, Taichung City, Xitun District, Lane 1250,Section 2,Zhongqing Rd, 1-5號中國城爌肉飯
夜一千零一 on Google

Old shop, the equipment is a bit dated, the taste is OK, it's a bit too salty for me
董明治 on Google

我從6歲開始吃這家 現在50歲了 吃的是回憶 現在連回憶都沒了
I started eating this from the age of 6. Now 50 years old, eating is memories. Now even the memories are gone.
moly wang on Google

The old shop is not attentive, and the dishes are not fresh and can't be compared to before!
William Lu on Google

The door is very dirty when there is no business, the mouse runs wild, and the arcade is filled with tables as a road fighter
王晨 on Google

爌肉魯的夠味 但便當類青菜不是很好吃 環境有點髒亂
The 爌roulu tastes good, but the bento vegetables are not very tasty, and the environment is a bit messy
陳信成 on Google

The boss’s service attitude is bad, his tone is bad, he doesn’t care and asks you to eat or not and walk away
陳志堅 on Google

It may be a long-established shop selling meat and rice in Zhongqing Road, and it is written to the shop: Yingchuang came to the head in 1979 ••, the number is more than 40 winter and summer Yo! (^ 一 ^) ~ Lao Gray Tsai has not known how many times since his youth! The old boss and his wife have been immersed in this industry for decades. •• The stew is deep •• The meat is really slippery Q The taste is so good! The pork in Houku's meat is soaked in the mouth, and it has a melting and super-large piece, plus three optional side dishes to complement it. • Always add a bowl of rice to complete the platter. Say yo! (^ O ^) v ~ The soup for 啖 is the same miso soup ••, full of rich flavor and good taste, full of mouth and throat! In recent years, the old boss due to age The addition of ••, and some crooked body •••, physical strength is not as good as before, although it is still very busy (working), but it has gradually changed to the second-generation frontline support. Maybe due to the inability sometimes ••, the display of a large number of side dishes seems to be less delicate and tempting, (this is a problem for the old Duoduotang store ••, if the second generation is not serious enough ••• .) (> O ^) v ~ The West Shenyang that descended ••• projected another dazzling golden light, seemingly before the end of the day left for the busy people ••, a glorious glow of praise •••. This long-established old shop is remodeled with a brand-new big bar, and it seems to be proud of the many car tides ••, why not also cry: I am still here •••? Chewing pilaf rice old shop). V (^_^) v ~~~
Din Jun高 on Google

菜不夠新鮮 炸雞腿很乾很柴 獅子頭還行 白飯不好吃 看起來還行 吃起來超鹹 整個便當我一半吃不下 就是一間中下 且不用心的便當店
The dishes are not fresh enough, the fried chicken legs are very dry and woody, lion head is okay, and the rice is not tasty It looks okay, it tastes super salty, I can’t eat half of the whole bento It's a middle-lower and careless bento shop

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