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Contact 臺中市私立大都會福和幼兒園

地址 :

407, Taiwan, Taichung City, Xitun District, Yubao Rd, 158號臺中市私立大都會福和幼兒園

電話 : 📞 +88988
網站 : http://www.leaderesl.com.tw/
城市 : Yubao Rd

407, Taiwan, Taichung City, Xitun District, Yubao Rd, 158號臺中市私立大都會福和幼兒園
Dady Cheng on Google

I feel relieved that the children are in class here! !
吳振源 on Google

You can almost wait for more than half an hour to pick up children
張益瑞(異類) on Google

不錯的雙語幼兒園 小孩畢業了,還在想回去上課。 足以說明帶給他的回憶是快樂的。
Nice bilingual kindergarten The child graduated and still wants to go back to class. It is enough to show that the memories brought to him are happy.
chaochh on Google

幼兒園 & 安親班都辦學辦的相當認真,很用心。接送小朋友的空間 & 動線也很理想。絕對值得推薦!! *^O^*
Both the kindergarten and family-friendly classes are very serious and attentive. The space to pick up and drop off the children is also ideal. Definitely recommend!! *^O^*
joseph wea on Google

A very high-quality bilingual kindergarten, founded by the Americans, and a wide range of indoor and outdoor spaces for children to learn from a variety of activities, including outdoor organic urban farms, allowing children to experience nature and participate in the cultivation of gardens in the city. Work and develop a sense of responsibility, really very hard
L Chen on Google

看到很多家長都大推這間幼兒園 然而諸位家長自身的品德教育是否有問題 每天下班時間接近六點左右 整個玉寶路就成為諸位家長車子的停車場 車子都不熄火 馬路當路邊 一整排車子一路就大剌剌停在路中央甚至一路排到安和二街 擋住後面來車 人家只以為是堵車 結果是諸位家長要接小孩 懶得下車 而園方也不加以管制勸導 是因為不敢得罪衣食父母嗎? 只要在附近上班的人 一大堆人遇到這種狀況 各位為人父母,直接停馬路中央,佔用整條馬路 這種自私自利的行為對孩子是否是不良示範? 還是大家就是這樣教育孩子? 不佔用馬路 好好的在路邊停車 家長下車到門口接孩子很困難?以往的家長不是都是這樣接孩子的嗎? 因為懶就可以整條馬路你家的? 這種自私自利的行為讀多高級講英文的幼稚園都枉然吧! 請院方也出面勸導 不要秀貴園的下限了
I saw that many parents are pushing this kindergarten However, are there any problems with your parents’ moral education? Close to six o'clock every day The entire Yubao Road has become a parking lot for the parents’ cars. The cars are not turned off. The road is on the side of the road. A whole row of cars stopped in the middle of the road and even lined up to Anhe Second Street. Blocking the coming car from behind, people just thought it was a traffic jam. As a result, parents wanted to pick up their children and didn’t bother to get off the car And the garden does not control and persuade Is it because you dare not offend your parents? As long as people working nearby, a lot of people encounter this situation Parents, stop directly in the middle of the road and occupy the entire road. Is this selfish behavior a bad example for children? Or is this how everyone educates children? Do not occupy the road and park on the side of the road. Is it difficult for parents to get off the car and pick up their children at the door? Didn't parents pick up their children like this in the past? Because of laziness, you can take the whole road to your house? This kind of selfish behavior is in vain for many advanced English-speaking kindergartens! Ask the hospital to come forward to persuade you not to show the lower limit of Guiyuan
紀Emily on Google

老師非常有耐心,孩子在這邊快樂學習! 謝謝Leader的用心❤️
The teachers are very patient and the children are learning happily here! Thank you Leader for your hard work ❤️
pcst Ka on Google


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