台中南屯區 【約亞精緻美學】 - Nantun District

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Contact 台中南屯區 【約亞精緻美學】

408, Taiwan, Taichung City, Nantun District, Dadun 10th St, 199號台中南屯區 【約亞精緻美學】 號2樓
Shan Chuang on Google

美容師人超好! 全程都很細心耐心的跟我說明~ 而且真的都不會痛!!! 只有一點涼涼的冰冰的~
The beautician is super good! Explain to me very carefully and patiently throughout the whole process~ And it really doesn't hurt! ! ! Only a little bit of cold ice~
Elaine Hsu on Google

飄眉霧眉 讓第一次的我很放心,沒有蠟筆小新眉喔! 細心又貼心,下次還會繼續支持喔!
eyebrows Let me feel at ease for the first time, there is no crayon Xiaoxinmei! Careful and considerate, we will continue to support you next time!
張慈彧 on Google

The first time I came to Joa, Ban Niang was very enthusiastic and easy to chat, and the operation was very careful and attentive, very comfortable ?? will come again 唷❤️
Yueya Li on Google

Thanks to Joya’s exquisite aesthetics for allowing me to meet the most beautiful myself. The teacher is super kind and attentive, and super professional. I was worried that it would hurt, but it didn’t hurt. I don’t need to put on lipstick anymore. I’m so happy. It's so beautiful, I will make an appointment for eyebrows next time, so that I can really be a beauty without makeup ?
馬克小新 on Google

This is the first time to do Japanese-style painless hair removal.
Eunice Yi on Google

People who want painless hair removal can really come and experience it. The beauticians are very good, and they will care about the feelings of the guests during the process. If you have any questions, the beautician will answer patiently. Really recommend! !
Ellieee on Google

Friends who are still worried about the pain of hair removal~Don't worry! Painless hair removal is really not painful, and the beautician is also very gentle and caring, and people look very beautiful ??? can be used as a live advertisement, the environment is very warm and comfortable, so you will want to come again after you come? ??
bbb on Google

Here is very good service. It doesn't pain at all. And they discount the price for me. They are kind.(/^▽^)/

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