星光國際幼兒園惠文校 - Section 1

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Contact 星光國際幼兒園惠文校

地址 :

408, Taiwan, Taichung City, Nantun District, Section 1, Huilai Rd, 8號星光國際幼兒園惠文校

電話 : 📞 +887
網站 : https://www.facebook.com/StarlightHuiWen/
城市 : Huilai Rd

408, Taiwan, Taichung City, Nantun District, Section 1, Huilai Rd, 8號星光國際幼兒園惠文校
Claire Kung on Google

The teachers are kind, the school environment is clean and tidy, and they have a great teaching concept~
Lini Chang on Google

When you go to Nantun, you can punch in and take pictures when you pass by ?
Fred on Google

說什麼芬蘭式教育~ 介紹人員(應該是園長)拿著FILR夾介紹給5組家長聽,能看到內容嗎? ? 問題也回得不清不楚。 為了小學而來,結果問了都搞不清楚,小學部打來也搞不清楚.... 為何把一堆搞不清楚的人推到前線?? 這樣跟我芬蘭式教育,你信? 聽說小學學費不輸康橋。
What did you say about Finnish education? The introducer (should be the principal) introduces the FILR clip to 5 groups of parents. Can you see the content? The questions are not clear. I came for elementary school, but I could n’t figure it out when I asked, and I could n’t figure it out .... Why pushed a bunch of people to the front line? This is my Finnish education, you believe? Listen Said that elementary school tuition is not lost to Cambridge.
Christine Tsou on Google

今天在惠來公園遇到你們「整群老師」帶隊的孩子們。公園是公共設施,並非你們幼兒園私物,帶孩子佔用溜滑梯,甚至整個涼亭休息區,此舉動令人觀感非常差!再來我的孩子原本在玩溜滑梯,被你們的學生逼迫放棄,學校整群穿制服的孩子蜂擁而上,完全無視其他小小孩子,插隊、推擠樣樣來,連基本的排隊禮貌都沒有,而且沒有任何老師制止,原來這就是你們的芬蘭式教育,讓人開眼界了! #國際幼兒園沒有溜滑梯? #買不起嗎?
Today I met the children led by your "whole group of teachers" in Huilai Park. The park is a public facility, not your kindergarten's private property. Taking children to occupy the slides and even the entire pavilion rest area is very bad! Next, my child was originally playing on the slide and was forced to give up by your students. A whole group of uniformed children flocked to the school, completely ignoring the other children, jumping in line and pushing in everything, even the basic courtesy of queuing. No, and there is no teacher stopping it. It turns out that this is your Finnish education, which is eye-opening! #International kindergarten does not have a slide? #Can't afford it?
MsYang on Google

一顆星都不想給,校務行政作業流程真的很糟糕,竟然在週末放假時間,用官方line通知家長,要小孩退學,打去學校無人接聽,我們整個家都不知道該怎麼辦,沒有同理心沒有愛心,完全不留時間給我們找新學校,我們才剛入學五天,就算要退學,也應該要跟家長見面商討退學事宜不是嗎?私校有權利選擇學生沒錯,但基本尊重都不給,這樣合理嗎?如果你是需要跟有錢人交集的家庭歡迎報名該校,如果你是需要愛的家庭,請你千萬不要去這間學校,沒有同理心沒有愛心,請謹慎選擇該校! 備註:註冊費25000,月費15000,代辦費8000元裡面,沒有鋼杯,沒有棉被袋,以及教室地板很髒,小孩回到家襪子底部整個是黑色的,雜亂無章的教室,並且每層樓廁所只有一間,大人小孩尿尿共用一間所以需要排隊,請謹慎選擇該校
I don’t want to give a star. The school administration work process is really bad. I used the official line to inform parents during the weekend’s vacation time that the child was asked to drop out and no one answered the call. Our whole family didn’t know what to do. Empathy is not caring and doesn’t leave any time for us to find a new school. We have just entered school for five days. Even if we want to withdraw from school, we should meet with the parents to discuss the withdrawal, right? Private schools have the right to choose students. It’s true, but they don’t give basic respect. Is this reasonable? If you are a family that needs to interact with rich people, welcome to register for this school. If you are a family that needs love, please do not go to this school. There is no empathy or love, please choose this school carefully! Remarks: The registration fee is 25,000, the monthly fee is 15,000, and the agency fee is 8,000 yuan. There is no steel cup, no quilt bag, and the classroom floor is dirty. The bottom of the children's socks is black when they come home. The classroom is messy and there are toilets on each floor. There is only one room, adults and children share one room for peeing, so you need to line up. Please choose this school carefully
Jill Kuo on Google

Happy learning, good care and quality, only in the part of connecting elementary schools, Chinese will be a little behind, and parents need further assistance; if you want to take a national elementary school in English, the written test may be slightly inferior to the average national kindergarten; if it is really small, it is completely separate and independent. There is no guarantee for direct promotion, for parents' reference
S.C Lin on Google

高價低品質的幼兒園,辦活動完全都是低成本考量的感覺,復活節的活動ㄧ點都不用心。普通的非全美幼兒園也會給小孩彩繪活動用的蛋,但這家號稱IB 的全美幼兒園,註冊費37000,月費15000,居然叫小孩帶報紙去學校,揉一揉貼亮片,就是復活節的活動,我看到真的很生氣!號稱全美,但是全校老師只有一個外國人,幼稚園的老板居然說,因爲台灣的外籍老師品質不好,但是!我繳那麼多錢,你不會去找些品質好的外籍老師嗎?用這種方式來叫家長接受,還好意思說自己是IB的芬蘭式全美幼兒園。想上的家長三思,除了上述外,剛開始本來有些課會請專業老師進教室上課,但後來發現居然ㄧ些本來有的才藝課都沒有了,取而代之的是合唱團表演,不能接受原本的才藝課受到合唱排擠,然後家長要買一人$2000的入場票去看自己的小孩表演,說的好聽是在歌劇院表演,而沒買票的家長就無法看自己小孩唱歌,因為園方也不會讓小孩在學校表演給家長看噢!要看的人,要付費買票!但,在園區表演不是應該是幼稚園的常態嗎⋯⋯?這家幼稚園⋯⋯我無言
High-priced and low-quality kindergartens, activities are all low-cost considerations, and Easter activities are not attentive. Ordinary non-American kindergartens will also give children eggs for painting activities, but this all-American kindergarten, known as IB, has a registration fee of 37,000 and a monthly fee of 15,000. It actually asks the child to take the newspaper to school, rub and paste the sequins, which is Easter. Event, I was really angry when I saw it! It is known as the United States, but there is only one foreign teacher in the school. The boss of the kindergarten actually said that because the quality of foreign teachers in Taiwan is not good, but! I pay so much money, won't you find some good quality foreign teachers? In this way, parents accept it, and I am embarrassed to say that I am an IB Finnish-style all-American kindergarten. Parents who want to take it should think twice. In addition to the above, at first some classes would invite professional teachers into the classroom, but later found out that some of the original talent classes were gone. Instead, choir performances could not accept the original talents. The class is crowded out by chorus, and then parents have to buy a $2000 admission ticket for one person to watch their children perform. It sounds good to say that they are performing at the opera house. Parents who do not buy tickets cannot watch their children sing because the park will not let their children sing. Show it to parents in school! Those who want to see, have to pay to buy tickets! But shouldn’t performing in the park be the norm in kindergartens...? This kindergarten...I am speechless
風之痕 on Google

老師用心無話可說,專業且富有愛心耐心,態度開朗且親切! 小朋友交給學校讓人放心!
The teacher has nothing to say, professional and caring, patient, cheerful and kind! It is reassuring to leave children to the school!

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