我願堂 - 台中名產伴手禮、法式甜點檸檬塔、熊之助最中堅果塔、人氣喜餅彌月、團購美食推薦、中秋春節禮盒(特約取貨點,採網路預訂制)

4.4/5 基於 8 評論

Contact 我願堂 - 台中名產伴手禮、法式甜點檸檬塔、熊之助最中堅果塔、人氣喜餅彌月、團購美食推薦、中秋春節禮盒(特約取貨點,採網路預訂制)

地址 :

408, Taiwan, Taichung City, Nantun District, Section 2, Nantun Rd, 680號我願堂 - 台中名產伴手禮、法式甜點檸檬塔、熊之助最中堅果塔、人氣喜餅彌月、團購美食推薦、中秋春節禮盒(特約取貨點,採網路預訂制)

電話 : 📞 +88997
網站 : https://www.myblessing.com.tw/
城市 : Nantun Rd

408, Taiwan, Taichung City, Nantun District, Section 2, Nantun Rd, 680號我願堂 - 台中名產伴手禮、法式甜點檸檬塔、熊之助最中堅果塔、人氣喜餅彌月、團購美食推薦、中秋春節禮盒(特約取貨點,採網路預訂制)
Da Lee on Google

餅乾沒有密封好 還沒有到保存期限 餅乾已經受潮
Cookies not sealed Shelf life has not expired The biscuits are damp
Kitty Luo on Google

我願堂…我要用破表的分數來評分!!!真的是太nice的店家了???為了找喜餅我們做了很多功課,北中南跑透透,有一天在臉書看到「我願堂」禮盒,還沒試吃就覺得是我命定的喜餅啦^_^試吃後更是無所挑剔! 感謝我願堂的所有工作人員成就了我的人生大事!真心感謝你們溫暖貼心的服務???謝謝你們
I wish... I'm going to use the score that breaks the table to grade! ! ! It's really a nice shop??? We did a lot of homework in order to find wedding cakes. We traveled through the north, middle and south. One day, I saw the "I Wish Hall" gift box on Facebook. Before I tried it, I thought it was my destiny. The happy cake ^_^ After trying it, it is even more impeccable! Thank you to all the staff at My Wish Church for making my life great! Thank you very much for your warm and considerate service???
許弘昌 on Google

上個月我在「我願堂」預訂了杜樂麗花園法式造型塔禮盒,並於昨日取貨,作為母親節禮物。 禮盒內共有生巧克力、抹茶乳酪、玫瑰覆盆子、經典檸檬各兩個,以及最中間的暈染系玫瑰檸檬塔,口味酸甜不膩,外觀也相當精緻。 我喜歡「我願堂」系列的典雅,而這款禮盒剛好是 520 元,很適合送給媽媽說我愛你!
Last month, I booked the Tuileries Garden French Tower Gift Box at the "Wow Hall" and picked it up yesterday as a Mother's Day gift. The gift box contains two raw chocolates, matcha yogurt, rose raspberries, two classic lemons, and the blooming rose lemon tower in the middle. The taste is sweet and sour, and the appearance is quite delicate. I like the elegance of the "Wantang" series, and this gift box is just 520 yuan, which is very suitable for giving mom to say I love you!
湯松蓊 on Google

胡Max on Google

I don’t know why after I bought Wuyuantang food last time? The presentation is not very good. It may be an accidental problem. After the response, the store was very sincere and immediately dealt with it. Thank you for your feedback. I personally sent a thank you gift to the company today. I think the service is very good ?, very thoughtful, even if I I only bought two boxes for a total price of 798, which is also very important! I want the client to feel valued ~ very beautiful processing ~ thank you, this time things are delicious and beautiful ??
Annie Zhang on Google

購買了杜麗樂花園綜合塔跟三色乳酪蛋糕 杜麗樂花園很美,口味也不錯,但抹茶的吃起來很甜而且味道不是很濃郁,覺得是比較雷的口味,塔皮的部分就比較普通。 三色乳酪只有巧克力好吃,其他的口味不推,整體而言覺得可能是太乳酪(?或是太甜 吃完後完全吃不下任何東西? 感覺店家很用心經營,包裝什麼的也很不錯,但是比較不合我的口味所以四星
Purchased Tu Lile Garden Complex Tower and three-color cheesecake Tu Lile Garden is beautiful and the taste is good, but the matcha tastes very sweet and the taste is not very strong. I think it has a lighter taste, and the tapi part is relatively ordinary. The three-color cheese is only delicious with chocolate, and other flavors are not recommended. Overall, I think it may be too cheese (? Or too sweet). After eating, I can’t eat anything at all ? I feel that the store is very careful and the packaging is also very good, but it is not to my taste so it is four stars
Linda Chang on Google

檸檬塔9入組([檸檬控]法式造型塔禮盒)購自momo購物網, 加運費$680。整體評價: 包裝/造型不錯,但口感"油膩"地讓人失望,且大小與市面上大部分的檸檬塔相比起來偏小CP值很低,不會再回購。 首先,雖然包裝精美,但8公分高的盒子, 實際上每個塔加餡料的高度卻只有約2~2.5公分高,且直徑只有約5公分, 很小!! 跟網路照片上看起來的感覺差很多,打開後有被過度包裝的欺騙感。 如果好吃的話就算很小也沒關係,但是! 雖然每個檸檬塔的外型都不錯,但不夠酸,也不是甜,不知為何口感上很"油膩",不是奶酪的紮實感,而是有直接吃偏甜的檸檬風味的"奶油塊"的感覺,一點都不清爽。吃過太酸或太甜的檸檬塔,每個人口味不同無法說好或壞,但第一次吃到"油膩"的檸檬塔,有點接受不良。 塔皮也沒什麼特色,薄薄鬆鬆的不紮實。檸檬餡料也沒有填滿,有點中空,吃起來一點都不實在。且因為是斜切的造型,所以整個塔的份量實際上就又更少了。 名為[檸檬控]禮盒,但特別買來跟一群檸檬控朋友們共享時,大家可能都因為期望太高而感到很失望。有被(業配?)評價騙到的感覺。也因此讓從不評論的我忍不住上網評論。 老實說跟便利商店或路邊隨便一家麵包店賣的檸檬塔相比,並沒有覺得比較好吃,就算扣除運費,加上精緻的包裝, 9個賣$499也太貴了! (雖然店家解釋是用純天然無添加的頂級原料,但吃不出來,也不懂到底不同在哪? 或許可在貴公司的網站上詳加說明才會比較有說服力?) 雖然我個人不會再回購,但客觀一點說,如果不是自己要吃,只是想送禮,吃得人不用考慮價格,收到時應該還是會高興的,因為整體"看"起來還是不錯的。(PS. 但不建議送給喜歡吃檸檬塔的人,會跟我一樣感到很尷尬)。 建議店家或許可以在禮盒總價不變的前提下改6入,不一定一定要用十分不環保的過度包裝撐大氣,把包裝的成本省下來回饋到食品本身,每一個做大一點,實在一點,口感再精進一點,說不一定可讓顧客的整體觀感好一點,才會再回購。畢竟光靠有質感的包裝,生意是做不久的,(或許這是台灣大多數"文創"商品的弊病),因為每年都有太多包裝精美又新鮮有話題的"文創"商品上市可供消費者參考選購。 另外,故事行銷,特別是硬加入一些似懂非懂的"日本"淵源的行銷手法雖然在台灣是一種(有點令人反感的)趨勢,但是誇大過頭了的話,反而會讓貴公司的誠信以及所有行銷話術的可信度打折扣吧! 例如貴公司網頁上的品牌故事中所稱的產品靈魂要角: 熊之助最中堅果塔,是"特別考究日本平安時代流傳下來的做法"而做出來的? 的確,雖然在日本平安時代,在宮中中秋賞月宴上做的一首和歌中,曾出現過"最中"這種點心,但當時的"最中"只是一種圓扁小巧的麻糬類和菓子,跟現在日本的"最中"這類的菓子只有"名字"一樣。 而類似現代的"最中"的這種菓子,最早是在約江戶時代後期~明治時代才出現,然後慢慢演變成現在這種菓子。而且是庶民間食用的菓子(始祖是吉原遊廓旁的菓子店!),堅果餡的最中更是近年才出現,且是被稱為和洋折衷的新感覺菓子,根本不是貴公司故事中的所謂的日本皇室傳統御用點心。 而且"最中"這種菓子的名字的由來就在於把餡包在中間/中間有餡,所以如果熊之助只有一面皮,就不算是"最中"這種菓子了啊! 熊之助長得很可愛(雖然我沒吃過),貴公司可以對自己獨特的創意有信心一點,或許不用硬要套個外來的好像很高貴的虛幻身世和名字,用自己的實實在在的研發故事,相信也可以讓消費者接受且賣的很好吧!
Swin Lin on Google

因為辦活動的關係,接洽我願堂,購買「法式檸檬塔禮盒9入」,原價499元,因為訂購大量,一開始很擔心品質不佳或來不及出貨。 事實證明我錯了,我願堂真的大大出乎我的意料,不但給了優惠價格,還有讓人滿意的服務,服務態度真的沒話說,過程中我有很多要求,但我願堂都一一安排處理妥當,完全沒有出差錯,完美的達成客人標準。 直到最後幾日,我才知道檸檬塔是「冷凍」保存,不是「冷藏」保存,因為要在活動結束送給嘉賓,飯店只能提供冷藏不能冷凍,我願堂也壓到最後一刻才將禮盒送到飯店,就是為了避免檸檬塔變味和變形,他們對待自家產品的用心,值得讚許,也讓身為買家的人安心。 我願堂的檸檬塔禮盒,外形真的很美麗,典雅又大氣,非常適合當伴手禮,光看就捨不得入口了,店家告訴我從冷凍取出,過個10-15分鐘享用,風味絕佳。 按照店家指示,果然入口第一口是酸的,是真正的酸,酸到你起雞皮疙瘩,但妳能吃出餡料的新鮮和甜味,第二口,你就能嚐到酸中帶著奶味、甜味,加上冷凍過了兩天,但塔皮還可以這麼酥脆可口,中和檸檬塔內餡酸,搭配一杯奶茶,完美似神仙。 我願堂的檸檬塔不輸給任何稱霸臺中的檸檬塔,但價格便宜了三分之一,品質卻完全沒有打折,餡料也是真刀真槍不含糊,還在猶豫不決的你,實在不應該錯過這麼完美的店家。
Because of the event, I contacted My Wantang and purchased the "French Lemon Tower Gift Box 9pcs." The original price was 499 yuan. Because of the large number of orders, I was worried at first that the quality was not good or it was too late to ship. Facts proved I was wrong. I wished to go beyond my expectations. Not only did we offer preferential prices, but also provided satisfactory service. The service attitude was really nothing to say. I had a lot of requests in the process, but I wished to All arrangements were properly handled one by one, there was no error at all, and the customer standards were perfectly met. It wasn’t until the last few days that I knew that the lemon tart was stored in “frozen” instead of “refrigerated”. Because it was to be given to guests at the end of the event, the restaurant could only provide refrigeration but not freezing. It is delivered to the restaurant to prevent the lemon tart from changing taste and deformation. Their care for their own products is praiseworthy, and it also gives people as buyers peace of mind. The lemon tower gift box of my wish hall is really beautiful, elegant and atmospheric. It is very suitable as a souvenir. I can’t bear to enter it just by looking at it. The store told me to take it out of the freezer and enjoy it after 10-15 minutes. The flavor is excellent. . According to the store’s instructions, the first bite is sour. It’s really sour. It’s so sour that you get goose bumps, but you can taste the freshness and sweetness of the filling. In the second bite, you can taste the sourness. With milk and sweetness, and after two days of freezing, the tart can still be so crispy and delicious. It neutralizes the sourness of the lemon tart, and matches it with a cup of milk tea. It is perfect like a fairy. I wish that the lemon tower in Taichung will not lose to any lemon tower that dominates Taichung, but the price is one-third cheaper, and the quality is not discounted at all. The fillings are real and unequivocal. You who are still hesitating, it is true. You should not miss such a perfect store.

Write some of your reviews for the company 我願堂 - 台中名產伴手禮、法式甜點檸檬塔、熊之助最中堅果塔、人氣喜餅彌月、團購美食推薦、中秋春節禮盒(特約取貨點,採網路預訂制)


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