小書房 台中文心店 - Nantun District

4.3/5 基於 8 評論

Contact 小書房 台中文心店

地址 :

408, Taiwan, Taichung City, Nantun District, Wenxin S Rd, 289號小書房 台中文心店 5f

電話 : 📞 +8879
城市 : Wenxin S Rd

408, Taiwan, Taichung City, Nantun District, Wenxin S Rd, 289號小書房 台中文心店 5f
YiFang on Google

The book list is not too much, but the surrounding products are diverse and the environment design is very comfortable.
Louisa H on Google

大人小孩都喜歡的閱讀空間,舒服的閱讀環境,大人小孩都可以在這裡花上半天,享受書香世界。複合餐飲跟文具文創商品,空間非常大,現在經營書店不易啊! 可惜必須到秀泰才有機會體驗,如果住在附近來打發時間,遛小孩就很方便
A reading space that both adults and children like, and a comfortable reading environment. Both adults and children can spend half a day here and enjoy the world of books. There is a huge space for compound catering and stationery, cultural and creative products. It is not easy to operate a bookstore now! It’s a pity that you have to go to Showtime to have a chance to experience it. If you live nearby to kill the time, walking your children is very convenient
Shu Lin on Google

The small study has become very small after modification, and the atmosphere is different from the collection!
呂憓馨 on Google

It’s great here. There are many kinds of books that are clearly categorized. There are also many chairs for guests to use. It’s very intimate. There is also a coffee shop on the side.
Chen Murphy on Google

實體書店79折,買書、逛書店的好去處。 這家店讓我很驚豔,驚豔一,幾乎看到的書都是79折,與網路書店的最低折扣一樣,但又能直接翻閱確認想買的書是否符合自己所需;驚豔二,書籍多,書店面積大,分有不同種類的書籍,是個找書的理想地方;驚豔三,賞心悅目的裝潢、燈光與貼心的座椅。從手扶梯一進入書店,溫暖的黃白色燈光打在暢銷書區,一下就抓住目光,一區一區不同的藝術區隔,直覺的來到不同圖書類別。 書店大,還有輕食店、咖啡吧與3C專櫃。 全店的裝潢與擺設很有藝術感,查詢才知是由巴黎藝術感而來,很想在此窩個一天,與書為伍。
The physical bookstore is 79% off, a good place to buy books and visit the bookstore. This store is amazing. Amazing one. Almost all the books I see are 79% off, which is the same as the lowest discount of online bookstores, but I can directly check whether the book I want to buy meets my needs; Amazing two, books Many, the bookstore is large, with different types of books, it is an ideal place to find books; three amazing, pleasing decoration, lighting and intimate seats. As soon as you enter the bookstore from the escalator, the warm yellow and white lights hit the bestseller area, and you immediately catch your eyes. There are different artistic divisions in each area, and you intuitively come to different book categories. The bookstore is large, there are also light food shops, coffee bars and 3C counters. The decoration and furnishings of the whole store are very artistic, and I found out that it was from the artistic sense of Paris. I really want to stay here for a day and associate with books.
ミツ on Google

書店難經營吧! 很可惜縮小營業空間 非常棒的小書店 也有舒適的座椅休息閱讀
Bookstore is difficult to operate! It's a pity to shrink the business space Great little bookstore There are also comfortable seats to rest and read
Peter Yang on Google

It’s a beautiful bookstore with lots of seats. Now everyone just visits and doesn’t buy it. The bookstore doesn’t know how to run it...
JIA-HUI ZHAN on Google

Located in Showtime Plaza, the decoration is comfortable, there are many kinds of books, and the store is large, and there are many seats, which can let customers browse the books they want to buy and recommend it to friends who love books. During the new opening period, there will be a lot of people on holidays and there will be no empty seats. If time permits, it is recommended to go on weekdays to enjoy the quiet reading pleasure.

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