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Contact 中華民國農會

地址 :

412, Taiwan, Taichung City, Dali District, Section 2, Zhongxing Rd, 522號中華民國農會

電話 : 📞 +888
網站 : http://www.farmer.org.tw/
城市 : Zhōngxìng Rd

412, Taiwan, Taichung City, Dali District, Section 2, Zhongxing Rd, 522號中華民國農會
賴金滿 on Google

大約50幾年前 ,我娘家在中華民國農會的對面 ?元宵節提燈籠 ,那時候的燈籠是用紙做的 , 風很大會不小心 著火了 ,四個哥哥們、用「火把」做燈籠 ,卻也是別有創意、 我們稱為「探險活動」!!! ?充滿著童年 、美好的回憶 、到了國中、高中時會在樹下看書 讀大學時在這裡練習騎摩托車 和運動、打羽毛球, 經過了40年,舊地重遊 ,倍感溫馨和喜樂??
About 50 years ago, my mother’s family was opposite the Republic of China Farmers’ Association. Lantern Festival lanterns were raised. The lanterns were made of paper at that time. The wind was too big to accidentally catch fire. The four brothers used lanterns to make lanterns, but they were also creative. We called "exploration activities"! ! ! I am full of childhood, good memories, and I will read under the tree when I am in middle school or high school. I practiced riding a motorcycle and sports and playing badminton here when I was in college. After 40 years, I used to revisit the old place, feeling warm and joyful.
彭樾 on Google

這裡可以購買品質相當優秀的台農鮮奶 習慣上還是叫這裡省農會
You can buy Tainong fresh milk of very good quality here It’s customarily called the Provincial Farmers’ Association
wolf Ni on Google

Good milk
bobolung tsai on Google

It used to be the leader of the Taiwan Agricultural Association: The Taiwan Provincial Agricultural Association, which was renamed the Republic of China Agricultural Association because of the abolition of the province, has its own farm (Waipu District, Taichung City) and its own fresh milk factory. Fresh milk is sold directly in the guard room , And some of the other products are produced by outsourcing research and development, and some are sold for the farmers’ associations. Now when the farmers’ associations in towns and towns are striving to survive on their own and are launching local special products, this has caused the status of some farmers’ associations to be embarrassing. The peasant associations of the counties and cities above, the Republic of China peasant associations, especially the Republic of China peasant associations after Liudu, have a special identity, but they can still survive. The leader of the mountain, so he survived very special. Regarding the future integration of the folks’ compressed organizational structure, this peasant association structure still stands firm. It can be seen that the relationship must be difficult to change. Come here to buy some fresh milk and black garlic. They are enthusiastic about researching and developing fine, probiotics, instant noodles, and alcohol. The reputation is also good, you can try it!
Chen Hui Hsu on Google

中華民國農會(簡稱全國農會)為中華民國各級農會組織體系的最上級農會,設於臺中市大里區中興路二段522號,由臺灣省農會及各直轄市農會和各縣市農會共同設立,並概括承受臺灣省農會的資產及員工,省農會消滅。 其主要業務以推廣、供銷、信用、保險為經營服務重點。 日治時期 1900年(明治33年)9月,台灣日治時期出現第一個民間農會組織「台北三角湧組合」(今三峽區農會)。 1901年,新竹和尚州、彰化組合成立。 1902年,台北、深坑、桃園、台中、台南、鳳山阿猴組合成立。 1903年,宜蘭、斗六、嘉義、恆春組合成立。 1907年,台灣總督府公布《台灣農會規則及施行細則》。 1908年,農會組織改為法人團體(官辦),並將台灣各農會整併成十個「廳農會」(花蓮港廳與澎湖廳為政府附屬機構)。 1920年,隨台灣地方制度變更,改為五個「州農會」與三個廳農會。 1937年,台灣總督府公布《台灣農會令》取代《台灣農會規則及施行細則》,樹立二級制農會。 1923年,由全台灣290餘間合作社聯合組成臺灣產業組合協會。 1938年,依《台灣農會令》成立臺灣農業會,州廳農會為其會員;由台灣總督府總務部長兼省農會會長,州廳街庄行政首長兼各級農會會長。 1942年,臺灣產業組合協會改組為台灣產業組合聯合會。 1944年,台灣農業會整併其他農業組織(如信用組合、畜產會、青果組合、米穀、肥料農機具等組合)改制為臺灣農會,成為農業事務的綜合功能組織。 民國時期 1946年,臺灣光復後的隔年,將農會與合作社(金融)劃分為二個組織。4月20日,在台北市召開臺灣省農業會第一屆第一次會員代表大會,復設「臺灣省農會」,採理事長責任制。10月,將日治時期的台灣產業金庫改組為臺灣省合作金庫。 1948年12月28日,總統令修正公布農會法,依第三條規定,農會之主管官署,在中央為社會部。 1949年,臺灣省政府公布《臺灣省農會與合作社合併辦法》,再將農會與合作社合併為一組織。 1950年4月5日,行政院核准臺灣省政府頒布《臺灣省各縣市實施地方自治綱要》。行政區劃分為5個市、16個縣以及陽明山管理局。原州廳農會劃分改組為縣市局農會。 1952年8月23日,行政院頒行《改進臺灣省各級農會暫行辦法》。農會運作改採權能區分制,俗稱總幹事責任制。於臺北市天母成立農會人員講習所。 1953年,會址設於臺北市中正路1846號(今忠孝西路二段、西寧南路、洛陽街和中華路一段,圍繞之區間,近北門)。 1957年,於臺中市復興路成立臺灣省農會台中辦事處。1月15日,中國農村復興聯合委員會(簡稱農復會,今行政院農業委員會)令接辦四健會工作。 1958年,創辦臺灣省各級農會員工互助會;成立高雄辦事處。 1959年2月3日,配合臺灣省政府南遷,而遷至臺中市大里區(現址)並分設臺北辦公處。 1961年創設菇菌推廣中心,成立洋菇小組。農復會將美援於農業上的部分經費創設「農會信用部」,以統一農貸制度。 1964年,興建食用菇類推廣中心大樓(今大禮堂)。 1966年,於日本成立東京辦事處。 1967年7月,因臺北市升格為直轄市,臺北市農會及轄下區農會脫離臺灣省農會組織體系。 1968年,臺北辦公處遷至土地改革大樓6樓(臺北市敦化南路1號)。 1969年,1月21日行政院令修正《改進臺灣省各級農會暫行辦法》第29條增列第二項,省農會據此條文之授權規定並報奉臺灣省政府2月1日通知核備,頒行《臺灣省各級農會人事管理規程》,自此實施薪點制,不再比照公務人員的人事管理制度,至內政部頒布《農會人事管理辦法》後失效。成立臺灣省農會示範綜合農牧場。 1971年,在臺中縣外埔鄉(今臺中市外埔區)成立示範綜合農牧場。 1974年,6月12日總統令修正公布《農會法》全文51條,依第三條規定,農會之主管機關:在中央為內政部。 7月27日內政部頒布《農會法施行細則》。農會運作確立為權責劃分制,弱化理監事會及上級農會職權,強化總幹事人事權;但總幹事改為遴聘方式,須向主管機關登記遴選,由理事會就遴選合格候聘人中選擇聘任。 10月10日,依照行政院函頒「籌設全臺農產運銷公司方案」,主導各級農會投資設立「臺灣區果菜運銷股份有限公司」(1984年5月更名為臺北農產運銷股份有限公司)。 1975年,內政部率續頒布《農會財務處理辦法》、《農會信用部業務管理辦法》、《農會人事管理辦法》。 1977年,天母講習所捐與內政部,成立中華民國農民團體幹部聯合訓練協會(簡稱農訓協會) (頁面存檔備份,存於網際網路檔案館)。 1979年7月,因高雄市與高雄縣小港鄉合併升格為直轄市高雄市,高雄市農會及原小港鄉農會脫離臺灣省農會組織架構體系。 1982年,成立農友月刊室及電算處理室。 1983年,開辦神農獎。10月21日,與日本東京都經濟農業協同組合連合會締結姐妹會。 1985年10月25日,試辦農民健康保險,由臺灣省政府選定部分基層農會為投保單位。 1993年,成立研究發展室。 1994年2月28日,供應部、運銷部、外銷加工作物部合併為供銷部,並遷回臺中辦公。 1996年11月4日,中壢市農會改為臺灣省農會中壢辦事處。 1997年1月24日,臺灣省農會信用部獲准正式營業。3月20日,臺灣爆發豬隻口蹄疫影響豬肉銷售。 1999年發生921地震,成立省農會九二一賑災總部、震災基金;辦公大樓受損整修。 2000年3月5日,將推廣部國際合作課擴大為國際部,以因應加入世界貿易組織。10月對外開放為臺灣省農會休閒綜合農牧場。 2000年7月19日,依農會法第三條修正條文規定,農會之主管機關:在中央為行政院農業委員會。 2001年9月14日,中壢辦事處信用部業務移轉予臺灣銀行。由農會家政班或營農婦女班為對象組「田媽媽班」。 2007年,行政院農業委員會發給休閒農牧場許可登記證。2月6日中壢辦事處信用部重新開張。 2008年,臺灣省農會成為北京奧運臺灣水果指定供貨商。 2010年12月,因臺北縣升格為直轄市新北市,新北市農會及各區農會脫離臺灣省農會組織體系架構。 2011年11月,在臺中、臺南、臺北舉辦第21屆東亞農民團體協議會(EAOC)高階會議並簽署共同聲明。還安排日本全國農業協同組合中央會(JA-Zenchu)、韓國農業協會(NACF)、蒙古全國合作總社(NAMAC)、印度農民肥料合作社(IFFCO)與會代表參加在國立臺灣體育學院(今國立臺灣體育運動大學)田徑場舉辦的「慶祝中華民國建國百年農民運動大會」,計參賽運動員及觀禮人員約25,000人。 2012年7月13日,依據2012年1月30日修正公布《農會法》第六條修正條文規定,召開全國農會發起人會議,推定籌備員組織籌備會,臺灣省農會將於全國農會成立時併入。9月4日、11月5日及12月14日,分別召開3次「成立全國農會籌備會」(擬定:成立全國農會期程、全國農會名稱為「中華民國農會」及章程草案等)。 2013年4月18日,以臺灣省農會為基礎並將各直轄市農會及縣市農會納入組織架構裡的「中華民國農會」正式成立;並舉行第一屆第一次會員代表大會,順利選出第一屆理監事。4月26日,理監事會順利選出第一屆理事長、常務監事,並通過聘任第一屆總幹事。 2017年4月10日舉行第二屆第一次會員代表大會,順利選出第二屆理監事。同年月19日,理監事會成立,順利選出第二屆理事長、常務監事,並通過聘任第二屆總幹事。均由第一屆理事長、常務監事、總幹事連任。
The National Farmers’ Association of the Republic of China (referred to as the National Farmers’ Association) is the highest level of peasant associations at all levels in the ROC. It is located at No. 522, Section 2, Zhongxing Road, Dali District, Taichung City. The county and city peasant associations were jointly established and generally inherited the assets and employees of the Taiwan Provincial Peasant Association, and the Provincial Peasant Association was eliminated. Its main business focuses on promotion, supply and marketing, credit, and insurance. Japanese Occupation In September 1900 (Meiji 33), Taiwan's first non-governmental peasant association "Taipei Sanjiazong Association" (now the Three Gorges District Peasant Association) appeared during the Japanese Occupation. In 1901, the combination of Hsinchu, Shangzhou and Changhua was established. In 1902, the Ahou Group of Taipei, Shenkeng, Taoyuan, Taichung, Tainan, and Fengshan was established. In 1903, the combination of Yilan, Douliu, Chiayi and Hengchun was established. In 1907, the Governor's Office of Taiwan promulgated the "Rules and Implementation Rules of the Taiwan Farmers Association". In 1908, the peasant association was changed to a legal person organization (officially run), and the peasant associations in Taiwan were consolidated into ten "department peasant associations" (the Hualien Port Hall and Penghu Hall were government affiliated institutions). In 1920, following the changes in Taiwan's local system, it was changed to five "state peasant associations" and three government peasant associations. In 1937, the Government of Taiwan issued the "Taiwan Farmers Association Order" to replace the "Taiwan Farmers Association Rules and Implementation Rules", establishing a secondary system of farmers' associations. In 1923, more than 290 cooperatives across Taiwan formed the Taiwan Industrial Association. In 1938, the Taiwan Agricultural Association was established in accordance with the "Order of the Taiwan Farmers Association", with the State Department Agricultural Association as its members; the Director of General Affairs of the Taiwan Governor's Office and the President of the Provincial Agricultural Association, the Chief Executive of the State Ting Village and the chairmen of the farmers' associations at all levels. In 1942, the Taiwan Industrial Association was reorganized into the Taiwan Industrial Association. In 1944, the Taiwan Agricultural Association merged with other agricultural organizations (such as the Credit Association, Livestock Association, Green Fruit Association, Rice Grain, Fertilizer Farm Machinery, etc.) into the Taiwan Agricultural Association and became a comprehensive functional organization for agricultural affairs. Republic of China In 1946, the following year after Taiwan's recovery, the peasant association and the cooperative (finance) were divided into two organizations. On April 20, the First Member Representative Conference of the First Taiwan Provincial Agricultural Association was held in Taipei City, and the "Taiwan Provincial Agricultural Association" was re-established, and the chairman responsibility system was adopted. In October, the Taiwan Industrial Treasury during the Japanese Occupation Period was reorganized into the Taiwan Province Cooperative Treasury. On December 28, 1948, the Presidential Decree amended and promulgated the Law on Farmers’ Associations. According to Article 3, the competent government office of the Farmers’ Association is the Ministry of Social Affairs in the central government. In 1949, the Taiwan Provincial Government promulgated the "Measures for the Merger of Farmers' Associations and Cooperatives in Taiwan Province", and then merged the farmers' associations and cooperatives into one organization. On April 5, 1950, the Executive Yuan approved the Taiwan Provincial Government to promulgate the "Outline for the Implementation of Local Autonomy in Counties and Cities in Taiwan Province." The administrative region is divided into 5 cities, 16 counties and Yangmingshan Administration. The Wonju Office Peasant Association was divided and reorganized into the County and City Bureau Peasant Association. On August 23, 1952, the Executive Yuan promulgated the Interim Measures for the Improvement of Farmers’ Associations at All Levels in Taiwan Province. The operation of the peasant association adopts the system of distinguishing powers and capabilities, commonly known as the director-general responsibility system. Established a training center for peasant association personnel in Tianmu, Taipei City. In 1953, the venue was located at No. 1846, Zhongzheng Road, Taipei City (now the second section of Zhongxiao West Road, Xining South Road, Luoyang Street and Zhonghua Road, and the surrounding area, near the North Gate). In 1957, the Taichung Office of the Taiwan Agricultural Association was established on Fuxing Road, Taichung City. On January 15, the China Rural Rehabilitation Joint Committee (referred to as the Agricultural Rehabilitation Association, now the Agricultural Committee of the Executive Yuan) ordered to take over the work of the Four Health Association. In 1958, established the employee mutual aid association of farmers' associations at all levels in Taiwan Province; established the Kaohsiung office. On February 3, 1959, in cooperation with the Taiwan Provincial Government's southward move, it moved to Dali District, Taichung City (current location) and set up a branch office in Taipei. In 1961, the mushroom promotion center was established and the mushroom group was established. The Agricultural Rehabilitation will set up a "Peasant Association Credit Department" with part of the U.S. aid in agriculture to unify the agricultural loan system. In 1964, the Edible Mushroom Promotion Center Building (now the Great Hall) was built. In 1966, the Tokyo office was established in Japan. In July 1967, due to the promotion of Taipei City to a municipality directly under the Central Government, the Taipei City Farmers' Association and its district farmers' associations broke away from the Taiwan Provincial Farmers' Association system. In 1968, the Taipei office moved to the 6th floor of the Land Reform Building (No. 1, Dunhua South Road, Taipei City). In 1969, on January 21st, the Executive Yuan ordered to amend Article 29 of the "Interim Measures for the Improvement of Taiwan Province Farmers’ Associations at All Levels" to add a second item. The Provincial Farmers’ Association reported to the Taiwan Provincial Government in accordance with the authorization provisions of this provision. February 1 The notice was verified, and the "Personnel Management Regulations for Farmer Associations at All Levels in Taiwan Province" was promulgated. Since then, the salary point system has been implemented, and the personnel management system for public servants will no longer be compared to the personnel management system for farmers' associations. It will become invalid after the Ministry of Internal Affairs promulgated the "Personnel Management Rules for Farmer Associations." Established the Taiwan Provincial Farmers’ Association to demonstrate comprehensive farming and pastures. In 1971, a comprehensive demonstration farm was established in Waipu Township, Taichung County (now Waipu District, Taichung City). In 1974, the Presidential Decree on June 12 revised and promulgated the full text of Article 51 of the "Peasant Association Law". According to Article 3, the competent authority of the Peasant Association: the Ministry of Interior in the central government. On July 27, the Ministry of the Interior promulgated the "Detailed Rules for the Implementation of the Peasant Association Law." The operation of the peasant association is established as a division of powers and responsibilities, which weakens the powers of the board of directors and supervisors and higher-level peasant associations, and strengthens the personnel rights of the director general; however, the director general changes to the selection method, which must be registered with the competent authority for selection, and the board of directors selects qualified candidates Choose to hire. On October 10th, in accordance with the "Plan for the Establishment of Taiwan's Agricultural Products Transportation and Marketing Company" issued by the Executive Yuan, leading farmers' associations at all levels to invest in the establishment of "Taiwan Fruit and Vegetable Transportation and Marketing Co., Ltd." (renamed Taipei Agricultural Products Transportation and Marketing Co., Ltd. in May 1984 Limited company). In 1975, the Ministry of the Interior successively promulgated the "Peasant Association Financial Management Measures", "Peasant Association Credit Department Business Management Measures", and "Peasant Association Personnel Management Measures." In 1977, Tianmu Training Institute donated money to the Ministry of the Interior to establish the Republic of China Farmer Group Cadre Joint Training Association (referred to as the Agricultural Training Association) (page archive backup, stored in the Internet Archive). In July 1979, due to the merger of Kaohsiung City and Xiaogang Township in Kaohsiung County, it was upgraded to a municipality of Kaohsiung City. The Kaohsiung City Farmers' Association and the original Xiaogang Township Farmers' Association broke away from the organizational structure of the Taiwan Provincial Farmers' Association. In 1982, the monthly magazine room and computer processing room were established. In 1983, the Shennong Prize was opened. On October 21, a sister association was established with the Tokyo Metropolitan Economic and Agricultural Cooperative Association, Japan. On October 25, 1985, the farmers’ health insurance was tried out, and some grassroots farmers’ associations were selected by the Taiwan Provincial Government as the insured units. In 1993, the Research and Development Office was established. On February 28, 1994, the supply department, the transportation and marketing department, and the export processing department were merged into the supply and marketing department and moved back to Taichung. On November 4, 1996, the Zhongli City Farmers' Association was changed to the Zhongli Office of the Taiwan Provincial Farmers' Association. On January 24, 1997, the Credit Department of the Taiwan Provincial Agricultural Association was approved to officially open for business. On March 20, an outbreak of swine foot-and-mouth disease in Taiwan affected pork sales. The 921 earthquake occurred in 1999, and the 921 disaster relief headquarters and earthquake disaster fund of the Provincial Farmers Association were established; the office building was damaged and refurbished. On March 5, 2000, the International Cooperation Section of the Promotion Department was expanded to the International Department in response to joining the World Trade Organization. In October, it was opened to the outside world as a leisure comprehensive farm and pasture of the Taiwan Provincial Farmers' Association. On July 19, 2000, in accordance with the amendment to Article 3 of the Peasant Association Law, the competent authority of the peasant association: at the center is the Agricultural Committee of the Executive Yuan. On September 14, 2001, the business of the Credit Department of Zhongli Office was transferred to Bank of Taiwan. The "Mama Tian Class" is the target group of the housekeeping class of the peasant association or the women's class of the farmer. In 2007, the Agriculture Committee of the Executive Yuan issued a license registration certificate for leisure farms. The Credit Department of Zhongli Office reopened on February 6. In 2008, the Taiwan Provincial Farmers' Association became the designated supplier of Taiwan fruits for the Beijing Olympics. In December 2010, as Taipei County was upgraded to a municipality of New Taipei City, the New Taipei City Farmers' Association and the district farmers' associations were separated from the organizational structure of the Taiwan Provincial Farmers' Association. In November 2011, the 21st East Asian Farmers Association (EAOC) high-level meeting was held in Taichung, Tainan, and Taipei and a joint statement was signed. It also arranged for representatives of the Japan National Agricultural Cooperative Association (JA-Zenchu), the Korean Agricultural Association (NACF), the Mongolian National Cooperative (NAMAC), and the Indian Farmer Fertilizer Cooperative (IFFCO) to participate in the National Taiwan Sports Institute (now the National Taiwan Sports Institute). Sports University) track and field stadium "Celebrate the Centennial Peasant Sports Meeting of the Republic of China", totaling about 25,000 athletes and observers. On July 13, 2012, in accordance with the provisions of Article 6 of the "Peasant Association Law" amended and promulgated on January 30, 2012, the National Peasant Association Promoters Meeting was held. It is presumed that the preparatory members will organize the preparatory meeting. The Taiwan Provincial Agricultural Association will be held nationwide. Incorporated when the peasant association was established. On September 4, November 5, and December 14, the "Preparatory Meeting for the Establishment of the National Farmers' Association" was held three times (planned: the establishment of the National Farmers' Association, the name of the National Farmers' Association is "The Republic of China Farmers' Association" and the articles of association Draft etc.). On April 18, 2013, the "Republic of China Farmers' Association" was formally established based on the Taiwan Provincial Farmers' Association and incorporated the municipal farmer's associations and county and city farmers' associations into the organizational structure; and the first member representative conference was held. , Successfully elected the first board of directors and supervisors. On April 26, the Board of Directors and Supervisors successfully elected the first chairman and standing supervisors, and adopted the appointment of the first director general. On April 10, 2017, the first member representative assembly of the second session was held, and the second session of directors and supervisors was successfully elected. On the 19th of the same year, the Board of Supervisors was established, and the second chairman and standing supervisor were successfully elected, and the second director general was appointed. All were re-elected by the first chairman, executive supervisor and director general.
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