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Contact 善光寺

地址 :

414, Taiwan, Taichung City, Wuri District, 中山路三段登寺巷176號善光寺

電話 : 📞 +8888
網站 : http://www.sks.org.tw/
城市 : 環中路八段 Wuri District

414, Taiwan, Taichung City, Wuri District, 中山路三段登寺巷176號善光寺
蔡英岳 on Google

Solemn and solemn, Buddhist holy place, worth visiting
食間旅攝Sion on Google

莊嚴肅穆,梵音繚繞 「戒為基,生大定、定之上,悟勝慧」積極推動社會教育、文化、弘法,廣利眾生,建立人間淨土。 寺院採二層唐式建築,內有大雄寶殿、禪堂及七寶塔,供奉釋迦牟尼佛、觀世音菩薩及地藏王菩薩。 立於大雄寶殿外,展望遠眺,前望八卦山脈後倚大肚山,腹地遼闊。寺區佛像石雕造景饒富禪意,庭園松木草地如茵,適合禪修冥想。 善光寺歷史(宗派:禪宗) 善光寺創建於民國40年,由開山住持德照及德僧兩位法師創建。 開山住持:上德下照禪師 德照禪師,十六歲入佛門,投禮高雄龍泉寺學佛,民國二十八年師二十歲,正式依隆道老和尚祝髮出家,翌年負笈東瀛入愛知縣宗榮尼眾學林,五年畢業,再轉入京都圓光尼僧堂專門道場學禪,臺灣光復後返回故里,立願創建臨濟禪道場。民國四十年春,於烏日鄉大度山麓覓得現寺址,隨即動工興建,費時七年,善光寺之創建於焉完成。 民國五十二年,德照禪師再度赴日本京都花園大學深造,獲學士學位返國,創辦善光雜誌社及禪學研究院,弘揚佛法,不遣餘力。 民國七十三年,開山住持德照法師安詳示寂,由德僧法師繼任第二任住持。民國九十二年,德僧法師德望眾欽,當選台中縣佛教會理事長。 民國九十七年,德僧法師年事已高,由正耀法師(現任住持)接任。 開放時間:上午八時至下午五時
Solemn and solemn, with Sanskrit sounds "Taking precepts as the foundation, deriving from great concentration and samādhi, enlightenment and wisdom" actively promotes social education, culture, and Dharma to benefit all living beings and establish a pure land on earth. The temple adopts a two-story Tang-style building, which contains the Great Hall, Zen Hall and Seven Pagodas. It is dedicated to Buddha Shakyamuni, Guanyin Bodhisattva and Ksitigarbha. Standing outside the Daxiong Hall, looking into the distance, looking forward to the Bagua Mountain Range and leaning against Dadu Mountain, the hinterland is vast. The stone carvings of the Buddhist statues in the temple area are rich in Zen, and the gardens are full of pine wood and grass, suitable for meditation. History of Zenkoji Temple (Sect: Zen) Zenkoji Temple was founded in the 40th year of the Republic of China by two masters, Dezhao and Dezhao, the founder of the mountain. The abbot of Kaishan: Master of the Supreme Virtue Zen Master Dezhao entered Buddhism at the age of sixteen and went to the Longquan Temple in Kaohsiung to study Buddhism. In the twenty-eighth year of the Republic of China, he was twenty years old, and officially the old monk of Yilong Dao Zhu Fa's home. After graduating in five years, he then transferred to the special dojo of Yuanguang Nun Temple in Kyoto to learn Zen. After Taiwan was restored, he returned to his hometown and decided to establish the Linji Zen Dojo. In the spring of the fortieth year of the Republic of China, the site of the current temple was found in the foothills of Dadu Mountain in Wuri Township, and construction began. It took seven years to complete the construction of Zenkoji Temple. In 1949, Zen Master Dezhao went to Kyoto Garden University in Japan for further study and returned to China with a bachelor's degree. He founded Shanguang Magazine and the Institute of Zen Studies to promote Buddhism and spare no effort. In 1983, the monk Dezhao, the abbot of the opening of the mountain, quietly showed his silence, and the monk Deseng succeeded him as the second abbot. In 1992, the German monk Master Dewang Zhongqin was elected chairman of the Taichung County Buddhist Association. In 1997, Master De Seng was very old and was replaced by Master Zheng Yao (the current abbot). Opening hours: 8 am to 5 pm
jy “darktrial” on Google

From the hillside behind the Chenggong Railway Station in Wuri Township, through Dengsi Lane next to the Yongfengyu Paper Mill, you can see the Shanguang Temple founded by the founder of the mountain, Zen Master Dezhao, in the 40th year of the Republic of China. There are two-story Tang-style buildings in the temple, dedicated to Guanyin Bodhisattva and Sakyamuni Buddha. There are Mahavira Hall, Zen Hall and Seven Treasures Pagoda. Shanguang Library, where you can cultivate your self-cultivation and increase your knowledge. The temple has a vast landscape, an excellent view, and green grass makes people feel relaxed and happy. The park is full of Buddha statues and stone carvings. The temple is committed to promoting Buddhist charity, education and culture, which has been deeply recognized. Literary and artistic exhibitions, charitable announcements have spread far and wide, and there are many believers. When you feel lost in your heart, you may wish to take a walk in the temple and take a trip to pay homage to the Buddha.
Tom Cheng on Google

A peaceful Buddhist temple, the garden is neatly arranged, the old trees in the garden are beautiful, and there are some sculptures worth admiring.
林美華 on Google

111、5、9.拜科技之賜,在導航的指引下,一路風塵僕僕騎著”歐兜邁”,涼風徐徐下來到了佛寺,在安詳寧靜的佛寺中,有著與世無爭之感,讓人心靈沉澱不少 寺廟只完成前面一些,大部分尚在興建中,假以時日,等全面峻工落成,再來參拜
111, 5, 9. Thanks to science and technology, under the guidance of navigation, I rode "Oudoumai" all the way, and the cool breeze slowly came to the Buddhist temple. A lot of people's soul Only the first part of the temple has been completed, and most of it is still under construction. It will take time to complete the construction before visiting the temple.
吃喝玩樂同學會的謝老闆 on Google

非常莊嚴的寺廟 目前正在做屋頂瓦更新及防水工程 需要各界十方大德全力協助 工程進行中 七月應可完工 在大殿看到佛像映照著光明 在這五濁惡世現出希望 在人們不安的心中出現希望 引領眾生他渡自渡直到彼岸 庭院可以遠眺鳥日新市鎮 但是開放時間只有到下午五點喔
very solemn temple Currently doing roof tile renewal and waterproofing works Need the full assistance of the ten parties from all walks of life The project is in progress and should be completed in July In the main hall, I saw the Buddha statue reflecting the light There is hope in this evil world There is hope in the restless hearts of people Leading all living beings to cross themselves to the other shore The courtyard overlooks the new town of Niori But it's only open until 5pm
BDX on Google

Mark on Google

Beautiful and serene. But couldn't find anyone to talk to. Very close to a beautiful hiking trail at the end of the road just past the temple.

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