好師傅居家清潔—冷氣機 清洗|洗衣機 清洗|洗洗衣機|洗冷氣機|地板防滑|地板止滑推薦

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好師傅居家清潔有限公司 |清洗冷氣、清洗洗衣機第一品牌 - Housefu168.com

好師傅提供洗衣機、冷氣..等到府清洗及居家安裝,專業清潔,洗後保固,保險理賠更有保障,客服專線:04-3600-5856,24h線上預約免等待,團購另有優惠,小額創業輔導 超低加盟金、高收益的創業技術輔導,提供清潔服務:洗衣機、冷氣機、家用水塔等。安裝類服務:過濾器、飲淨水器、電熱水器、監控設備等,中天綜合台.美的in台灣,好師傅之採訪特輯 IV,一位保險業出身,企業合作 好師傅與多家知名廠商合作,工程實績 好師傅居家清潔,現場純手工拆洗,乾淨看得到,實際案例分享

Contact 好師傅居家清潔—冷氣機 清洗|洗衣機 清洗|洗洗衣機|洗冷氣機|地板防滑|地板止滑推薦

地址 :

414, Taiwan, Taichung City, Wuri District, Jianguo Rd, 333號好師傅居家清潔—冷氣機 清洗|洗衣機 清洗|洗洗衣機|洗冷氣機|地板防滑|地板止滑推薦

電話 : 📞 +888
網站 : http://www.housefu168.com/
城市 : Jianguo Rd

414, Taiwan, Taichung City, Wuri District, Jianguo Rd, 333號好師傅居家清潔—冷氣機 清洗|洗衣機 清洗|洗洗衣機|洗冷氣機|地板防滑|地板止滑推薦
使用者名稱 on Google

打電話詢問冷氣相關問題 客服人員超級親切 很親切感 下次有需要會再來的!
Call for air-conditioning related questions The customer service staff is super friendly Will come again next time when needed!
阿毛阿毛 on Google

官網優惠說明不清楚~以為1800 洗完洗衣機後~ 才聽師父說 要寫文章分享才有? 還好有一個400優惠券~原價2300付1900~ 真的貴.........查價普遍都1500左右.. 洗完也沒叫我看~到底有沒有乾淨~只有他知道.... 看小哥大熱天在陽台呆了一個多小時 算了就1900吧~當作辛苦費 下次會找找有沒有更好的 沒有才會考慮找好師傅
The discount description on the official website is not clear~ I thought 1800 after washing the washing machine~ I heard that Master said that I have to write an article and share it ? Fortunately, there is a 400 coupon ~ the original price of 2300 pays 1900~ It's really expensive...The price check is generally around 1500.. After washing, I didn’t ask me to see~Is it clean~ Only he knows... Watching my little brother staying on the balcony for more than an hour on a hot day Forget it, it's 1900~ as hard work Next time I will look for something better I would consider finding a good master if I didn’t.
CHAR J on Google

好師傅沖洗冷氣機乾淨細心服務優良! 洗完冷氣還會沖洗浴室跟地板!超棒!
Good master flushing the air conditioner clean and attentive service excellent! After washing, the air conditioner will also flush the bathroom and floor! Awesome!
李慶忠 on Google

The anti-slip effect is great! Apply it immediately, it will work immediately, and it will be as beautiful as it is! Super recommended "nami stealth anti-slip floor" by a good master!
呂旻珊 on Google

冷氣買了7、8年,從未清洗過,僅一年一次自己清洗濾網。 因應夏天來臨,家人希望將冷氣洗一洗 交由專業的徐師傅拆下來後,發現原來這麼髒! 師傅非常仔細將環境防護好,避免潑到水 洗前、洗後差異非常大? 讚!!!?
The air conditioner has been bought for 7 or 8 years, and it has never been cleaned. I only clean the filter once a year. In response to the arrival of summer, the family hopes to wash the air conditioner After being dismantled by a professional Master Xu, I found that it was so dirty! The master is very careful to protect the environment and avoid splashing water The difference between before and after washing is very big? great! ! ! ?
張保發 on Google

Because of the first cleaning, many are not clear and keep asking questions. Thank you cleaning staff and the customer service lady for your careful explanation, this service is really satisfied, and I recommend it~
劉宜柔 on Google

鄭川伸 on Google

五年來第一次清洗冷氣,沒想到那麼髒,王師傅很仔細的清洗室內外冷氣機,也順便幫我處理了冷氣漏水問題! 冷氣洗完後跟新的一樣! 推薦:王師傅
I cleaned the air conditioner for the first time in five years. I didn't expect it to be so dirty. Master Wang carefully cleaned the indoor and outdoor air conditioners, and also helped me deal with the problem of air conditioner water leakage! After air-conditioning, it looks like new! Recommended: Master Wang

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