
4.3/5 基於 8 評論

【台中豐原】素芬芳|超好食素食蚵仔煎|蔬菜份量多醬汁夠味|養生素食滷味│豐原博愛街素食 @ J。S貪吃猴的幻想 :: 痞客邦 :: - Moonxaioyue.pixnet.net

在上回吃完博愛街的『素膳房』的招牌臭臭鍋,有發現這間也在附近的素食店 看到那個ㄜ仔煎還真的滿吸引我的,不知道素食做出來的會是什麼樣子 『素芬芳』位於在博愛街舊鐵路旁,小小的招牌但也不難發現

Contact 素芬芳

地址 :

420, Taiwan, Taichung City, Fengyuan District, Bo'ai St, 170號 素芬芳

電話 : 📞 +88799
網站 : https://moonxaioyue.pixnet.net/blog/post/263969204
城市 : Bo'ai St

420, Taiwan, Taichung City, Fengyuan District, Bo'ai St, 170號 素芬芳
Serena Wang on Google

在豐原博愛路上的小吃攤,素圓皮很Q軟不膩,ㄜ仔煎有海苔風味很特別,醬汁有花生粉好吃,份量充足,假日人多需耐心等候。 第二次前往,可能是過了中午人潮密集時段,店內客人比較少,老闆服務很親切,素食ㄜ仔煎料多、美味,可惜忘了拍照,下回有機會再前往。
In the food stalls on Fengai Road in Fengyuan, the plain round skin is very soft and not greasy. The seaweed flavor of the clams is very special. The peanut powder is delicious in the sauce, and the serving size is sufficient. The holiday people need to wait patiently. The second time I went, it may be after the noon crowds, the number of guests in the store is relatively small, the boss service is very friendly, the vegetarian clams are rich and delicious, but I forgot to take pictures, and I will have the opportunity to go again next time.
jiunny yeh on Google

The vegetarian meatballs are delicious, the fried oysters are good, the braised noodle soup is good, but the side dishes are not good and not cheap, the vegetarian chicken is hard, the crystal dumpling skin is very Q but the filling is small, which is a pity...
JL on Google

Vegetarian ㄜA fried is very delicious, pasta and side dishes are also delicious ?, people who are not vegetarian like it!
Slayer Des on Google

It's quite delicious, I hope the menu can be updated, otherwise each item will increase by 5 yuan and I didn't go to the scene to see it, I really don't know.
小涉 on Google

One of the best restaurants in the vegetarian world, especially the vegetarian sesame noodles and vegetarian oyster omelette, and the soups are also very good.
蔣漪芬 on Google

最近吃素食的人似乎也愈來愈多,此店的素食餐點本人覺得還可以,這是主觀印象不代表其它人喔! 用餐餐點時間,人潮永遠都是那麼多?? 建議:盡量提早或延後避開人潮,在現場會等到30分鐘喔!
Recently, more and more people seem to be eating vegetarian food. I think the vegetarian meals in this restaurant are okay. This is a subjective impression and does not represent other people! Are there always so many people during mealtimes? ? Suggestion: Try to avoid crowds as early or late as possible, you will wait until 30 minutes at the scene!
Debby Lin on Google

雖然離家裡騎車要20分鐘,但每個週末還是要來外帶 肉圓跟蚵仔煎很好吃,湯類的味道也很入味 是會一直想再回訪的素食店!
Even though it’s a 20-minute bike ride from home, I still have to take out every weekend The meatballs and oysters are delicious, and the soups are also delicious This is a vegetarian restaurant that I will always want to visit again!
YUEHTUNG CHEN (汪小喵) on Google

During the epidemic, only take-out was left. The vegetarian oyster omelette was divided into vegan and ovo-lactae vegetarian. The braised noodles tasted slightly spicy and salty. The meal is delicious!

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