樂天宮 - Lane 99

4.4/5 基於 8 評論

Contact 樂天宮

地址 :

420, Taiwan, Taichung City, Fengyuan District, Lane 99, Letian St, 15號樂天宮

電話 : 📞 +8897
網站 : http://www.letan.org.tw/about.aspx
城市 : Letian St

420, Taiwan, Taichung City, Fengyuan District, Lane 99, Letian St, 15號樂天宮
劉鳳英 on Google

The exterior looks like a medium-sized temple. The third floor of the interior enshrines the Taoist ancestors of the Three Qings, the main god Guan Shengdi, the apse Guanshiyin Bodhisattva downstairs, the two sides are the Wenchang Emperor, and the Zhunti Bodhisattva, the temple is solemn, the temple is wide, and the emperor It is very efficacious. As long as you come to the temple and ask for help sincerely, the emperor will secretly bless and guide you. This is how I became attached to the emperor. If you have any doubts in your heart, you can visit and worship. I believe you will have your own answer.
優影設計 on Google

豐原頂街 樂天宮 主祀關聖帝君,有著很大的廟埕 還有一棵氣根很粗很長的榕樹 建於1952年,並持續擴建到1995年 終於有今日規模 宮廟沿革在1990年由尤秋忠敬書於虎邊牆 因為姓尤的實在很少 所以都會多看一眼 龍邊牆為關公生平 大殿的藻井是八卦太極圖 上方有一樂道體天的匾額 我個人覺得關公是以武入道 所以樂道體天的道應為武道 不過關公神尊沒有拿關刀 反而拿的是笏板 又令我覺得道非武道 應已達以心合道 樂天宮是一間村廟 廟中祀奉神尊含蓋儒道佛 牆壁都是三國的故事 滿滿的關公忠義 這天剛好看到一個很完整的淨車儀式 是一台很帥的重型機車 以前老輩都說 一個庄頭是否富足,看村廟就知 豐原頂街果然都是有錢人阿 #樂天市場應該跟樂天宮合作個專案
Fengyuanding Street Lotte Palace Lord Guan Shengdijun, with a large temple There is also a banyan tree with very thick and long aerial roots Built in 1952 and continued to expand until 1995 Finally has today's scale The history of the palace and temple was written by You Qiuzhong on the wall of the tiger in 1990 Because the last name You is really rare So I always take a look Long Bian Wall is the life of Guan Gong The Zaojing in the main hall is a picture of Bagua Taiji There is a plaque of Le Dao Tian Tian above I personally think that Guan Gong is a martial artist So Le Dao Titian’s Dao should be Martial Dao But the god Guan Gong didn’t take the sword Instead, I took the wat board It makes me think Dao is not martial art Should have reached a heart-to-heart Lotte Palace is a village temple The temple enshrines gods and covers Confucianism, Taoism and Buddhism The walls are the story of the Three Kingdoms Full of Guan Gong loyalty This day happened to see a very complete car cleaning ceremony It's a handsome heavy locomotive Older people said Whether a village is rich or not depends on the village temple Fengyuanding Street is really rich #LOTTE MARKET should cooperate with Lotte Palace on a project
張立帆 on Google

豐原在地的關帝聖君廟歷史悠久…… 以前廟的左側是一間幼兒園 從幼兒園遷移之後就變成了廟的停車場 空間變大的許多還有新蓋的洗手間 讓來這燒香拜拜的香客可以把車直接開進廟裡面的停車場 方便了許多……
The Guandi Shengjun Temple in Fengyuan has a long history... There used to be a kindergarten on the left side of the temple After moving from the kindergarten, it became the parking lot of the temple Many of the larger spaces also have new toilets Let the pilgrims who come here to burn incense and worship can drive directly into the parking lot inside the temple Much more convenient...
卉茨 on Google

Thank you to all the temple staff for their hard work in preventing the epidemic, and sending Tiger Lord lanterns to my precious goddaughter. When they see the children, someone will send them quickly, thank you
林銘瑋 on Google

It has been 70 years since the establishment of Lotte Palace in Fengyuan District. The incense is flourishing. It is worshipped by Guan Shengdi, An Tai Sui, fighting lanterns and praying for peace. You can come here to worship!
妙音(Toyota) on Google

該宮座落在台中市豐原區陽明里,位於台中市之正北方,氣候溫和人文匯集,是中部山線出入地區,鐵路公路四通八達,物產富饒工商業發達,經濟繁榮進步民生富足。 於台中市是最知名的道教宮觀關聖帝君廟,座北朝南宮埕佔地一仟六百餘坪廟貌巍峨,廣場遼闊奇花異草、樹木蒼翠、環境優雅、聖恩廣佈,終年香火鼎盛。 民國四十一年歲次壬辰年,西元一九五二年,正月由鄧牛楊健置,張接乾諸先生發起建廟之議,並由劉塗水先生慨然捐獻自地,四百六十七坪,黃演雄先捐六十二坪,暨眾信士捐資,遂建造土角造房屋,一棟三間初創為廟奉祀關聖帝君為主神,旨命樂天宮總理鄧牛、副理楊健置、扶乩張接乾、開筆葉錦文設置鑾堂,開壇濟世、神靈顯赫、德庇萬方、靈聲遠佈信徒日益,同仁等倡議增建至民國四十四年建造三川拜殿,各地善信男女來宮膜拜激增,祈求庇佈、利人益世。 迨民國五十二年初為未來綿遠俎豆馨香計,三月拆除舊廟採現代鋼筋水泥式重建二棟宮殿,莊嚴肅穆、規模宏偉,內殿雕樑畫棟、富麗堂皇、極其雅貌。 正大門聯有曰樂道啟神機勤孝敦忠昌大義,天心存漢祚拯民護國策中興,完成之日正殿供奉,關聖帝君為主神配祀孚佑帝君,司命真君三聖恩主暨三教聖佛諸尊,後殿供奉觀世音菩薩、註生娘娘等,復於民國五十四年十月穀旦,恭請諸尊金像進殿,安座大典迄民國五十七年冬,工程完竣謹為,恭祀儒道釋三教聖祖諸尊於民國七十一年,歲次壬戊元月,委員會決議。 募資整修後殿闢建雙層宮殿,是年仲春二月破土肇工,整地興建曆時三年更使廟貌益增巍峨,內殿神龕雕飾精緻,金碧輝煌殿前豎立蟠龍石柱,楹聯刻有名人書法佳詩妙句不勝枚舉,民國七十三年四月穀旦恭請寶像進殿。 一樓 : 觀音佛殿中殿奉祀觀世音菩薩為主神,配祀善才玉女左龕奉祀地藏王菩薩,右龕奉祀註生娘娘中庭設置龍池假山,青龍噴水景觀。 二樓 : 三寶殿恭奉新塑金像三教聖祖,至聖先師孔子,太上道祖李老君釋迦牟尼佛,左龕奉祀南斗星君紫微大帝右龕北斗星君,彌勒尊佛諸尊佛諸尊安座大典,儀禮隆重同年季冬復建工程告竣。 民國七十七年冬,整修本殿及三川拜殿鐘鼓樓,再予修飾精工細畫煥然一新於是廟宇更加壯觀,極盡美侖美奐之能事,堪稱豐原唯一之聖宮,廟宇之冠也新塑鎭殿南天文衡聖帝(關聖帝君)寶像莊嚴聖殿宏偉壯麗,莫不肅然起敬。 民國八十四年兩廂增設文昌殿保生殿奉祀文昌帝君、南斗星君、北斗星君、保生大帝、斗母元君、太歲星君。於民國八十二年歲次癸酉年臘月,啓建慶成謝土祈安三献醮,全國友宮組團踴躍蒞臨參加慶祝大典盛況空前。 該宮主任委員第一任鄧牛,第二任劉塗水,第三任黃德順,副主任委員:第一任楊建置、第二任劉塗水、第三任張國丑、第四任黃德順、第五任楊明煥,本宮組織健全管理完善,歷任委員、監事暨鑾生誠勤服務,香火綿延鼎盛宮譽日隆弘揚帝君精神,響應政府倡導復興文化,增進社會福利修建道路、急難救濟、舉辦公益慈善事業,不遺餘力屢獲內政部縣政府,頒奨表揚。
The palace is located in Yangmingli, Fengyuan District, Taichung City. It is located in the north of Taichung City. It has a mild climate and a confluence of culture and culture. In Taichung City, it is the most famous Taoist temple Guan Shengdijun Temple. The Nangong Temple of the Northern Dynasties covers an area of ​​more than 1,000 square meters. The temple is majestic, the square is vast with strange flowers and plants, the trees are green, the environment is elegant, and the holy grace is widely spread throughout the year. Incense is at its peak. In the forty-first year of the Republic of China, in the year of Renchen, in 1952, the first month was set by Deng Niu and Yang Jian, and Mr. Zhang Jie Qianzhu initiated the proposal to build a temple, and was generously donated by Mr. Liu Tushui to the land, 460 At Qiping, Huang Yanxiong first donated 62 pings, which was also donated by the believers, and built a house made of earth corners. A three-storey building was built as a temple to worship Guan Shengdijun as the main god. He ordered the Prime Minister of the Lotte Palace Deng Niu and the deputy manager Yang Jianzhi. , Yi Zhang Jigan, and Ye Jinwen set up the Luang Hall, opened the altar to help the world, the gods are prominent, the Debe Wanfang, and the spiritual voice is spreading to the believers. There is a surge in worship at the palace, praying for the benefit of the people and the world. At the beginning of 1949, the old temple was demolished in March to rebuild the two palaces in a modern reinforced concrete style for the future. The palace was solemn and magnificent, with carved beams and painted buildings, magnificent, and extremely elegant. The main gate is associated with the saying, “Le Dao, enlightenment, diligence, filial piety, loyalty, loyalty, loyalty, loyalty, loyalty, and protection of the people, ZTE, and ZTE. On the day of completion, the main hall is enshrined. The Lord of Grace and the Three Religious Buddhas, the apse is dedicated to Guanshiyin Bodhisattva, Zhusheng Niangniang, etc., restored in October of the Republic of China in 54 years, the golden statues are invited into the hall, and the seat ceremony has been since the year of the Republic of China. In winter, when the project is completed, I would like to honor the ancestors of Confucianism, Taoism and Buddhism. Fundraising was raised to renovate the apse to build a double-layered palace. The ground was broken in February of the second spring of the year. The site preparation took three years to make the temple more majestic. The shrines in the inner temple are exquisitely carved, the dragon stone pillars are erected in front of the magnificent temple, and the couplets are engraved with celebrity calligraphy. There are too many beautiful poems and wonderful lines. In April of the Republic of China, Gu Dan invited the treasure image into the hall. First floor: The nave of the Guanyin Buddhist Hall is dedicated to the main deity of Guanyin Bodhisattva, and the left niche is dedicated to the goddess of the earth. The right niche is dedicated to the goddess. Second floor: Sanbao Hall is dedicated to the new golden statue of the Sanjiao saint ancestor, the most saintly ancestor Confucius, the supreme Taoist ancestor Li Laojun Sakyamuni Buddha, the left niche enshrines the Nandouxingjun Ziwei the right niche, the Big Dipper, and the Maitreya Buddha The grand ceremony of the Buddha's seat, the ceremony was solemnly completed in the same year and the winter restoration project. In the winter of 1987, the main hall and Sanchuan worship hall bell and drum tower were renovated, and the fine paintings were refurbished. The temple became more magnificent. It was the only sacred palace in Fengyuan and the crown of the temple. The majestic and magnificent statue of Emperor Heng of the Nantiantian Temple (Guan Shengdijun) in the new plastic 鎭殿 is awe-inspiring. In 1984, the two sides added the Wenchang Hall Baosheng Hall to worship Emperor Wenchang, Nandou Star, Big Dipper, Baosheng Great, Doumu Yuanjun, and Tai Sui Xingjun. In the twelfth lunar month of the Guiyou Year in the Republic of China in the second half of the Republic of China, Qijian Qingcheng celebrated the three offerings of thanksgiving and praying for peace, and the group of friends from all over the country attended the celebration ceremony with unprecedented grand occasions. The first chairman of the palace is Deng Niu, the second is Liu Tushui, the third is Huang Deshun, and the deputy directors: the first Yang Jianzhi, the second Liu Tushui, the third Zhang Guochou, the fourth Huang Deshun, the fifth Yang Minghuan The palace has a sound organization and sound management. It has served as members, supervisors and Luansheng sincere service. The incense continues to prosper and promotes the spirit of the emperor, responds to the government’s advocacy of revival culture, promotes social welfare, builds roads, emergency relief, and organizes charity, and spares no effort. He has been repeatedly praised by the county government of the Ministry of the Interior.
JaSOn HunG on Google

慈祥的關聖帝君、如同自己的父親一樣, 關照與保護我們、給予勇氣去面對世俗的一切。 在此祝福豐原樂天宮70週年慶圓滿順利。
The benevolent Emperor Guan, just like his own father, Take care and protect us, and give us the courage to face everything in the world. I hereby wish the 70th anniversary of Fengyuan Lotte Palace a complete success.
Cheng on Google


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