渴以茶愛豐原 - Fengyuan District

4.7/5 基於 8 評論

渴以茶愛豐原 - Ice Cream And Drink Shop - Restaurant-1114251.business.site


  • 東方茶王【招牌扛霸子】

    濃郁金萱與青茶的甘甜清香,在舌尖相遇的一霎那注定了你會愛上❤ 入喉回甘 久久不淡 茶王一稱名不虛傳
  • 茉芯茶后(綠茶)

    茶王的背後一定有位溫柔的茶后 茶后出現勢必伴隨著茉莉花香 ,屬於半發酵茶葉烘焙,咖啡因含量極少,兒茶素豐富~ 不搶味兒的口感適合搭配任何一種加味飲品,就像新鮮空氣般看不到 卻是頂重要的存在?


  • 堅果完熟奶蓋茶

    獨家研發由五種堅果慢火烘焙打製而成的奶蓋系飲品,最適合乳糖不耐的我們了 想要品嚐奶蓋又怕動物奶的腥味,堅果奶蓋您一定不要錯過! 獨創奶蓋杯,品嚐奶蓋更貼心❤


  • 茉芯/完熟/金萱/四季/冬瓜 統統可以【打爆檸】?

    整顆檸檬新鮮現點現打 我懂你的憤怒 看了打爆檸都療癒您的身心靈了❤ 酸V酸V的口感像極了愛情~招牌之一 值得您品嚐?

堅果艿茶/鮮奶 系

  • 金萱堅果艿茶

    為什麼是【艿】呢? 以為是老闆賣弄文筆嗎? no~no~ 堅果艿貼心的為了純素者及不愛動物奶腥味者保留了一片淨土❤ 五種堅果打製而成的堅果艿,完全不加一滴動物奶及糖 只用海鹽提味便能帶出自身的甜味 真的是無敵好喝滴~?


  • 粉Q珍鮮奶/奶茶

    放料絕不手軟的老闆下重本在這杯飲料裡,因為明白您沒時間吃飯趕場的辛苦 一杯喝下去既能喝到奶香解渴,還能品嚐到粉粿、珍珠、蒟蒻Q 三姐妹的咀嚼口感 頂一餐沒問題兒??

季節限定/有錢也不一定買的到 系

  • 芋頭鮮奶綠

    嚴選大甲芋頭去頭去尾,只留飽滿香郁的中段熬煮成泥 加入頂級乳香世家鮮奶及茶后的溫潤清香 完全不違和,出乎意料的順口好喝?
  • 粉粿甘蔗四季春

    每日新鮮現煮的黑糖粉粿,搭上甘蔗原汁及帶有春天氣息的四季春青茶,古溜古溜的滑順口感一點都不浮誇, 不用加糖就很好喝呦~


  • 茉芯葡萄柚

    每日都要跟葡萄柚培養感情的闆兒,取出新鮮果肉後顆粒飽滿多汁 ,跟冷凍的品質真的差很多呢~ 葡萄柚的甜酸搭上茶后的清香 互不取寵 完美融合 歡迎來一杯❤

Contact 渴以茶愛豐原

地址 :

420, Taiwan, Taichung City, Fengyuan District, Nanyang Rd, 379號渴以茶愛豐原

電話 : 📞 +8888
網站 : https://restaurant-1114251.business.site/
城市 : Nanyang Rd

420, Taiwan, Taichung City, Fengyuan District, Nanyang Rd, 379號渴以茶愛豐原
蜜蘋果 on Google

雖然爆單,現場都很忙亂 但也是因為好喝才有那麼多的訂單! 完熟鮮奶茶+手工奶酪,超讚的,單吃奶酪有濃郁的奶味,是我的愛? 東方茶王很適合解油膩,烤肉可以帶~~
Although the order broke out, the scene was very busy But it is also because of the good taste that there are so many orders! Finished fresh milk tea + handmade cheese, awesome, cheese alone has a strong milk flavor, it is my love ? Oriental Tea King is very suitable to relieve greasy, barbecue can be brought~~
邱建嘉 on Google

紅豆粉粿奶茶口感豐富 喜歡甜品 喝飲料的人很適合,但是單價都偏高,跟旁邊便當店價格差不多了,有點讓人卻步,希望多推特價優惠吸引人潮
The red bean powder kueh milk tea has a rich taste and is suitable for people who like desserts and drinks, but the unit price is high, which is about the same as the price of the nearby bento shop, which is a bit daunting. I hope that more special offers will attract people.
董年 on Google

The drinks are full and delicious, and the fruit series are not bad
林子熙 on Google

The drinks are varied and delicious, and the store manager and the service staff are friendly ???
飛毛腿 on Google

The mango series released in summer is good to drink, and the service is also full
Memi L on Google

Cocoa coconut is delicious! Chocolate and coconut milk are very rich~ I recommend this if you drink caffeine or have lactose intolerance~~~~~ I think it tastes much better than 50X Cocoa Barre!!!
曾妹妹 on Google

今天來點「堅果金萱奶蓋一分糖去冰」~茶味好香、奶蓋鹹度剛好、堅果香味撲鼻,喝完後口腔鼻腔充滿了茶香,尾韻不澀;「珍珠」~是白珍珠屬於大顆的那種,Q度的口感適中,真的會一口接一口~咬咬珍珠真的能療癒上班的疲勞~ 渴以茶真的很渴以,超推推~
Today, let's order "Nut Jinxuan Milk Covered with Sugar and Ice"~The tea tastes very fragrant, the milk cover is salty, and the nutty aroma is tangy. After drinking, the mouth and nose are full of tea aroma, and the finish is not astringent; "Pearl"~Yes White pearls are of the big type. The taste of Q degree is moderate, and they will really take one bite after another. Biting on pearls can really heal the fatigue of work~ Thirsty for tea is really thirsty, super push push~
Wen Liao on Google

朋友推薦我來的,果然沒有失望! 飲料很多樣化,無糖茶不會澀、奶茶很優秀? 會再來買的那種飲料店? 對了!星期一有特價
I was recommended by a friend and I was not disappointed! Drinks are very diverse, sugar-free tea is not astringent, milk tea is excellent ? The kind of drink shop that will buy again ? correct! Monday specials

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