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About 鑨辰機械

"Trade Leads Mail" is sent by our system, which match buyers' demand to sellers' product. In order to protect buyers' privacy, you cannot have buyers' information directly, and have to reply to buyers through Commerce Online. In the middle of the trade leader mail, you will see a button " Login & Send to Buyers". Then you can send your product information to buyers directly, and the buyers will decide to contract you or not.
"Inquiry Mail" is sent by buyers who found your company information and product on Commerce Online, and would like to contact you directly. Therefore, You can have buyers' mail address and reply them directly.
If you cannot see the reply button in TradeLeads, or email address in Inquiry, it means that you have used up our service.

Contact 鑨辰機械

地址 :

420, Taiwan, Taichung City, Fengyuan District, Section 7, Fengyuan Blvd, 163號鑨辰機械

網站 : http://tw.commerce.com.tw/modules.php%3Fmodules%3Dproducts%26action%3Ddetail%26ID%3DA0005693%26no%3D31796%26category%3D0%23
城市 : Fengyuan Blvd

420, Taiwan, Taichung City, Fengyuan District, Section 7, Fengyuan Blvd, 163號鑨辰機械

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